
My first car.

Some cool change background image images:

My first car.
change background image
Image by bobchin1941
My first car. Scanned from a 35mm transparency.
Taken in the summer of 1964 on the I.O.W.
The car is a 1962 Ford Consul 375 soft top, which I bought second hand at a cost of £595. A second-hand purchase, although it was less than 6 months old when I bought it and had only 1200 miles on the clock. It had bench seats and only had 3 forward gears and a reverse with a steering column gear lever change. (Not me at the wheel)
Background digitally manipulated in Ulead PhotoImpact using the paintbrush, clone and blur tools.

Squibb Building with Sherry Netherland in the background, 74...
change background image
Image by New York Public Library
Digital ID: 482749. Squibb Building with Sherry Netherland in the background, 745 Fifth Avenue, Manhattan.. Abbott, Berenice -- Photographer. November 21, 1935

Notes: Code: I.A.3. Looking through railing of window or balcony above Fifth Ave. at street and buildings.

Source: Changing New York / Berenice Abbott. (more info)

Repository: The New York Public Library. Photography Collection, Miriam and Ira D. Wallach Division of Art, Prints and Photographs.

See more information about this image and others at NYPL Digital Gallery.
Persistent URL: digitalgallery.nypl.org/nypldigital/id?482749

Rights Info: No known copyright restrictions; may be subject to third party rights (for more information, click here)

Cool Stock Photo images

Check out these stock photo images:

Yellow Brick Texture
stock photo
Image by chefranden

Kolkata street life

A few nice upload photo images I found:

Kolkata street life
upload photo
Image by Ahron de Leeuw
I especially uploaded this photo for the 50 MILLION MISSING (Indian Women):An International Campaign pool.
Before I felt this photo was somehow too intimate to upload.

Please consider signing the 50 million missing petition: a call for Government Action to Stop Female Genocide In India and joining the 50 MILLION MISSING group, demonstrating increasing international awareness about excessive crimes commited against Indian women.

Alien Worlds - 1
upload photo
Image by v1ctory_1s_m1ne
It's about time I uploaded some more shots from our America roadtrip I reckon (the last one was in October!), so here's a few more. I'm going to try and do a couple a week from here on out, just don't judge me if I don't manage it, okay? ;)

Saturday 13th of September, 2003 - This is a view of the top of Mammoth Hot Springs (a view of what underpins all these terraces can be seen on my stream here, along with the science behind it (you lucky people ;)

It's an amazing place, and as you walk around the boardwalks strung out and around the area, you're struck but just how bizarre a place it is. The overpowering* smell of sulphur's ever present, and the steam rising off the water cools fairly quickly due to the altitude, giving the air a clammy quality.

Where the springs have grown outwards or new ones have developed, any vegetation's died off pretty quickly due to the temprature and toxic nature of the water, leading to the occassional dead tree standing in the middle of a shelf of travertine, stripped of it's bark and any foliage it may of once had.

Yep, it's a weird old place alright, but one I'd go back and see again in a heartbeat given the chance :)

*Overpowering's the right word. As we got to the top of the steps to look out on this incredible natural wonder for the first time, we were greeted by the sight of some poor middle-aged woman chundering hard over the edge of the walkway as the smell had got just a bit too much for her. Nice (>_<)

Where have I been???
upload photo
Image by reinedelaseine14
I know I have had no uploads lately and barely any communication here or on DoA. I'm really sorry :(

My friend took this pic of Gumby, Macchiato and I at the Ehlers-Danlos National Foundation's annual conference which was in Baltimore in July.

I don't talk about it much in the context of my doll hobby but my EDS has really been wearing me thin. My spine and the part of the spine that joins the skull to the neck is really unstable now and I need to have my neck and skull fused but there isn't anyone in my state who knows how to do it on someone with Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome. My collagen is so weak that the connective tissues are failing and everything's sinking downard, causing brainstem and spinal cord compression and stretching.

The result? Headaches, veritgo, nausea, heart and blood pressure problems, PAIN...ALL THE TIME. Couple that with my joint dislocations (I can dislocate the same joint over a dozen times each day), nervous system problems and my rheumatoid arthritis which is still spreading...

My dolls keep me sane. Seriously. I actually did go a few days without touching Macchiato which is unheard of. I'm starting new medications for the arthritis that target my immune system so that it doesn't attack my joints. I have still been working at the school library and they're going to let me do a paid position a couple of hours a week in addition to my one class so I don't die of boredom. ;)

Thanks so much for all your comments and favorites on my photos. It makes me smile to see that people love to see my dolls (especially Macchiato!) and you all have NO CLUE how much that means to me.

If you want to learn more about EDS, don't hesitate to ask or you can visit www.ednf.org or www.ehlersdanlosnetwork.org ♥

Cool Photo Collage images

Some cool photo collage images:

collage your favorites - set 58
photo collage
Image by dietmut
your favorites - set 58
thank you very much all my friends

1. fijn weekend iedereen / nice weekend everybody, 2. zij komen ook al voorzichtig uit / they are coming out carfully / explore, 3. sneeuwklokjes, 4. ze zijn er gelukkig ook weer, 5. granaatappel / pomegranate, 6. twee keer het zelfde, maar toch anders / two times the same, yet different, 7. fantasie figuur en manipulatie / fantasy figure and manipulation, 8. “Speicherstadt” vanaf de straatkant / from the street side, 9. een regenachtig en koude dag in Hamburg / a rainy and cold day in Hamburg, 10. filigraan / filigree, 11. winterakoniet - op Rijnmond TV - weer 23/02 - Explore, 12. Hamburg - "Brooksbrücke" - 2, 13. primula - explore, 14. een klein beetje voorjaar / a little bit spring, 15. schilderij op papier / painting on paper - Mongolia, 16. schilderij op papier / painting on paper - Mongolia, 17. een ruit vier dagen geleden / a pane four days ago (1), 18. een ruit vier dagen geleden / a pane four days ago (2), 19. ….. nu komt de dooi / now comes the thaw, 20. winter Hoogvliet, 21. collage callicarpa knoppen en bloemen / buds en flowers, 22. collage callicarpa bessen / berries, 23. spelden sneeuw / pins snow, 24. geijsde braam / iced blackberry, 25. dijk langs de Oude Maas / Hoogvliet / Explore, 26. vandaag in Hoogvliet (2), 27. vandaag in Hoogvliet (1), 28. gisteren / yesterday (4), 29. gisteren / yesterday (2), 30. markt Rotterdam - knopen / buttons, 31. spreuken, 32. onbekend, Margot Zanstra, Heer Bokelweg, 33. Stena Line voor Hoek van Holland, 34. lupine, 35. Rotterdam, 36. Tibetan woodprint

Created with fd's Flickr Toys

mailart collage by krispy
photo collage
Image by giveawayboy
mailart collage by: krispy

Nice Photo Printer photos

Check out these photo printer images:

hackNY spring 2013 student hackathon
photo printer
Image by hackNY
Photo by Matylda Czarnecka

The spring 2013 hackNY student hackathon brought in hundreds of students to Columbia University's Fu Foundation School of Engineering and Applied Science April 6-7 for 24 hours of creative collaborative hacking on New York City startups' APIs.

