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Sierck-les-Bains - Grand' Rue II
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Image by Wolfgang Staudt
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Sierck-les-Bains est une commune française, située dans le département de la Moselle et la région Lorraine.

D'après certains auteurs, le nom de Sierck serait d'origine romaine, pourtant aucune découverte de cette époque n'y a été faite. On admet aujourd'hui que l'acception des mots latins « circum » et « circulus » correspond à la situation géographique de la localité bâtie sur la partie convexe d'un méandre de la Moselle à son confluent avec le ruisseau de Montenach. Cette position, face à la colline du Stromberg, aux portes du Luxembourg et de l'Allemagne, justifie la présence d'un château-fort qui semble avoir précédé la ville. On situe leur construction au Xe ou XIe siècle. À cette époque, Sierck qui dépendait des archevêques de Trèves devint possession du duc Gérard Ier de Lorraine et le resta jusqu'au traité de Vincennes en 1661 avec toutefois quelques interruptions.

Les origines de la famille de Sierck sont incertaines. D'aucuns la prétendent issue de celle d'Ardenne. Quoiqu'il en soit, elle apparaît au Xe siècle et s'éteint vers 1530. C'est sous l'autorité de cette famille que la cité connut son plus grand développement, tant du point de vue économique qu'architectural. Certains de ses membres occupèrent de hautes fonctions religieuses, ce qui ne fut pas sans importance pour la ville. Il faut citer à ce titre Jean de Sierck, évêque d'Utrecht puis de Toul, mort en 1305 et Jacques de Sierck, archevêque de Trèves fondateur de l'université de cette ville, mort en 1456.

En 1285, Ferri de Sierck est présent au tournoi de Chauvency-le-Château, qui a lieu près de Montmédy, et joute contre Millet de Thil.

C'est en 1295, lorsque Ferry III de Lorraine lui octroie une charte d'affranchissement, que la ville s'entoure d'une enceinte fortifiée, l'arrière des maisons donnant sur la Moselle formant barrière défensive. Jusqu'à la fin du XVIIIe siècle le bourg ne sortira guère des limites ainsi fixées. Les rues s'organisent suivant deux axes imposés par les cours d'eau. De la Porte de Trèves au Nord-Est à la Porte de Thionville au Sud-Ouest, la Grand' Rue suit la courbe du méandre de la Moselle, tandis que les rues du Moulin et des Tanneries bordent le ruisseau de Montenach de la Porte des Broches à la place du Vieux Marché. Arnould VI de Sierck fut à l'origine de plusieurs édifices majeurs de la région : le château de Meinsberg (commune de Manderen), longtemps résidence principale de la famille de Sierck, l'ancienne église de Contz-les-Bains, et à Sierck, la reconstruction presque complète du château, l'édification de l'église justifiant entre autres son érection en paroisse au milieu du XVe siècle.

La prospérité de la ville, jusqu'à la guerre de Trente Ans avait favorisé l'exercice de nombreuses activités commerciales et artisanales. Les maisons et boutiques que bouchers, drapiers, tanneurs firent construire du XVe au XVIIe siècle, donnent encore aujourd'hui son caractère à la ville. Les fortifications ayant perdu de leur intérêt stratégique à la fin du XVIIIe siècle, un quai fut construit le long de la Moselle à partir de 1785 pour assainir la ville basse et faciliter la circulation ; les façades se tournèrent vers la rivière et les portes furent abandonnées ou détruites. La ville put alors s'étendre.

Chef-lieu de canton depuis 1790, Sierck fit partie de celui de Launstroff de 1802 à 1806. Les bombardements de 1944 détruisirent toutes les maisons de la rue des Juifs et l'Hôtel de ville. Sierck-sur-Moselle n'est devenu que tardivement Sierck-les-Bains. La nouvelle appellation fait référence à la courte existence au XIXe siècle siècle d'un petit établissement thermal à l'emplacement de la gare actuelle. Aujourd'hui, si le commerce et l'artisanat restent les activités principales de cette petite ville de 1 665 habitants d'après le recensement de 1982, la qualité de son patrimoine l'autorise à envisager un développement du tourisme sans doute important pour son avenir.

