
Cool Online Photos images

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Some cool online photos images:

The Parish Church of St Thomas Musbury, Helmshore, Haslingden, Rossendale, Lancashire
online photos
Image by mrrobertwade (wadey)
I'm showing off having won something!
24th Rossendale Online Photo Competition - Religious Buildings-Winner

Church, 1850-51, by E.H. Shellard. Rock-faced sandstone, 2-span slate roof.
West tower with broach spire, nave and chancel, with north aisle under
separate roof. Decorated style, with reticulated tracery. Tower of 3 unequal
stages with angle buttresses to the high 1st stage, has moulded arched west
doorway with roll-moulded surround carried up from very low string course, a
small lancet high above the door, similar lancets to the 2nd stage, 2-light
belfry louvres, and a broach spire with 2-light lucarnes in the cardinal sides
(modern clock faces below these). Five-bay nave with one buttress, gabled
porch to 2nd bay, 2-light traceried windows; matching north aisle has 2-light
west window and 3-light east window; chancel has larger 3-light window (all
these with reticulated tracery). Interior: 5-bay aisle arcade of octagonal
columns and double-chamfered arches with roll-moulding carried over the heads
and linked by figured stops; arch-braced roof, the wall-posts carried on
corbels, some carved; elaborate carved wooden chancel screen and canopied
choir stalls. Commissioners' church, cost £2,500 (Pevsner)

online photos
Image by USDAgov
Bunny the pet Brahma cow (right) and some of the 65 cattle and 30 calves that are born, raised and roam the pastures of Brookview Farm eating grass or resting under shade trees on, Thursday, May 5, 2011 in Manakin-Sabot, VA. They are processed for beef, for Fall Line Farms a local food cooperative in the Richmond, VA area that offers a wide variety of household food staples and specialty items on an ever changing inventory of fruits, vegetables, meats, soaps, eggs, cheeses, flowers, honey, pastas, sauces, syrups, baked goods, mushrooms, flour and grains. Suppliers post what they have on a Lulus Local Food online listing and customers (who pay seasonal dues) can make their selection. Every Thursday suppliers deliver orders to, one of several pick-up points, designated by the customers in or around the Richmond area. USDA Photos by Lance Cheung.