NYC Startups, selected by a student organizing committee, presented their technologies at the beginning of the event, after which students formed groups to work through the night implementing their own ideas for fresh hacks built on top of these APIs.

On Sunday afternoon students presented their projects to an audience including a judging panel featuring members of the NYC startup community, which selected the final winning teams.

Since April 2010, hackNY hosts student hackathons one each semester, as well as the hackNY Fellows program, a structured internship which pairs quantitative and computational students with startups which can demonstrate a strong mentoring environment: a problem for a student to work on, a person to mentor them, and a place for them to work. Startups selected to host a student compensate student Fellows. Students enjoy free housing together and a pedagogical lecture series to introduce them to the ins and outs of joining and founding a startup in NYC.

To find out what you missed at the spring 2013 hackNY student hackathon please do see our HackerLeague event page and blog post announcing the winners.

Special thanks to our spring 2013 hackNY student hackathon judges! And congratulations to the winners of the spring 2013 hackNY student hackathon!

For more information on hackNY's initiatives, please visit www.hackny.org and follow us on twitter @hackNY

Cool Photo Sizes images

A few nice photo sizes images I found:

Exposición "Valladolid 2.0, fotógrafos de internet"
photo sizes
Image by Chema Concellon
Ver grande sobre fondo negro I View large on black

Mas fotos en éste monográfico:

Quedáis todos invitados a visitar la exposición fotográfica Valladolid 2.0, Fotógrafos de Internet que tendrá lugar entre el 16 de enero y el 15 de febrero de 2008 en la sala de exposiciones del Pabellón de Cristal del Campo Grande (Acera de Recoletos, s/n. Tlfn. 983 219 310 Fax. 983 217 860).

Esta exposición se ideó y gestó dentro del grupo de Flickr Valladolid (España | Spain) del que los 14 fotógrafos aficionados participantes somos miembros.

Esperamos y agradeceremos vuestra visita.

Exposición Virtual - Valladolid 2.0
Presentación realizada por *Glauka.

Información en la edición digital de "El Día de Valladolid"

¿Quiénes somos?

haciendo click
Haciendo clack
Alvaro Herreras
Leandro MA
Chema Concellon
Vodoo (aka Næ¢ħø)


El Excmo Ayuntamiento de Valladolid nos brinda, una vez más, la posibilidad de enfrentarnos al arte de nuestros días, en este caso a través de la fotografía como protagonista. Una actividad que cada vez tiene más seguidores, tanto en los creadores como en los espectadores.

Esta Exposición reúne diferentes visiones de varios fotógrafos afincados en Valladolid, que pisan el mismo suelo, que admiran las mismas calles, los mismos edificios, viven inmersos en el mismo paisaje urbano. Cada uno nos aporta su propia visión, recreándonos el paisaje urbano desde una perspectiva personal, compartiendo con nosotros su manera de relacionarse con lo cotidiano. Expresan a través del objetivo lo que a cada uno le cautiva, destacan lo que la ciudad les brinda, lo que les gustaría que les brindase y critican lo que, a su juicio, está de sobra.

Si la cultura consiste, entre otras cosas, en la capacidad que tiene el individuo para descodificar, para descifrar el mundo que le rodea, en este caso se nos presentan diferentes canales cada una de ellos con sus matices peculiares, con su perspectiva creativa que proponen al espectador interpretar la aparente objetividad de la realidad.

Todos ellos, siendo vallisoletanos nacidos o de adopción, se han conocido a través de Internet, en la ciudad global de calles intrincadas y aparentemente inextricables, pero en la que, para los iniciados es fácil encontrar lo que se busca. Se han encontrado en este foro de discusión, les ha unido la afición artística, se han conocido y tratado, y el trato ha propiciado un respeto y admiración mutuos, por eso han decidido agruparse en esta exposición que canaliza las aspiraciones de unos artistas que ahora se constituyen en colectivo.

Entre todos nos proponen nuevas perspectivas de la ciudad. Como contenedor de fantasmas, nos la enseña Rogelio García Alonso, en cuya fotografía los edificios son meros contenedores de las personas que aparecen en planos subalternos. La ciudad vacía por el fuerte aguacero primaveral, repleta de sillas en túnel tras de las que se adivina la vida, el diálogo, las tertulias, en las fotos de Luís Raimundo García Fernández. De ciencia en perspectiva que nos empuja hacia delante, pero cimentada sobre sólidas bases de luz; quietud del pasado, luminosidad del presente señalan caminos seguros lanzados con seguridad a un futuro en el objetivo de Laura García Morate .

Espacio público, parques y río, son el contexto elegido por Jesús Garrote Martín para reflexionar sobre el tiempo. El de los mayores en su venerable quietud se contrapone a la primavera de la juventud que renace en nuevos romances. Puente y río, reflejo de ciudad, reflejo de vida. Duro metal lagrimeante aparentemente ajeno al paso del tiempo en una ciudad que se refleja, idealizada, en los charcos tranquilos después de la tormenta, o que vuela en fugas imaginarias hacia estructuras de luz y color, en la cámara de Jesús González López . Inmanencia y trascendencia de una ciudad que se repiensa continuamente. Pilar Velasco Martín fascinada, según confiesa, por la riqueza de miradas que se pueden posar sobre cada punto, elige “la casa de la sabiduría”, evidenciando que las raíces áureas de la institución envuelven al hombre “individuo” anonadado por el peso de la ciencia humana que empequeñece a la persona. Álvaro Herreras Reguera, nos muestra luminosas perspectivas llenas de esperanza, de realizaciones que aparecen en el horizonte y que guían al visitante empujándole a soñar más allá del “in-finito”.

Leandro Martínez Arribas y Alicia González Rodríguez llaman la atención, en negro, sobre el túnel que con los puntos de luz nos empuja hacia la salida, luz que en el caso del monumento a José Zorrilla refuerza el gesto de la escultura que los autores sorprenden en incómodo diálogo con el maestro. Reflejos monócromos en los charcos de la acera que sirve de cimientos a la explosión colorista, de espacio abierto enmarcado por los edificios de la plaza mayor..

