
Cool Free Photo Edit images

Large Rectangle

A few nice free photo edit images I found:

everchanging [1280x720 video]
free photo edit
Image by Konstantin Leonov
For those who do not have flash in browser: air.oldstable.org/videos/everchanging.mp4

First attempt of reencoding a video, recorded with Nikon D5100, 1280x720 24fps HQ.
Lens: Nikkor 35mm f/1.4 AI-S, f/4, Hoya PL filter used.
I may publish compressed 20-minute video later on my website. Uncompressed source from camera is 1+ GB in size which is not acceptable.

Then converted to set of PNGs, then merged again into x264. I could have skipped the first step I think but I was planning to post-edit them, but in the end decided not to.
Command list follows:

# decompose to frames, one per second.
# ~/tmp/sky.mov - file from camera
# will output files like sky000001.png ...
ffmpeg -i ~/tmp/sky.mov -r 1 -f image2 sky%06d.png

# now as wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/FFmpeg#x264_Lossless suggests
# make a 2-pass encoding

# one
ffmpeg -f image2 -i sky%06d.png -an -vcodec libx264 -pass 1 -preset veryslow -threads 0 -r 25 -b 5000k -x264opts frameref=15:fast_pskip=0 -f rawvideo -y /dev/null
# two
ffmpeg -f image2 -i sky%06d.png -an -vcodec libx264 -pass 2 -preset veryslow -threads 0 -r 25 -b 5000k -x264opts frameref=15:fast_pskip=0 -y video.mp4

# and you get video.mp4 that you see here now.

