
Nice Image Upload photos

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A few nice image upload images I found:

Chase Alias' :)(: Potentiality of Objects
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Image by Chase Alias :)(:
The practice of photography is no longer a means of recording reality, it has become reality itself. Photography as a mediums also endowed with all the fundamental implications of a material object, such as scale, density and focal points. It also acts as a gauge for all potential realities, having evolved into a marvelous relationship between our understanding of material Images and photography as a material object itself. Images become an important reference point for distinguishing between the authenticity and potentiality of objects, and within this distinction they once again become truth itself.
-Ai WeiWei

This work of Immersion art is performed by Chase Alias and photographed by David Pollack. Immersion Artistist David Pollack spends years developing his characters. The development of these two characters happened over a period of 7 years. Cubby's Basehouse and then Chase Alias' Craigslist are David's newest series of works.

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Image by Jon Betts
NOISE project source photographs. Only the above, unaltered* photographs were used to create the images of the NOISE project. Two images are not included as they were presented as taken.*

Note: The comments below are formatted for mobile. Flickr Mobile does not understand the concpet of a paragraph. Sorry for the multiple comments.

“The problem of the artist is to defamiliarize the ordinary” --Paul Rand