José María Pérez Concellón dibuja con su cámara. La fotografía se hace pintura porque el compositor ha meditado el cuadro y hace estéticamente inteligible algo tan aparentemente anodino como el muro bícromo de un edificio. La naturaleza muerta de la farola, que sirve como contrapunto a las personas, se recorta contra el fondo del muro lienzo. Creación creatividad, belleza… Rodolfo Rodríguez Castro nos introduce en otra dimensión estética a través de una fotografía en la que la comunicación es el centro de una imagen de equilibrada composición, y una ciudad rotunda tratada como eterno retorno de edificios, como noria paisajística que gira alrededor del espectador puesto en el centro. A Antonio Jesús Rodríguez Gelado le interesa destacar la ciudad de vida con ambiente primaveral, de mercados repletos, en una muestra inmejorable de la belleza de lo cotidiano. Contrasta con el contraluz colombino.

Juan Ignacio Sánchez Lara ha elegido el diálogo entre dos centros de sociabilidad. Uno reciente, el auditorio Miguel Delibes, otro consagrado por el tiempo, el Pasaje Gutiérrez. La luz artificial, estática, consolidada del segundo, contrasta con la indefinición del recién nacido auditorio, en el que la luz indefinida de un crepúsculo que amanece nos invita a confiar en el futuro. Roberto Vázquez González con sus pellizcos a Valladolid, nos presenta una rotundidad deformativa y preformativa de la ciudad que va hacia delante entre lo antiguo y lo moderno, entre el estatismo de lo monumental y la cotidianeidad de la calle.

No se conocían, y por lo tanto no podemos hablar de influencias mutuas, son vallisoletanos y se enfrentan a Valladolid, rescatan miradas sobre la capital del Pisuerga, cada uno la suya, sin embargo, aquí y ahora están reunidos todos, podemos verlos, admirarlos por separado o, como es de desear, en conjunto, dialogando unos con otros a través de las fotos. La oportunidad es única, de nosotros depende, de nuestro interés por imbuirnos de profundas sensaciones estéticas, conscientes, como queda patente en este caso, de que en arte, el todo es bastante más complejo, más rico y más profundo que la suma de las partes.

José Luis Alonso Ponga
Director de la Cátedra de Estudios sobre la Tradición
Universidad de Valladolid.

Santa María de Lluçá
photo sizes
Image by Jose Luis Mieza Photography
View On Black View My Recent


In Onexposure

La consagració de Santa Maria de Lluçà, fou duta a terme pel bisbe de Vic, Idelguer, el 22 de maig de l’any 905. Aquesta església es trobava ad radices castri de Luzano, al peu del castell de Lluçà- és a dir, al lloc actual-. Fou erigida pel prevere Vininza i dotada pels parroquians. Estava formada per una nau amb un petit creuer, en el qual hi havia un absis central i una absidiola a cada extrem. Diu l’acta de consagració que el bisbe va subjectar a aquesta església els vilars o centres d’explotació rural que es repartiren el terme del castell de Lluçà, i moltes esglesioles que ja funcionaven. Santa Maria va ser la cap de les esglésies sufragànies de Sant Pere de Torroella o del Grau, de Santa Eulàlia de Puig-oriol, Sant Agustí de Lluçanès, Sant Climent de la Riba i de Sant Cristòfol de Borrassers. Així doncs, al segle X, ens trobem que les terres lluçaneses estaven organitzades, i el centre era Santa Maria de Lluçà. Cap al 1170 i 1190 ja es va fer una reedificació. La nova església es va construïr sota un mòdul romànic. Hi havia tres altars de l’absis principal, i dues absidioles laterals dedicades a Santa Maria a Sant Joan i Sant Miquel. Els de Santa Maria Magdalena i Sant Agustí serien més tardans, encara que anteriors a 1270. A l’altar e Santa Magdalena, se li va afegir l’advocació de Sant Vicenç, en abandonar-se la capella del Castell. Es va convertir en un temple més gran que, amb moltes modificacions, és el que ens ha arribat als nostres dies.
Es pot assegurar que que abans del 1150 a Lluçà no hi havia cap comunitat, i que la seva església estava regida per un o més sacerdots. Es veu sobretot a través dels testaments dels senyors de Lluçà, que consideren Lluçà com una parròquia més, i per tant les seves preferències són pel monestir de Ripoll. A partir de 1154, ja es fan enterrar a Lluçà. Això ho coneixem gràcies al testament de Bernat Guillem de Lluçà. És a partir de 1168 que trobem la primera comunitat de canonges, amb el primer prior, Pere de Sagàs. És llavors quan s’assegura la subsitència de la comunitat gràcies a donacions. Per suposat, les més importants eren les dels senyors de Lluçà. El segle XIII, va ser el moment de major esplendor de la canònica ja que va rebre importants donacions dels propietaris de la zona. Ens fem una idea de la importància de la influència religiosa de Santa Maria en l’època quan veiem que la majoria de canonges que van excercir de canonges eren fills dels masos veïns. La canònica agustiniana estava sota la protecció de la de l’Estany i es beneficiava dels seus béns i càrrecs, que s’intercanviaven. Deuria ser en aquest s. XIII, tan pròsper, quan es va pintar el revestiment d’altar pintat sobre fusta, avui conservat al Museu Episcopal de Vic, i obra de l’anomenat Mestre de Lluçà. És una obra d’un viu cromatisme i una de les pintures més belles del romànic català. Cap a l’any 1330 comença la decadència espiritual i econòmica, fins a tal punt que al 1357, al monestir, hi havia només el prior, tres canonges i un deodonat.D’altra banda, els terratrèmols que van assolar Catalunya entre 1428 i 1448, van castigar Lluçà que va veure com s’esfondrava la nau de l’església, el campanar i algunes dependències monàstiques. L’any 1592, el papa sumprimeix les canòniques agustinianes a Catalunya, i la de Lluçà s’uneix a la Casa de Caritat de Barcelona que es queda amb tots els seus béns. Al segle XVII es converteix en santuari marià i es porten a terme transformacions a l’església, com l’aixacament del campanar, remodelamanet de la façana, una nova sagristia, un portal pel campanar.... Més tard, al segle XVIII es decora l’església seguint l’estil barroc i s’afegeix un pis amb porxades amb claustre. Ens trobem que de la primera església, no en queda res, excepte unes tombes antropomorfes que hi podrien correspondre. En unes reformes que hi feu la Diputació de Barcelona l’any 1967 es retorna a l’església la seva fesomia original del segle XII. Avui en dia conserva la majoria de frescos i pintures, així com alguna escultura de gran valor. Les seves obres formen un conjunt importantíssim del Romànic Català.

