
Cool Image Sites images

Check out these image sites images:

Beautiful Austin at Sunset
image sites
Image by Stuck in Customs
I went downtown on Sunday night to work on some new drawings, and I was pretty sure that the gray clouds would not be conducive to shooting. But then, just as the sun dipped below the horizon, it tore through the city with bright pinks for about 10 minutes. I sped over to the other side of the Colorado River and jumped out for a quick shot. Luckily, I always keep the D3X in my car with me in case of a photo emergency like this.

In other news, I finally did that 25 Things thing that has been bouncing around Facebook. If you don't have a Facebook account, I copied the 25 Things here to the site...

From Trey Ratcliff at www.stuckincustoms.com

image from "Casino Royale"
image sites
Image by andy z
A crop of a desktop wallpaper image from Sony's "Casino Royale" web site.

Nice Photo Sizes photos

A few nice photo sizes images I found:

photo sizes
Borzia es una rara cianobacteria que muy de vez en cuando aparece aquí o allá, sobre la base de monumentos de piedra, en los estucos que cuentan Historia o, como en este caso, en pequeños estanques. Son siete las especies reconocidas de este género, muchas, como ésta están ligadas siempre a la presencia de carbonato cálcico y puede desarrollarse sobre otras algas sumergidas o vivir flotando entre dos aguas , la de hoy, aparece aquí pastoreada por un pequeño ciliado.

Borzia es como el proyecto de una cianobacteria filamentosa que por tímida se quedó en gusano, es la prima contenida de Oscillatoria. Vive solitaria o en grupos, siempre construyendo colonias en forma de tricomas cortos, rectos o algo curvados y que como máximo alcanzan las 16 células. Las células de cada colonia tienen forma de barril, unas veces más cortos que largos, otras más largos que cortos y, a veces, iguales. Los extremos de los filamentos de Borzia son iguales del mismo modo que iguales en sus funciones son todas y cada una de las células que le dan forma. En ocasiones, los filamentos más jóvenes de esta cianobacteria están recubiertos de una fina capa de mucílago.

Las cianobacterias se encuentran entre los seres más primitivos y que más decisivamente han influido sobre la vida en nuestro Planeta. Transformaron la atmósfera irrespirable de los tiempos en los que no había vida en los continentes en la que respiramos hoy. Borzia ha sido encontrada en muy contadas ocasiones en nuestro país, casi siempre asociada a monumentos históricos.

Es curioso el hecho de que una de las escasísimas y últimas citas de este género en la Península corresponda a la especie Borzia periklei que se encontró entre los estucos que todavía recubren algunos muros de la preciosa villa romana de Baelo Claudia en Cádiz. También del sur es ésta y posiblemente corresponda a la especie Borzia trilocularis, procede de las muestras de un estanque recogidas por Vicky en la localidad sevillana de Alcalá de Guadaíra. En este caso estas algas viven sobre otras cianobacterias filamentosas. La fotografía se ha realizado a 400 aumentos empleando la técnica de contraste de interferencia. ¡¡ Gracias Vicky !!

Agradecemos a Santiago Ortiz la incorporación de nuestro proyecto a su magnífico Bestiario.

Con nuestra gratitud también para Pilar Gil por la publicación en Qúo, a Antonio Martínez Ron ...y también Paul/

Puedes tener otra infomación en la exposición LA VIDA OCULTA DEL AGUA

Y en este catálogo

También en la galería de Fotolog

Y nuestro granito de arena por la Paz

Manifestamos también desde aquí nuestro apoyo al juez Baltasar Garzón, por una justicia justa, y no la de un mundo al revés en un país de pandereta, sin revanchas ni envidias:

Santa Creu de Rodes
photo sizes
Image by Jose Luis Mieza Photography
View On Black View My Recent


In Onexposure

El despoblat de Santa Creu de Rodes es troba situat prop del monestir de Sant Pere de Rodes, al municipi de Port de la Selva (Alt Empordà). Es tracta d'un nucli de població abandonat i que es troba en ruïna. D'aquest lloc es tenen notícies gràcies a la seva església parroquial de Santa Helena de Rodes, de la que es tenen notícies des del 974. El pogressiu abandó degué començar degut al greu episodi de pesta negra que es va patir el 1345 i que també va afectar el monestir de Sant Pere de Rodes. Tradicionalment s'admet que ja al segle XIII va patir un important despoblament arran de la participació d'una bona part de la població en la conquesta de Mallorca, s'hi van quedar. El 1572 l'església de Santa Creu de Rodes (que ja en aquella època havia canviat el com pel de Santa Helena) va perdre la condició de parroquial, el que indica que el lloc havia d'estar pràcticament deshabitat. A més de la coneguda església de Santa Creu de Rodes, que és l'únic edifici que es conserva en relatiu bon estat, l'interès del lloc rau en el fet que era tancat per un mur, del que encara es conserven alguns vestigis, sobretot pel que fa a dos portals: el de tramuntana i el de migdia. La resta de construccions es limita a murs de pedra entre la vegetació.

