
The Immortality Imperative

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Check out these fun photos images:

The Immortality Imperative
fun photos
Image by jurvetson
When the Andregg brothers started Halcyon Molecular to lower the cost of gene sequencing, they had a bolder mission in mind – to solve the tricky problem of death.

Their foundational framework is framed in the company cafeteria for all to see. It serves perhaps as a focal point for Pollyannaish priorities.

Choose a Life:
• Life 1 – one item from the Fun Stuff to Do List, and then death.
• Life 2 - one item from the Immortality List, and then myriad fun projects, like a bouquet of creativity

(Click photo to enlarge, or mouse-over notes. Shared with permission)

"yeah yeah, we have..."
fun photos
Image by icedsoul photography .:teymur madjderey
"...heard all this before! and no, the redlight district will not be opened up again."
"bewbewbew booh booh boing!!!"
"frankly I don't really care how much money you've spent on rebuilding this old... shack!"
"bewbew bew booh booh boing bing wee weee weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee..."
"STOP IT!!! as fun as it all may seem sir, but ninetynine percent of your customers got stabbed or impaled in your establishment. you should really think about leaving back to our home system if you want to keep up this line of work."
"weee weeee boooh boooh zap zing weee!"
"yeah to you too sir!"

-day eightyfive-
of my one year photo project

Epic Cluster Launch
fun photos
Image by jurvetson
My son designed and built this 4-engine cluster rocket from scratch, with GLR nomex honeycomb fins, and an Aerotech Metalstorm engine on each fin edge, and a reduction coupler for the strap-on camera, and RF tracking inside.

And get a load of this – all three metalstorm motors at the ends of the fins are actually lit and coming up to pressure. In this frame, none look lit, but they all are. Below, you can see the sparkles from the titanium sponge mixed into those motors.

A whole series of events led to the loss of the upper half of the rocket. Will post analysis below, thanks to photo tracking into the sky

Here is the HD pad-cam video. Since it's a fixed videocamera at the pad, the visual action is brief, but the soundtrack is fun. The Cesaroni J355 Red Lightning central engine just roars off the pad.