La consagración de Santa Maria de Lluçà, fue llevada a cabo por el obispo de Vic, Idelguer, el 22 de mayo del año 905. Esta iglesia se encontraba ad radices castro de Luzán, al pie del castillo de Lluçà-es decir, en el lugar actual-. Fue erigida por el presbítero Vininza y dotada por los parroquianos. Estaba formada por una nave con un pequeño crucero, en el que había un ábside central y una absidiola en cada extremo. Dice el acta de consagración que el obispo sujetó a esta iglesia los Vilars o centros de explotación rural que se repartieron el término del castillo de Lluçà, y muchas iglesias que ya funcionaban. Santa Maria fue la jefa de las iglesias sufragáneas de Sant Pere de Torroella o del Grau, de Santa Eulàlia de Puig-oriol, Sant Agustí de Lluçanès, Sant Climent de la Riba y de Sant Cristòfol de Borrassers. Así pues, el siglo X, nos encontramos que las tierras Lluçanesa estaban organizadas, y el centro era Santa Maria de Lluçà. Hacia el 1170 y 1190 ya se hizo una reedificación. La nueva iglesia se construyó bajo un módulo románico. Había tres altares del ábside principal, y dos absidiolos laterales dedicadas a Santa Maria en Sant Joan y Sant Miquel. Los de Santa Maria Magdalena y Sant Agustí serían más tardíos, aunque anteriores a 1270. En el altar y Santa Magdalena, se le añadió la advocación de Sant Vicenç, en abandonarse la capilla del Castillo. Se convirtió en un templo más grande que, con muchas modificaciones, es lo que nos ha llegado a nuestros días.
Se puede asegurar que que antes del 1150 en Lluçà no había ninguna comunidad, y que su iglesia estaba regida por uno o más sacerdotes. Se ve sobre todo a través de los testamentos de los señores de Lluçà, que consideran Lluçà como una parroquia más, y por tanto sus preferencias son por el monasterio de Ripoll. A partir de 1154, ya se hacen enterrar en Lluçà. Esto lo conocemos gracias al testamento de Bernat Guillem de Lluçà. Es a partir de 1168 que encontramos la primera comunidad de canónigos, con el primer prior, Pedro de Sagàs. Es entonces cuando se asegura la subsistencia de la comunidad gracias a donaciones. Por supuesto, las más importantes eran las de los señores de Lluçà. El siglo XIII, fue el momento de mayor esplendor de la canónica ya que recibió importantes donaciones de los propietarios de la zona. Nos hacemos una idea de la importancia de la influencia religiosa de Santa Maria en la época cuando vemos que la mayoría de canónigos que ejercer de canónigos eran hijos de los caseríos vecinos. La canónica agustiniana estaba bajo la protección de la de l'Estany y se beneficiaba de sus bienes y cargos, que se intercambiaban. Debería ser en este siglo XIII, tan próspero, cuando se pintó el revestimiento de altar pintado sobre madera, hoy conservado en el Museo Episcopal de Vic, y obra del llamado Maestro de Lluçà. Es una obra de un vivo cromatismo y una de las pinturas más bellas del románico catalán. Hacia el año 1330 comienza la decadencia espiritual y económica, hasta tal punto que en 1357, el monasterio, había sólo el prior, tres canónigos y un deodonat.D Por otra parte, los terremotos que asolaron Cataluña entre 1428 y 1448 , castigaron Lluçà que vio como se derrumba la nave de la iglesia, el campanario y algunas dependencias monásticas. En 1592, el papa sumprimeix las canónicas agustinianas en Cataluña, y la de Lluçà se une a la Casa de Caritat de Barcelona que se queda con todos sus bienes. En el siglo XVII se convierte en santuario mariano y se llevan a cabo transformaciones iglesia, como el aixacament del campanario, remodelamanet de la fachada, una nueva sacristía, un portal por el campanario .... Más tarde, en el siglo XVIII se decora la iglesia siguiendo el estilo barroco y se añade un piso con soportales con claustro. Nos encontramos que de la primera iglesia, no queda nada, salvo unas tumbas antropomorfas que podrían corresponder. En unas reformas que haga la Diputación de Barcelona en el año 1967 se devuelve la iglesia su fisonomía original del siglo XII. Hoy en día conserva la mayoría de frescos y pinturas, así como alguna escultura de gran valor. Sus obras forman un conjunto importantísimo del Románico Catalán.

The BEAT CARES holiday food and toy drive at Brentwood Town Centre photos by Ron Sombilon Gallery (525)

Check out these image galleries images:

The BEAT CARES holiday food and toy drive at Brentwood Town Centre photos by Ron Sombilon Gallery (525)
image galleries

Beatrice Prentice (LOC)

A few nice image url images I found:

Beatrice Prentice (LOC)
image url
Image by The Library of Congress
Bain News Service,, publisher.

Beatrice Prentice

[between ca. 1910 and ca. 1915]

1 negative : glass ; 5 x 7 in. or smaller.

Title from unverified data provided by the Bain News Service on the negatives or caption cards.
Forms part of: George Grantham Bain Collection (Library of Congress).

Format: Glass negatives.

Rights Info: No known restrictions on publication.

Repository: Library of Congress, Prints and Photographs Division, Washington, D.C. 20540 USA, hdl.loc.gov/loc.pnp/pp.print

General information about the Bain Collection is available at hdl.loc.gov/loc.pnp/pp.ggbain

Higher resolution image is available (Persistent URL): hdl.loc.gov/loc.pnp/ggbain.18773

Call Number: LC-B2- 3427-14

Archduke Eugene [i.e., Eugen] (LOC)
image url
Image by The Library of Congress
Bain News Service,, publisher.

Archduke Eugene [i.e., Eugen]

[between ca. 1910 and ca. 1915]

1 negative : glass ; 5 x 7 in. or smaller.

Title from data provided by the Bain News Service on the negative.
Photograph shows Archduke Eugen of Austria-Teschen (1863-1954), who was an Archduke of Austria and a Prince of Hungary and Bohemia. He served in World War I. (Source: Flickr Commons project, 2012)
Forms part of: George Grantham Bain Collection (Library of Congress).

Format: Glass negatives.

Rights Info: No known restrictions on publication.

