
Flash Off!

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Some cool flash photo images:

Flash Off!
flash photo
Image by Skley
Ja Ja, meine Sammelleidenschaft ...

Was ich mich jedoch noch wünsche ist eine Mittelformat mit Lichtschachtsucher ... Aber die sind so furchtbar teuer :(

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flash photo
Image by Mike_tn
moss covered cedar glade in eve at Cedars of Lebanon State Park, Tennessee. The cedar trees here are really juniper trees, which are cedar looking evergreens.
Three photos used here. Two hdr combined shots used for the mossy part and one for the sky part. For the shot with the well exposed sky, I made it's top edge 100% visible and it's bottom black area 0% visible with a gradient inbetween. Did the same for the mossy exposure but in reverse, because it's top edge was a bright blow out. Then layered the two.