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C0MPENDIUM: 60 British Pacific Fleet Photostream images - Woolloomooloo Nov. 19, 1945 - SLV.
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Image by Kookaburra2011
5365. We start this COMPENDIUM of 50 images of the British Pacific Fleet in Australia with one of the most extraordinary photographs on the entire Photostream.

High-resolution, at full size it has scores of facets to consider - but somehow the eye is most drawn to the intriguing figure of the officer standing way up on top of the bridge canopy of the W Class destroyer HMS WESSEX [R78] right in the middle of the image.

In the overcrowded Woolloomooloo basin - like a motorist trapped in a traffic jam - this is a man wondering what the hell to do.

He is surrounded, hemmed, by very expensive pieces of equipment.

In the foreground, from previous images, we think the aircraft carrier may be HMS INDEFATIGABLE. The battleship ahead, to our right, is HMS KING GEORGE V, which fought the BISMARCK - the great name ship of her class. .

The identity of the Crown Colony Class cruiser, part obscured, opposite KGV gave us pause for much thought, and in the end Kim Dunstan, co-director of the Photostream's far-flung Ships and Aircraft Identification Division [SAID], assisted by Fabio Pena of the Navsouce group in the US, and BPF expert Tony Drury in the U.K., spent many, many hours on this question, exchanging information and poring over TROVE records of old newspaper shipping movement reports, examining other photographs.

We knew that HMS WESSEX, the perplexed destroyer in the middle, in the last of several Sydney calls in 1945, was here from November 9-19, the only dates that matched the presence of KGV and other vessels, a period when the BPF concentrated in Sydney, it's main base, after returning from the Japanese surrender in Tokyo Bay.

After much testing and elimination, our experts decided the cruiser was most likely HMS NEWFOUNDLAND, with her straight Crown Colony Class stern. From the U.K.Tony had found an Adelaide Advertiser report on the National Library of Australia's TROVE site stating that NEWFOUNDLAND was expected from Auckland on November 14, 1945, carrying Cmdr. G. H. Faulkner, First Naval member of the New Zealand Navy Board, to Sydney discussions with the Commander of the British Pacific Fleet, Adml. Sir Bruce Fraser and the Australian Naval Board.

So this also dated the image between Nov. 14, and WESSEX's departure on the 19th.
We don't have clues to the identities of the two destroyers with Lighter NO. 2 alongside to our right. The photo was an acquisition from the State Library of Victoria [La Trobe Library], where it is described as 'A Representative Image of the British Pacific Fleet in Sydney.' The photographer's name is not given.

Now, the wider purpose of this Entry, a spectacular one, we believe, in itself ...

COMPENDIUM: 60 Photostream images of the British Pacific Fleet in Australia:

Pic182: BPF destroyers, carriers in the background,
Pic 5111: BURRA BRA and the BPF
Pic 5101: HMS VENGEANCE and BPF carriers at dock
Pic 5275: HMS INDEFATIGABLE at No 1 Wharf, other carriers at 6 and 9.
Pic 5117: HMS VENGEANCE WITH Harbour bridge background
Pic 5116: BPF Sydney Harbour Panorama
Pic 5119: HMS FORMIDABLE in the Captain Cook Dock.
Pic 5276: HMS FORMIDABLE at Circular Quay
Pic 890: HMS FORMIDABLE and Garden Island panorama
Pic 5121: BPF aircraft parked at Bankstown
Pic 68: HMS ANSON enter Captain Cook dock
Pic 69: HMS VICTORIOUS the ‘bride carrier’ at Fremantle
Pic 67: Ladies wave to HMS IMPLACABLE arriving in Sydney
Pic 703: HMS KING GEORGE V in the Captain Cook dock.
Pic 702: HMS KING GEORGE V IN Melbourne, A.C. Green
Pic 3063: HMS KING GEORGE V passes through Melbourne Oct 29 1945, A.C. Green
Pic 3063: HMS KING GEORGE V, 5.25 stabilized gun mount detail, A.C. Green
Pic 3064: HMS KGV, Melbourne Oct 1945, Allan C. Green detail
Pic. 3066: A.C. Green KING GEORGE V in Melbourne secondary 5.25 mounts detail
Pic NO. 3067, A.C. Green HMS KGV, midships detail
Pic. 2135: HMS IMPLACABLE in Melbourne, A.C. Green
Pic. 1079: HMS ANSON enters the Captain Cook Dock
Pic 2136: HMS VENERABLE IN Melbourne A.C. Green detail
Pic 810: HMS ARBITER under Sydney Harbour Bridge
Pic 183: HMS ANSON in Sydney Harbour, Samuel J. Hood.
Pic 694: HMS IMPLACABLE departs Melbourne , A.C. Green.
Pic 2133: Long range view of 2 BPF carriers in Melbourne, A.C. Green
Pic 693: HMS IMPLACABLE arrives Melbourne A.C. Green
Pic 1100: Escort Carrier HMS ATHELING IN Melbourne A.C. Green
Pic 1102: Escort carrier in HMSD ATHELING in Melbourne A.C. Green 2.
Pic 1101: HMS ATHELING and tug Eagle, A.C. Green
Pic 1478: HMS MANXMAN IN Port Phillip Bay -A.C. Green
Pic 1477: HMS MANXMAN departs Melbourne A.C. Green
Pic 1476: HMS MANXMAN AT Geelong, Victoria
Pic 2362: HMS IMPLACABLE at Station Pier Melbourne
Pic 2363: HMS IMPLACABLE and HMS VENERABLE at Station Pier Melbourne, per Rosey Kendall
Pic 2364: HMS INDEFATIGABLE in Melbourne, per Rosey Kendall _prob. Green]
Pic 2365: HMS IMPLACABLE in Melbourne by A.C. Green.
Pic 2366: newspaper clipping photo HMS IMPLACABLE and 2 other carriers, Melbourne
Pic 2367: IMPLACABLE, VENERABLE INDEFATIGABLE again at Melbourne Rosey Kendall
Pic 2368: Newspaper clip huge crowds visiting BPF Carriers Melbourne, Rosey Kendall
Pic 2119: Maintenance carrier HMS PIONEER IN Melbourne A.C. Green
Pic 2118: HMS PIONEER flying paying off pennant in Melbourne A.C. Green
Pic 2120: HMS VENERABLE in Melbourne A.C. Green
Pic 2121: HMS VENERABLE with three planes on stern in Melb. A.C. Green
Pic1163: HMS ILLUSTRIOUS in the Captain Cook Dock, March 2, 1945.
Pic1164: second view of HMS ILLUSTRIOUS in Captain Cook Dock:
Pic5271: later in HMS ILLUSTRIOUS’s March 1945 Captain Cook docking
Pic19: Maintenance carrier HMS PIONEER passes HMAS SHROPSHIRE at Garden Island
Pic 5424: Bankstown Airport BPF aircraft receipt and despatch base;
Pic 5425: Technical facilities and barracks at HMS NABBINGTON, Bankstown Sydney
Pic 5426: HMS NABTHORPE, the BPF's MONAB base at Schofield, north west Sydney.
Pic 5438: HMS NABSTOCK mobile air base, Schofielkds NSW 1946.
Pic 3062: Barque LAWHILL passes battleship KING GEORGE V departing Sydney Nov. 1945.

Pic 5596; HMS DUKE OF YORK at No 2 Wharf, Woolloomooloo, Nov. 23, 1945:

Pic 5597. British Pacific Fleet Memorial, Sydney.
Pic 5598. HMS FORMIDABLE in Sydney Harbour, Dec. 6, 1945.

Pic 5599. HMS EURYALUS IN sYDNEY, oCT 1, 1945.