Repository: Library of Congress, Prints and Photographs Division, Washington, D.C. 20540 USA, hdl.loc.gov/loc.pnp/pp.print

General information about the Bain Collection is available at hdl.loc.gov/loc.pnp/pp.ggbain

Higher resolution image is available (Persistent URL): hdl.loc.gov/loc.pnp/ggbain.18058

Call Number: LC-B2- 3330-3

Nice Photo Editing Websites photos

Check out these photo editing websites images:

Chandler Chase
photo editing websites
Image by Charles Siritho
For all those that are looking at these photos, please visit my website, leaving me a email is always an appreciation too :)

Always looking for hire'd work, batch editing, 2nd shooting.


fibre hearts

A few nice heart image images I found:

fibre hearts
heart image
Image by ebbandflo_pomomama
images for submission ofr "home is where the heart is"

wire and fibre jewelry

pink heart
heart image
Image by ebbandflo_pomomama
images for submission ofr "home is where the heart is"

wire and fibre jewelry

Cool Image Gallery images

A few nice image gallery images I found:

Jocelyn Foye at Kristi Engle 11-12-11 - Miles Davis Junior (collapsed)-1
image gallery
Image by Marshall Astor - Food Fetishist
Image related to Rock 'n Roll, Rock 'n Roll, Rock 'n Roll, an exhibition by Jocelyn Foye at Kristi Engle Gallery, which opened on November 12, 2011.

dans les hautes herbes
image gallery
Image by llyglad
Please don't use this image on websites, blogs or others medias without my explicit permission. © All rights reserved/ Ne pas utiliser cette image sur des sites Web, des blogs ou autres médias sans ma permission explicite. © Tous droits réservés.

image gallery
Image by davesag
On the wall of the National Gallery, Ljubljana. The lines give off these fantactic Moire patterns. If you look at the full sized image you'll see those patterns are not there.

Nice Share Photos photos

A few nice share photos images I found:

@DocPop by Adrian Mendoza
share photos
Image by docpop
Adrian shared this photo of me, taken during our #SFphotohunt at the Contemporary Jewish Museum. Check him out on Twitter twitter.com/amenfoto

I'm still digging my Mister Freedom denim peacoat with my Indochino suit underneath.

share photos
Image by U.S. Pacific Air Forces
Two women share a laugh while waiting in line with hundreds of Nepalis at Nau Danda Health Post of Dhikur Pokhari Village Development Committe (VDC) of Kaski District to be seen by doctors participating in U.S. Pacific Command's Operation Pacific Angel 12-4, Nepal on Sept. 11, 2012. Pacific Angel 12-4 is a Pacific Air Forces planned event that enhances humanitarian assistance and disaster relief capabilities between the United States and Pacific partners. The U.S. was invited by the Nepal government to provide support by conducting medical, optometry, and civil engineering programs. Operations like Pacific Angel build and sustain relationships with our multinational partners in the Asia-Pacific region. (U.S. Air Force photo/Master Sgt. Jeffrey Allen)


Check out these photo gallery images:

photo gallery
Image by fabiogis50
Please no multiple invites in the same comment & NO BLUERIBBON invitation and NO Glitter graphics!!!

Click here to see the awards count for this photo. (?)

allium opening up
photo gallery
Image by mclcbooks

photo gallery
Image by dicktay2000
Noisy Miner (Thanks Happy Snapping & Maureen G
Blacktown, NSW, Australia.
Canon 350D with 70-300 IS lens @ F= 235mm. Hand held.
ISO 400 1/250 @ F5.6. No flash.

. American singer

Some cool american photo images:

. American singer
american photo
Image by Juliana Coutinho
I'm not a singer, I can not play guitar and I am not American.

O fotógrafo achou que eu saí com cara de cantora americana.. então tá. =D

# 040/365
Modelo: Juliana Coutinho
Fotografia: Nikki Pride
Edição: Juliana Coutinho
Equipment: Sony Cyber-shot DSC-W125
View On Black / View On White

American Wigeon
american photo
Image by Bill Gracey
I saw this bird on January 2nd at Santee Lakes in San Diego county. I was unable to identify it so I sent a picture of it to a birder friend, and he proclaimed it to be a male American Wigeon. I looked it up on line, and sure enough.... These are migratory North American birds and only appear in our area in the winter.

Other pictures that I've taken at Santee Lakes, including infrared, birds and reflections can be seen here. www.flickr.com/photos/9422878@N08/sets/72157627547766547/

Other bird pictures that I've taken can be seen in my Birds set. www.flickr.com/photos/9422878@N08/sets/72157628206812625/

NOT a Cat print 7-8 cm wide (more photos below) 20110201

Check out these cat image images:

NOT a Cat print 7-8 cm wide (more photos below) 20110201
cat image
Image by Kenneth Cole Schneider
Found this large track along the side of the unpaved portion of the 19400 block of Miramar Parkway, Miramar, Broward County Florida on February 1, 2011. I measured the width by comparing the tracks to marks on my lens hood. They were about 7.5 cm (3 inches) wide and about the same length-- the photo angle foreshortens them a bit. The tracks crossed over the road, but because of all the coarse gravel they were indistinct. The animal appeared to spend some time loafing in an area aboout 5x10 feet on the south side of the road, as there were multiple tracks and overprints. I did not have a wide-angle lens with me, so I took these with the macro setting on my 720 mm telephoto system, from a distance of about 5 feet. Tracks are quite round and do not show nail prints. Toe imprints are rounded and there are 3 large and one smaller toe (to the right) in this impresssion, which does not appear to be a double register. Much too large for the Bocats that I have seen and photographed here. I hesitate to call them panther tracks, but they do suggest that this may be the case. No Florida Panthers have been reported in this area, to my knowledge, though there is an immediately adjacent Water Conservation Area that consists of recovering Everglades habitat. It is separated only by US 27 from the Everglades Preserve that does provide a continuous corridor to areas known to be inhabited by panthers. I talked to Florida FWC and they recommended that any panther sightings in this neighborhood should be reported to (561) 625-5122.

The FWC agent looked at the above photo and advised:

I looked at your image and at the angle presented it is hard to tell what type animal the track came from. Do you have any images that are taken from above so that we could look at the toe alignment? If there is a water source nearby, have you considered visiting the area to see if tracks are present there?

Right now, the identification of the track is hard to do. We would be happy to look at other images.

Thank you for contacting FWC with your information.

My reply:

I did walk along the edge of the lake, but there are no mud flats. Since it has not rained lately, all the puddles were dry and hard-baked. The tracks, which were in fine dusty sand on the shoulder of the gravel road, were almost obliterated by the high winds that arose this afternoon. Please take a look at the photo I took at 2:15 PM-- although now much more shallow and its features are not brought out by shadows because of the high sun, I can determine that they were actually about 8 cm (over 3 inches) wide. See my photos on FLICKR (link)

Cats Whiskers
cat image
Image by Cross Duck
We do not actually drink beer or ale, but this brew made a wonderful ingredient in a steak and ale pie. View On Black
Raw image imported using Pentax Photo Laboratory and picture created using Serif PhotoPlus X3 software.

