
Cool Upload Image images

Large Rectangle

Some cool upload image images:

My house upside-down
upload image
Image by arturodonate
I debated uploading this image, mainly because I like the idea but not the execution. I want to retry it and do better, but I decided to upload this one because it is my D50's "shutter actuation birthday". It turned 10,000 this past weekend!

Shot with the 35-70 (which may be replaced very soon) w/ extension tubes under direct sunlight. The image in the water drop is the back of my house (well, part of it). Also had to do a bit of cloning to remove a very out-of-place leaf, but I'll leave you all to guess where it was done.

Must be viewed large in order to appreciate the detail inside the water drop!

ICE cold stitch
upload image
Image by onkel_wart (thomas lieser)
I've never used a stitching tool before -- today when I was in the cathedral in Wiener Neustadt I thought I'd take some wild shots and try to stitch them at home. So all of the base shots were taken without tripod. The PSE stitching didn't work with this load -- then I remembered reading something about a MicroSoft tool that could do 3D stitching. It's called ICE (Image Composite Editor) -- and it worked. Next time I'll try to take the base shots with a bit more "thinking" and try it again...
For those that want to try it (free download -- even a 64bit version):

btw.: I've uploaded full size -- if anybody wants to have a look in detail...
and: I didn't smooth over the stitching edges -- but those can only been seen in the largest size...

forgot to mention: this is based on about 30 shots I took slowly walking backwards pointing the camera in all directions -- so I guess the outcome is really ok.
