
Kolkata street life

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A few nice upload photo images I found:

Kolkata street life
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Image by Ahron de Leeuw
I especially uploaded this photo for the 50 MILLION MISSING (Indian Women):An International Campaign pool.
Before I felt this photo was somehow too intimate to upload.

Please consider signing the 50 million missing petition: a call for Government Action to Stop Female Genocide In India and joining the 50 MILLION MISSING group, demonstrating increasing international awareness about excessive crimes commited against Indian women.

Alien Worlds - 1
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Image by v1ctory_1s_m1ne
It's about time I uploaded some more shots from our America roadtrip I reckon (the last one was in October!), so here's a few more. I'm going to try and do a couple a week from here on out, just don't judge me if I don't manage it, okay? ;)

Saturday 13th of September, 2003 - This is a view of the top of Mammoth Hot Springs (a view of what underpins all these terraces can be seen on my stream here, along with the science behind it (you lucky people ;)

It's an amazing place, and as you walk around the boardwalks strung out and around the area, you're struck but just how bizarre a place it is. The overpowering* smell of sulphur's ever present, and the steam rising off the water cools fairly quickly due to the altitude, giving the air a clammy quality.

Where the springs have grown outwards or new ones have developed, any vegetation's died off pretty quickly due to the temprature and toxic nature of the water, leading to the occassional dead tree standing in the middle of a shelf of travertine, stripped of it's bark and any foliage it may of once had.

Yep, it's a weird old place alright, but one I'd go back and see again in a heartbeat given the chance :)

*Overpowering's the right word. As we got to the top of the steps to look out on this incredible natural wonder for the first time, we were greeted by the sight of some poor middle-aged woman chundering hard over the edge of the walkway as the smell had got just a bit too much for her. Nice (>_<)

Where have I been???
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Image by reinedelaseine14
I know I have had no uploads lately and barely any communication here or on DoA. I'm really sorry :(

My friend took this pic of Gumby, Macchiato and I at the Ehlers-Danlos National Foundation's annual conference which was in Baltimore in July.

I don't talk about it much in the context of my doll hobby but my EDS has really been wearing me thin. My spine and the part of the spine that joins the skull to the neck is really unstable now and I need to have my neck and skull fused but there isn't anyone in my state who knows how to do it on someone with Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome. My collagen is so weak that the connective tissues are failing and everything's sinking downard, causing brainstem and spinal cord compression and stretching.

The result? Headaches, veritgo, nausea, heart and blood pressure problems, PAIN...ALL THE TIME. Couple that with my joint dislocations (I can dislocate the same joint over a dozen times each day), nervous system problems and my rheumatoid arthritis which is still spreading...

My dolls keep me sane. Seriously. I actually did go a few days without touching Macchiato which is unheard of. I'm starting new medications for the arthritis that target my immune system so that it doesn't attack my joints. I have still been working at the school library and they're going to let me do a paid position a couple of hours a week in addition to my one class so I don't die of boredom. ;)

Thanks so much for all your comments and favorites on my photos. It makes me smile to see that people love to see my dolls (especially Macchiato!) and you all have NO CLUE how much that means to me.

If you want to learn more about EDS, don't hesitate to ask or you can visit www.ednf.org or www.ehlersdanlosnetwork.org ♥