Nice Photo Studio photos

Some cool photo studio images:

Yuliya_08 © studio.es
photo studio
Image by Vincent Boiteau
Retocando el nuevo book de Yuliya. Claro, esa tiene muchisimo retoque, siempre me molesta un poco "destruir" una foto con el retoque pero bueno, esta en el TIFF el original!

J 01 © studio.es
photo studio
Image by Vincent Boiteau
meme scene dans la discotheque mais dans un autre recoin, je voulais un peu le style intime/dandy. La piece etait tres petite et donc dificile au niveau exposition comme la lumiere etait tres pres du modele.

Cool Free Photo Downloads images

Check out these free photo downloads images:

Brown Rocky Surface
free photo downloads
Image by shaire productions
By Sherrie Thai of ShaireProductions.com

Feel free to download and use these as a background for commercial or noncommercial projects. If you decide to use them, please let me know how it goes by sending a link or an image. Enjoy!

Cool Cat Image images

Some cool cat image images:

Girl With Cat
cat image
Image by Museum of Hartlepool
Photograph showing the aftermath of the Great Timber Yard Fire in Hartlepool, 1922. Although no human lives were lost during the blaze, it is thought that many animals may have perished during the inferno as they were forgotton or lost by owners rushing to save themselves and their furniture or, spooked by the changes in their surroundings, they ran right into the fire's path. Luckily, this cat appears to have survived unscathed and to have been returned to its owner, who is sitting holding it in the rubble of a fire-damaged building.

Photograph Collection No : 351

Images from Hartlepool Cultural Services that are part of The Commons on Flickr are labeled 'no known copyright restrictions' indicating that Hartlepool Cultural Services is unaware of any current copyright restrictions on these images either because the copyright is waived or the term of copyright has expired.

Commercial use of images is not permitted. Applications for commercial use or for higher quality reproductions should be made to Hartlepool Cultural Services, Sir William Gray House, Clarence Road, Hartlepool, TS24 8BT. When using the images please credit 'Hartlepool Cultural Services'.

Leukemia-positive cat Manly Stanley would make a great only-child; get in touch quickly before he's euthanized
cat image
Image by joe.ross
VID_20110827_095431.m4v Watch on Posterous Manly Stanley was a stray who just followed a vet tech right into Girard Vet Clinic. Because that's how Manley Stanley rolls. He's loud when he wants attention, like me. He's feisty if you try to eat his food, but since you shouldn't be eating cat food that ... Originally posted via email to joeross.

Leukemia-positive cat Manly Stanley would make a great only-child; get in touch quickly before he's euthanized
cat image
Image by joe.ross
VID_20110827_095431.m4v Watch on Posterous Manly Stanley was a stray who just followed a vet tech right into Girard Vet Clinic. Because that's how Manley Stanley rolls. He's loud when he wants attention, like me. He's feisty if you try to eat his food, but since you shouldn't be eating cat food that ... Originally posted via email to joeross.

please and thanks!

A few nice photo letters images I found:

please and thanks!
photo letters
Image by gnosis / john r
You're welcome.

Charlie's Tradin' Post, across from the Federal Pen, Atlanta.

This and "Fire Testin G" were taken while peeing...new Flickr group anyone?

Lectura Libro de los Hechos de los Apóstoles 9,1-20. Viernes 19 Abril 2013
photo letters
Image by Jose Antonio Cotallo Lopez
Viernes 19 Abril 2013

Viernes de la tercera semana de Pascua

Libro de los Hechos de los Apóstoles 9,1-20.

Saulo no desistía de su rabia, proyectando violencias y muerte contra los discípulos del Señor. Se presentó al sumo sacerdote
y le pidió poderes escritos para las sinagogas de Damasco, pues quería detener a cuantos seguidores del Camino encontrara, hombres y mujeres, y llevarlos presos a Jerusalén.
Mientras iba de camino, ya cerca de Damasco, le envolvió de repente una luz que venía del cielo.
Cayó al suelo y oyó una voz que le decía: «Saulo, Saulo, ¿por qué me persigues?»
Preguntó él: «¿Quién eres tú, Señor?» Y él respondió: «Yo soy Jesús, a quien tú persigues.
Ahora levántate y entra en la ciudad. Allí se te dirá lo que tienes que hacer.»
Los hombres que lo acompañaban se habían quedado atónitos, pues oían hablar, pero no veían a nadie,
y Saulo, al levantarse del suelo, no veía nada por más que abría los ojos. Lo tomaron de la mano y lo llevaron a Damasco.
Allí permaneció tres días sin comer ni beber, y estaba ciego.
Vivía en Damasco un discípulo llamado Ananías. El Señor lo llamó en una visión: «¡Ananías!» Respondió él: «Aquí estoy, Señor.»
Y el Señor le dijo: «Vete en seguida a la calle llamada Recta y pregunta en la casa de Judas por un hombre de Tarso llamado Saulo. Lo encontrarás rezando,
pues acaba de tener una visión: un varón llamado Ananías entraba y le imponía las manos para que recobrara la vista.»
Ananías le respondió: «Señor, he oído a muchos hablar del daño que este hombre ha causado a tus santos en Jerusalén.
Y ahora está aquí con poderes del sumo sacerdote para llevar presos a todos los que invocan tu Nombre.»
El Señor le contestó: «Ve. Este hombre es para mí un instrumento escogido, y llevará mi Nombre a las naciones paganas y a sus reyes, así como al pueblo de Israel.
Yo le mostraré todo lo que tendrá que sufrir por mi Nombre.»
Salió Ananías, entró en la casa y le impuso las manos diciendo: «Hermano Saulo, el Señor Jesús, el que se te apareció en el camino por donde venías, me ha enviado para que recobres la vista y quedes lleno del Espíritu Santo.»
Al instante se le cayeron de los ojos una especie de escamas y recobró la vista. Se levantó y fue bautizado.
Después comió y recobró las fuerzas. Saulo permaneció durante algunos días con los discípulos en Damasco,
y en seguida se fue por las sinagogas proclamando a Jesús como el Hijo de Dios.

Salmo 117(116),1.2.

¡Alaben al Señor en todas las naciones, y festéjenlo todos los pueblos!
Pues su amor hacia nosotros es muy grande, y la lealtad del Señor es para siempre.


Esta fotografía tiene una foto díaria con una flor retocada por mí. (fotos originales obtenida por fotografos que las comparten y otras en páginas web gratuitas sin derecho de autor (CC0 1.0) ) .Creada para destinarla al Recuerdo y dedicatoria al Padre José Luis Cotallo de Cáceres.No se pretende vender ó difundir una ideología ó forma de vida del Padre Cotallo...si no todo lo contrarío un hermoso recuerdo evangelizador de cada día de los Evangelios y Lecturas de la Sagrada Biblia para un sacerdote ejemplar que fué un gran orador y que en estos días que estamos es necesario recordarle y agradecerle por su Oración para uso privado sus favores obtenidos...Gracias.