HMAS AUSTRALIA [I] Indefatigable Class battlecruiser; two parts, starts Entry No. 5476,100 images.

HMAS WARRAMUNGA [I] Tribal Class destroyer: single entry under pic 5470, 50 images

HMAS ARUNTA [I] Tribal Class destroyer, two parts, under pic entries 5467-5468, 80 images

HMAS HOBART [I] Modified Leander Class light cruiser: Two parts, under pic entries 5464-5465, 100 images

HMAS MELBOURNE [II] Light fleet aircraft carrier: seven parts, under pic entries 5444-5450, 350 images

HMAS QUEENBOROUGH, 'Q' Class or Type 15 fast anti-submarine frigate; Two parts under pic entries 5435,5436, 60 images.

HMAS ANZAC [II] Battle Class destroyer, Two Parts under pic entries 5429-5430; 60 images.

HMAS SHROPSHIRE, heavy cruiser: Three Parts under pic entries 5415-5417, 75 images

HMAS AUSTRALIA [II] heavy cruiser : Three parts under pic entries 5412-5415, 200 images

BRITISH PACIFIC FLEET IN AUSTRALIA; single entry; under Pic 5365, 50 images

HMAS BARCOO, WWII River Class frigate, single entry under Pic NO. 6186, 30+ images

HMAS VAMPIRE [II] Daring Class destroyer, three parts, starts pic NO. 5501, 100+ images

Mura (XL)
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Image by Jose Luis Mieza Photography
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I will remember Sarah Mclachlan

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My book "Discover BESALÚ" (preview)

The first news of which has its existence dates back to 978. Around the church of Sant Marti, as documented by the year 1088 began to wake up the first houses in this picturesque town that even today retains all its medieval charm.
Historically, work in the field was the main dedication of its people; particular importance was conreo of grapes, from the eighteenth century shifted more traditional forms of agriculture. This was a particularly arduous task given the characteristics of the mountainous terrain, settled in part by building jars at the foot of vineyards, which were used for the storage of must and grapes. Already into the nineteenth century, the phylloxera conditioned conreo and resulted in a significant decline in population. Another important task, until mid-twentieth century, was the development of charcoal, until such time as the electricity found their disappearance. Since then, its people were devoted to another kind of work in line with the changing times. It set up a textile factory in the early twentieth century, which was in operation until the year 1964. Logically, closing it was important socio-economic consequences on the lives of the people, determining the migration of population towards the industrial cities or to neighboring towns. Since then, the physiognomy of Mura se ha ido transforming into a large number of people with second homes, laying the groundwork for a tradition tourist potential. Precisely for the new work and revenue earned from tourism, was very relevant to the creation of the Natural Park Sant Llorenç del Munt i l'Obac, in 1972. Since then increased the number of tourists and visitors. Nobody is aware that, as in many other municipalities of Catalunya, tourism could ensure the future of the people so that asentare solidly its core population.

I will remember you
Will you remember me?
Don't let your life pass you by
Weep not for the memories

Remember the good times that we had?
I let them slip away from us when things got bad
How clearly I first saw you smilin' in the sun
Wanna feel your warmth upon
me, I wanna be the one

I will remember you
Will you remember me?
Don't let your life pass you by
Weep not for the memories

I'm so tired but I can't sleep
Standin' on the edge of something much too deep
It's funny how we feel so much
but we cannot say a word
[Más Letras en es.mp3lyrics.org/Es]
We are screaming inside, but we can't be heard

But I will remember you
Will you remember me?
Don't let your life pass you by
Weep not for the memories

I'm so afraid to love you, but
more afraid to lose
Clinging to a past that doesn't let me choose
Once there was a darkness,
deep and endless night
You gave me everything you had,
oh you gave me light

And I will remember you
Will you remember me?
Don't let your life pass you by
Weep not for the memories

And I will remember you
Will you remember me?
Don't let your life pass you by
Weep not for the memories
Weep not for the memories

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