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Some cool upload image images:

upload image
Image by Martin Gommel
Hey everybody! After a long time I am back uploading some photograph. Why was I somewhere else? Well check out the news:

Preps for a Training DVD
Over the last month til today I have been preparing stuff for DVD I am gonna revord with the team of Video2Brain. So I will be in Austria for 2 weeks since June 27th. In the DVD I will teach about photography basics (but I don't know when it will come out).

Shooting People
In the last half year I concentrated much about shooting people. That means weddings, , my little girl Enna and Friends - and I made some significant progress in it. Landscapes hat to wait ;) And of course I am always busy with my blog about learning photography. .

Question Of Style
I had the plan of only uploading images in format of 6x6 (1x1) and mostly in b/w but after trying it out on every image I shot I am shure I will not do this forever. It is a good way to enhance some images but not EVERYone. Right now I feel alot more: Freedom.

So that's much news, isn't it? Cheers!