El despoblado de Santa Cruz de Rodas se encuentra situado cerca del monasterio de Sant Pere de Rodes, en el municipio de Port de la Selva (Alt Empordà). Se trata de un núcleo de población abandonado y que se encuentra en ruina. De este lugar se tienen noticias gracias a su iglesia parroquial de Santa Helena de Rodes, de la que se tienen noticias desde el 974. El pogressiu abandono debió comenzar debido al grave episodio de peste negra que se sufrió en 1345 y que también afectó al monasterio de Sant Pere de Rodes. Tradicionalmente se admite que ya en el siglo XIII sufrió un importante despoblamiento raíz de la participación de una buena parte de la población en la conquista de Mallorca, se quedaron. En 1572 la iglesia de Santa Creu de Rodes (que ya en aquella época había cambiado como por el de Santa Elena) perdió la condición de parroquial, lo que indica que el lugar debía estar prácticamente deshabitado. Además de la conocida iglesia de Santa Creu de Rodes, que es el único edificio que se conserva en relativo buen estado, el interés del lugar radica en que estaba cerrado por un muro, del que aún se conservan algunos vestigios, sobre todo en dos portales: el de tramontana y el de mediodía. El resto de construcciones se limita a muros de piedra entre la vegetación.

The deserted Santa Cruz de Wheels is located near the monastery of Sant Pere de Rodes in the municipality of Puerto de la Selva (Alt Empordà). This is a core population that is abandoned and in ruins. On this site you will have news thanks to his parish church of St. Helen Rhodes, from which 974 are from the news. The start was probably due to neglect pogressiu severe episode of Black Death that was implemented in 1345 and also affected the monastery of Sant Pere de Rodes. Traditionally supported already in the thirteenth century it suffered a major depopulation following the participation of a large proportion of the population in the conquest of Majorca, they were. In 1572 the church of Santa Croce in Rhodes (already at that time had changed as the Santa Helena) lost its parish status, which indicates that the site had to be practically deserted. In addition to the famous church of Santa Croce in Rhodes, which is the only building that remains in relatively good condition, the interest of the site lies in the fact that it was enclosed by walls, which still kept some traces, particularly with regard to two sites: the north wind and midday. The remaining buildings are limited to stone walls between the vegetation.

La Tossa de Montbui
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Image by Jose Luis Mieza Photography
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El castillo de Montbui ya consta como organizado en el año 936. El conde Borrell II lo cedió al obispo Ató de Vic en el año 970. Las primeras noticias de la iglesia datan de los años 972 y 993, cuando el obispo Fruià levantó, en la cumbre del Montbui, un nuevo castillo y una iglesia, pero esta quedó inacabada a causa de una fuerte sequía que obliga a emigrar a los repobladores de la comarca. En el año 1023 el obispo Oliba enfeudó la fortaleza al levita Guillem de Oló, que repobló definitivamente el término, restauró el castillo y acabó la iglesia. La iglesia es un edificio construido a finales del siglo X e inicios del XI. Es de planta basilical de tres naves, cabeceadas por ábsides semicirculares, cubiertos con bóvedas de cuarto de esfera. El perímetro de la iglesia se ensancha hacia la cabecera y únicamente es roto por unos contrafuertes ataludados y una capilla moderna. Los ábsides llevan decoración lombarda con arquerías entre lesenas. Las naves laterales quedan separadas por dos series de seis arcadas de donde arrancan las vueltas que las cubren. Los dos primeros tramos, seguramente corresponden a la iglesia más antigua, anterior al 990 y quizás nunca acabada. Estas dos primeras arcadas apoyan sobre pilares cuadrangulares, las restantes, hacia la cabecera, reposan sobre columnas cortas y gruesas. Las vueltas de las naves son irregulares, ya que a lo largo de su recorrido adoptan diferentes perfiles, pasando por un arco de medio punto, hasta convertirse en un arco ultrapasado o de ligera herradura. El muro oeste es coronado por un campanario de pared de dos aperturas que se erigió posteriormente. Debajo hay una ventana en forma de cruz. La puerta de acceso, abierta al muro sur, corresponde a un remodelaje posterior, seguramente del siglo XVI. En el interior se conserva una sencilla pila bautismal y otra pieza utilizada como pila benditera. Muy cerca se conservan los restos del castillo del siglo X. De planta rectangular con los ángulos redondeados. El interior bastante modificado, se organiza a partir de una planta baja, desdoblada en un recibidor y una sala cubierta con bóveda de medio punto. La planta superior solo conserva los muros. La puerta de entrada original se encuentra más arriba, a nivel del primer piso, a modo de ventanal.

