
Cool Christmas Photo Card images

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Some cool christmas photo card images:

16. desember - December 16
christmas photo card
Image by Riksarkivet (National Archives of Norway)
Glædelig jul!
Postkortet finnes i privatarkivet etter Oscar Andersen (1879-1953). Andersen var predikant tilknyttet Det norske Misjonsforbunds virksomhet i Finnmark. Arkivet består av korrespondanse fra ulike avsendere i tidsrommet 1911-26, attester og andre personlige papirer og dagbøker fra tiden 1912-1915. Arkivet inneholder også to prospektkortalbum og to album med visittkortfotografier.

Arkivreferanse: pa0569_u2_025

Happy Christmas!
The postcard is from the private archive of Oscar Andersen (1879-1953). Andersen was a preacher involved in the Mission Covenant Church of Norway’s work in Finnmark. The archive consists of correspondence from different senders in the period 1911-1926, certificates and other personal papers and diaries from 1912-1915. The archive also contains two postcard albums and two albums with business card photos.
