
Cool Photo Equipment images

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A few nice photo equipment images I found:

Teens metalsmithing and lapidary.
photo equipment
Image by RocksInMyHead1
RocksInMyHead™ is a Unique Rock, Prospecting & Outdoor Adventure Company. For gold prospecting, rockhounding, & lapidary tools, supplies, equipment, books, maps, great outdoor gear, plus lots of great rocks, minerals, fossils, & meteorites, go to our website RocksInMyHead.biz. For awesome stories about our rockhounding, prospecting & other exciting adventures, plus maps, info, photos, links, & more go to
For information about our classes and educational products, to book us to come to your organization, or to find out about teaching for us, go to www.adventureswithrocks.com/

Bug Out Bag
photo equipment
Image by Earthworm
It's been a good time to review earthquake equipment and preparation. This is what I carry in my car. Doesn't include the tools I carry for client work. Also snacks and extra water. (I kept drinking and eating those.) This reminds me to replenish.

I decided today to throw in my sleeping bag and foam pad instead of keeping them in my backyard kit. I already had the red pillow for sleeping in car, but it is possible, with all the crossing of bridges that I do, that I could spend the night at a friend or client's house on other side of bay. Even camp out if I had to since ground cloth is a bivy bag too.

I'm not completely satisfied with this kit, but it's what I got so far with what I had on hand and buying a first aid kit and small roll duct tape and matches. It's good enough for going to a shelter or staying at someones house. I put together a similar bag for my partner. I didn't lay it all out nice and neat because being perfect is not the point. Just throw some stuff together; it's better than nothing. Here's the list.

Extra set of clothing, sox, undies plus fleece hoodie
Personal sundries, old pair of glasses, fresh contacts
small towel
nylon cord
foil blanket
lighting sticks
pack tissues
Tyvek coveralls
first aid kit
weather radio
waterproof matches (container not seen)
extra water bottle
can opener
bottle opener
swiss army knife
pad/pencil (pens dry out)
duct tape
large plastic bag
inverter to run laptop though now I have a car charger
12 volt lamp plus flashlight in work toolkit
ground cloth
2 t-shirts useful for bandages, splints, arm slings, mask (scissors in workbag)
tyvek windbreaker
cash in small bills
also coins kept in change bin of car for pay phones (the few that there are; make a note of locations)

I also carry a dust mask in my workbag and all kinds of gloves for work. Also carry a full set of maps (rare these days). And jumper cables. And car charger for my phone. I recommend having car chargers for all gadgets you count on since the car has power that's good enough to keep phones, and iPods running. It's worth the trouble of ordering one.

For in the house gadgets and internet access I have this set-up.

車両甲板 "wagon deck"
photo equipment
Image by yu_DP+
M-Hexanon 50mm F2

装置 "a kind of equipments"