Nota:Todo el contenido sin ánimo de lucro.Fotografo aficionado y no soy sacerdote...Los días pasan para mí en la busqueda sincera y constante hacia Dios.

Traductor TEXTO--TEXT Translator

Evangelio según San Juan 13,31-33a.34-35. Domingo 28 Abril 2013
photo letters
Image by Jose Antonio Cotallo Lopez
Domingo 28 Abril 2013

Evangelio según San Juan 13,31-33a.34-35.

Cuando Judas salió, Jesús dijo: «Ahora es glorificado el Hijo del Hombre y Dios es glorificado en él.
Por lo tanto, Dios lo va a introducir en su propia Gloria, y lo glorificará muy pronto.
Hijos míos, yo estaré con ustedes por muy poco tiempo. Me buscarán, y como ya dije a los ju díos, ahora se lo digo a ustedes: donde yo voy, ustedes no pueden venir.
Les doy un mandamiento nue vo: que se amen los unos a los otros. Ustedes deben amarse unos a otros como yo los he amado.
En esto reconocerán todos que son mis discípulos: en que se aman unos a otros.»


Esta fotografía tiene una foto díaria con una flor retocada por mí. (fotos originales obtenida por fotografos que las comparten y otras en páginas web gratuitas sin derecho de autor (CC0 1.0) ) .Creada para destinarla al Recuerdo y dedicatoria al Padre José Luis Cotallo de Cáceres.No se pretende vender ó difundir una ideología ó forma de vida del Padre Cotallo...si no todo lo contrarío un hermoso recuerdo evangelizador de cada día de los Evangelios y Lecturas de la Sagrada Biblia para un sacerdote ejemplar que fué un gran orador y que en estos días que estamos es necesario recordarle y agradecerle por su Oración para uso privado sus favores obtenidos...Gracias.

Nota:Todo el contenido sin ánimo de lucro.Fotografo aficionado y no soy sacerdote...Los días pasan para mí en la busqueda sincera y constante hacia Dios.

Traductor TEXTO--TEXT Translator

Nice Change Background Image photos

A few nice change background image images I found:

odard, Miéville & Lynne Sachs: Movie-making and the Stubborn, Unruly Galaxy of Childhood
change background image
Image by uniondocs
Leave it to Jean-Luc Godard and Anne Marie Miéville to figure out how to use television to reveal the latent brilliance of a child. Created for French television during the radical days of the late 1970s , “France/tour/detour/deux enfant” (1978) is an intimate, provocative and quotidian video essay that uses avant-garde cinema’s techniques in a visual experiment that will change anyone’s perception of the developing mind of a human being.
Tonight Lynne Sachs will discuss the way that “France/tour…” influenced her own work as she reflects on the presence of childhood in her twenty-year film career. Beginning in her early twenties when the ambiguity of femininity seemed daunting and problematic to more recent years when motherhood has given her quick access to the conundrums of youth, Sachs, like Godard and Melville, ponders her relationship as an artist to this unavoidable eighteen year odyssey. Sachs will screen Photograph of Wind (3 min., 2001), Atalanta: 32 Years Later (5 min. 2006), and The Last Happy Day (38 min.) in their entirety along with brief scenes from The House of Science (1991) and Wind in Our Hair (2010).
France/Tour/Detour/Deux Enfants by Jean Luc Godard and Ann Marie Miéville
(excerpt from 12 part TV series, 1977, France)

Godard and Miéville take a detour through the everyday lives of two children in contemporary France. Sachs will present excerpts from the series.

Photograph of Wind by Lynne Sachs
(4 min.,16mm, b&w and color, 2001)

“My daughter’s name is Maya. I’ve been told that the word maya means illusion in Hindu philosophy. As I watch her growing up, spinning like a top around me, I realize that her childhood is not something I can grasp but rather – like the wind – something I feel tenderly brushing across my cheek.” (Lynne Sachs)
“Sachs suspends in time a single moment of her daughter.” Fred Camper, Chicago Reader

Atalanta: 32 Years Later by Lynne Sachs
(5 min. color sound, 16mm to video, 2006)
A retelling of the age-old fairy tale of the beautiful princess in search of the perfect prince. In 1974, Marlo Thomas’ hip, liberal celebrity gang created a feminist version of the children’s parable for mainstream TV’s “Free To Be You and Me”. Now in 2006, Sachs dreamed up this new experimental film reworking, a homage to girl/girl romance.
“Very gentle and evocative of foreign feelings.” George Kuchar
The Last Happy Day by Lynne Sachs
( 38 min. 2009)

The Last Happy Day is an experimental documentary portrait of Sandor (Alexander) Lenard, a Hungarian medical doctor and a distant cousin of filmmaker Lynne Sachs. In 1938 Lenard, a writer with a Jewish background, fled the Nazis to a safe haven in Rome. Shortly thereafter, the U.S. Army Graves Registration Service hired Lenard to reconstruct the bones — small and large — of dead American soldiers. Eventually he found himself in remotest Brazil where he embarked on the translation of “Winnie the Pooh” into Latin, an eccentric task that catapulted him to brief world-wide fame. Sachs’ essay film uses personal letters, abstracted war imagery, home movies, interviews, and a children’s performance to create an intimate meditation on the destructive power of war.
“A fascinating, unconventional approach to a Holocaust-related story … a frequently charming work that makes no effort to disguise an underlying melancholy.” George Robinson, The Jewish Week
Excerpts from:
The House of Science: A Museum of False Facts
(30 min., 16mm,1991)

“Throughout The House of Science an image of a woman, her brain revealed, is a leitmotif. It suggests that the mind/body split so characteristic of Western thought is particularly troubling for women, who may feel themselves moving between the territories of the film’s title –house, science, and museum, or private, public and idealized space — without wholly inhabiting any of them. This film explores society’s representation and conceptualization of women through home movies, personal reminiscences, staged scenes, found footage and voice. Sachs’ personal memories recall the sense of her body being divided, whether into sexual and functional territories, or ‘the body of the body’ and ‘the body of the mind.’” (Kathy Geritz, Pacific Film Archive)

Wind in Our Hair/Con viento en el pelo
(16mm, Super 8 and digital on video, English and Spanish, 2010)

