Check out these make a picture images:
Vinyl Art
Image by Ric e Ette
Picture taken at the "Maker Faire 2008" (San Mateo, CA) - a collection of creative, weird, and sometimes useless (but always interesting) inventions, exhibits and art performances. Check out the other pictures in this set.
Renga Arts: A showcase of fun and useful items that can be made from old LPs. Live demonstrations will be given.
Arte com velhos LPs.
Foto tirada na "Maker Faire 2008" (em San Mateo, Califórnia) - uma feira repleta de criativas, supreendentes, e algumas vezes inúteis (mas sempre interessantes) invenções, mostras e exibições de arte. Confira as outras fotos deste álbum.
6/365 Office Panorama
Image by DavidDMuir
This is my office at Jordanhill. I am not an organised person at the best of times but this is extraordinarily messy - even for me! Normally I use an archaeological method of organisation - i.e. if I got it two weeks ago it will be about 2 centimetres down in a particular pile. However just before Christmas I lost the place a bit and now I am finding it hard to find anything! I need to do some serious throwing out. :-)
This picture was taken in response to a challenge from Ewan McIntosh. He asked edublogers to take a picture of where they blog and send it to a new edublogoffices pool.
So here is my effort. For the record, my name is David Muir and my blog is EdCompBlog.
What do you think? Tidier or messier than John's?