

Large Rectangle

Check out these image editor images:

image editor
Image by y2bd
Found some un-stitched photos on my computer, decided to give Microsoft ICE a test-drive. By the way, this is the city of Reno, Nevada, as seen from the 17th floor of the Circus Circus hotel.

Charter School, Hampton Heights
image editor
Image by ghwpix
On Saturday, I volunteered some cleanup help onsite at the charter school scheduled to open this fall in my neighborhood. It's a great old building that started out as a school then was turned into an arts center and is now being renovated for use as a school again. I took a few pictures and experimented with different techniques for creating panoramic photos.

Above is a panorama created using the .99 iPhone app AutoStitch.

Compare to this panorama created using the .95 desktop app DoubleTake.

In my opinion the results look the same, except that black areas visible around the margins of the AutoStitch panorama are easy to crop out with DoubleTake.

Since I have an iPhone and can run AutoStitch, I don't think I'll be buying DoubleTake (though it seems like a great program).

I'm tempted to say that if I already owned something like PhotoShop (with which I have fairly extensive experience), I probably wouldn't need either one. However, I've come to appreciate the elegant simplicity of image editors that are less well-known (and less expensive!) than PhotoShop.