“Inspired by the writings of Julio Cortázar, whose work not only influenced a generation of Latin American writers but film directors such as Antonioni and Godard, Lynne Sachs’ Wind in Our Hair/Con viento en el pelo is an experimental narrative that explores the interior and exterior worlds of four early-teens, and how through play they come to discover themselves and their world. “Freedom takes us by the hand–it seizes the whole of our bodies,” a young narrator describes as they head towards the tracks. This is their kingdom, a place where–dawning fanciful masks, feather boas, and colorful scarves — the girls pose as statues and perform for each other and for passengers speeding by.”
- Carolyn Tennant, Media Arts Director, Hallwalls Contemporary Arts Center, Buffalo, New York
“Wind in Our Hair moves from childhood’s earthbound, cloistered spaces, into the skittering beyond of adolescence, exploding with anticipation and possibility.” Todd Lillethun, Artistic Director, Chicago Filmmakers
Program Run Time: 119 minutes
Lynne Sachs makes films, videos, installations and web projects that explore the intricate relationship between personal observations and broader historical experiences by weaving together poetry, collage, painting, politics and layered sound design. Since 1994, her five essay films have taken her to Vietnam, Bosnia, Israel and Germany — sites affected by international war–where she tries to work in the space between a community’s collective memory and her own subjective perceptions. Strongly committed to a dialogue between cinematic theory and practice, Lynne searches for a rigorous play between image and sound, pushing the visual and aural textures in her work with each and every new project. Since 2006, she has collaborated with her partner Mark Street in a series of playful, mixed-media performance collaborations they call The XY Chromosome Project. In addition to her work with the moving image, Lynne co-edited the 2009 Millennium Film Journal issue on “Experiments in Documentary”. Supported by fellowships from the Rockefeller and Jerome Foundations and the New York State Council on the Arts, Lynne’s films have screened at the Museum of Modern Art, the New York Film Festival, the Sundance Film Festival and recently in a five film survey at the Buenos Aires Film Festival. In 2010, the San Francisco Cinematheque will present a full retrospective of her work. Lynne teaches experimental film and video at New York University and lives in Brooklyn.

Josetxo Cerdán Los Arcos is an assistant professor at the URV and the artistic director of Punto de Vista. He has edited the books ‘Mirada, Memoria y Fascinación’ (2001); ‘Documental y Vanguardia’ (2005); ‘Al Otro Lado de la Ficción’ (2007); and ‘Suevia Films-Caesáreo González’ (2005); ‘Signal Fires: The Cinema of Jem Cohen’ (2010). He is author of ‘Ricardo Urgoiti. Los trabajos y los días’ (2007). He has coordinated an M. A. in from 1998 to 2008. Principal interest areas are non-fiction film, Spanish cinema, and television.
Kelly Anderson is an award-winning independent producer and director of documentary and narrative films. Her most recent production is NEVER ENOUGH, a documentary about American’s relationship with their material possessions, which is premiering at the 2010 Big Sky Documentary Film Festival. Other recent directing work includes SOMEPLACE LIKE HOME, a documentary about the redevelopment of Fulton Mall in Downtown Brooklyn, which she made for FUREE (Families United for Racial and Economic Equality). In 2004 Kelly produced and directed (with Tami Gold) and edited EVERY MOTHER’S SON, a documentary for ITVS about mothers whose children have been killed by police officers and who have become national spokespeople on the issue of police brutality. EVERY MOTHER’S SON premiered at Tribeca Film Festival, where it won the Audience Award, and had its broadcast premiere on PBS’s P.O.V. series. Kelly produced, directed and edited OVERCOMING THE ODDS, a short documentary that was distributed to more than 2,500 people internationally as part of a successful campaign to pass the groundbreaking Framework Convention on Tobacco Control, which set global standards on the promotion and marketing of tobacco. This film was a follow-up to MAKING A KILLING, a half-hour documentary Kelly produced and directed (with Tami Gold) and edited that addresses the marketing practices of the tobacco industry in the developing world. MAKING A KILLING premiered at the Slamdance Film Festival, was screened for delegates at the World Health Organization and aired on television in Nigeria, Serbia, Lagos and Vietnam. In 2000 Kelly completed SHIFT, a one-hour drama for ITVS about the volatile relationship between a North Carolina waitress and a telemarketing prison inmate, which premiered at the Rotterdam International Film Festival and aired on many PBS stations. Kelly’s other documentaries include OUT AT WORK (with Tami Gold), which was screened at the 1997 Sundance Film Festival and was shown on HBO. She is an Associate Professor in the Department of Film and Media Studies at Hunter College in New York City.

Sadness and Dreams

Some cool download image images:

Sadness and Dreams
download image
Image by © 2006-2013 Pink Sherbet Photography
My photos that have a creative commons license and are free for everyone to download, edit, alter and use as long as you give me, "D Sharon Pruitt" credit as the original owner of the photo. Have fun and enjoy!

Reese and Hayley Beach Portrait
download image
Image by © 2006-2013 Pink Sherbet Photography
My photos that have a creative commons license and are free for everyone to download, edit, alter and use as long as you give me, "D Sharon Pruitt" credit as the original owner of the photo. Have fun and enjoy!

Stormy Weather
download image
Image by Jeff S. PhotoArt

View my most interesting photos on black at Flickriver

This image by Jeff S. PhotoArt is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License

Feel free to use this image on your blog, for fun and the like but you must:

1. Link the image to Flickr. 2. Give credit to Jeff S. PhotoArt.

You can buy fine art prints of my work at Jeff S. PhotoArt Fine Art Prints
Follow Me On Facebook

Cool Photo Library images

Some cool photo library images:

Seattle Public Library
photo library
Image by OZinOH
Seattle Public Library -- 4 photos stitched together

IMBIBE at the Marina Branch Library
photo library
Image by friends.sfpl
IMBIBE at the Marina Branch Library, June 17, 2011. Photo by Natalie Schrik

More info at friendssfpl.org/?IMBIBE.

IMBIBE at the Marina Branch Library
photo library
Image by friends.sfpl
IMBIBE at the Marina Branch Library, June 17, 2011. Photo by Natalie Schrik

More info at friendssfpl.org/?IMBIBE.

Such a Sweet Face

A few nice photo buy images I found:

Such a Sweet Face
photo buy
Image by 'Playingwithbrushes'
Love the hair!

photo buy
Image by 'Playingwithbrushes'
Love seeing that little boys can play with dolls too!

Deeply Moving

Some cool bing image images:

Deeply Moving
bing image
Image by DeeAshley
. . . Inward & Onward

Living today's tomorrows, stuck in a loop.
It's like being stuck inside the old Farmer's chicken coop.

Deeply Moving
bing image
Image by DeeAshley
. . . Inward & Onward

Living today's tomorrows, stuck in a loop.
It's like being stuck inside the old Farmer's chicken coop.

Deeply Moving
bing image
Image by DeeAshley
. . . Inward & Onward

Living today's tomorrows, stuck in a loop.
It's like being stuck inside the old Farmer's chicken coop.