The castle has already Montbui as organized in 936. Count Borrell II Atomic traded him to the bishop of Vic in the year 970. The first news of the church dating from 972 and 993, when Bishop frui up, Montbui on top of a new castle and a church, but this remained unfinished because of a severe drought that forced the settlers to emigrate of the region. In 1023 the bishop Oliba feuded strength to coat Guillem de Olo, who repopulated the term finally, restored the castle and the church ended. The church is a building built in the late tenth century and the beginning of XI. It has a basilica with three naves, apses doze by semicircular arches covered with quarter-sphere. The perimeter of the church widens toward the top and is only broken by buttresses ataludados and a modern chapel. The apses are decorated with arches between lesen Lombard. The aisles are separated by two series of six arches where they dig up the laps that cover. The first two installments, probably corresponding to the oldest church, before the 990 and perhaps never finished. These first two arches resting on square pillars, the other, toward the head, resting on short columns and thick. The turns of the vessels are irregular, because along its course take different profiles, to a semicircular arch, into an arc or slightly surpassed horseshoe. The west wall is topped by a tower wall was erected two starts later. Below is a cross-shaped window. The access door is open to the south wall, represents a later remodeling, probably sixteenth century. In Inside is a simple font and another room used as benditera stack. Nearby is the remains of the castle of the tenth century The rectangular with rounded corners. The much modified inside, is organized from the ground floor, split into a reception room and a roof deck with a half-point. The upper floor retains only the walls. The original entrance is located above the first floor level, as a window.


Check out these cat image images:

cat image
Image by mattdork

cat image
Image by mattdork

Happy cat
cat image
Image by dulcie
She is delighted.

Cool Photo Galleries images

Some cool photo galleries images:

Crisis in Haiti
photo galleries
Image by cliff1066™
1995 Pulitzer Prize, Spot News Photography, Carol Guzy, Washington Post

"Some say I became obsessed, but I’d rather call it a mission." Carol Guzy has covered Haiti since the early 1980s, returning on her own when she cannot convince an editor to send her. "I felt like I had to make people see what was going on there." says Guzy. "The country is so small no one in the U.S. is aware of it."

On Dec. 16, 1990, Jean-Bertrand Aristide wins Haiti's first free presidential elections. Less than a year later, he is deposed and sent into exile. The United States imposes a trade embargo; thousands of Haitians flee. "I had gotten to the point that even I had lost all hope," says Guzy. "I thought nothing would get better. The military government was entrenched." In September 1994, U.S. troops land in Haiti to help return Aristide to power. "There were still a lot of problems," says Guzy. "But for the first time in a long time I saw hope and even jubilation in people's eyes."

In Port-au-Prince, Guzy photographs a "very- joyous democracy march." Then someone throws a grenade into the crowd. "People were killed and wounded. There was shooting, nobody could figure out where it was coming from. I hit the ground with everybody else. I turned and saw the (U.S.) soldier. The guy- on the ground with his arm raised up, the crowd thought he had thrown the grenade and they were trying to tear him apart. The U.S. troops were trying to protect him."

Three-quarters of the world's poorest

Check out these photo development images:

Three-quarters of the world's poorest
photo development
Image by Gates Foundation
A farmer stands with his family in a field near his home. (Kirehe, Rwanda, 2010)

Three-quarters of the world’s poorest people get their food and income by farming small plots of land. We are working to make small-holder farming more productive and more profitable in an effort to reduce hunger and poverty.

Join the conversation on the foundation's blog, Impatient Optimists.

The Sun Sets On The Chief

Some cool image gallery images:

The Sun Sets On The Chief
image gallery
Image by Mark O'Grady\MOSpeed Images
1954 Pontiac

Photographed @ the 2010 Motorfest in Stouffville, Ontario, Canada

COPYRIGHT NOTICE:© 2011/2012 Mark O'Grady\MOSpeed Images.
Images in this gallery are protected by copyright. They are not stock and may not be used for manipulations, references, blogs, journals, share sites, etc. without my express written/verbal consent.

The Sun Sets On The Chief by MOSpeed Images\Mark O'Grady is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License.

Cool Photo Christmas Cards images

Some cool photo christmas cards images:

Christmas 2009
photo christmas cards
Image by whitecat sg
My photo for this year's Christmas card :)

Nice Photo Effects Online photos

Check out these photo effects online images:

doidedcomics vol2.an2012 - Îţi dai seama că eşti din Cluj dacă
photo effects online
Image by 2dedcomics
doidedcomics vol2.an2012 - Îţi dai seama că eşti din Cluj dacă

doidedcomics vol.3 / 2012 - in memoria btjunkie page 7
photo effects online
Image by 2dedcomics
doidedcomics vol.3 / 2012 - in memoria btjunkie page 7

Cool Print Photo images

Check out these print photo images:

Portraits of the 8th Annual Western Canadian Hatha Yoga Championship Presented by The Canadian Yoga Federation photos by Ron Sombilon Gallery and PacBlue Printing-57.jpg
print photo
The 8th Annual Western Canadian Hatha Yoga Championship Presented by The Canadian Yoga Federation

Photos by Ron Sombilon Gallery and PacBlue Printing


DOWNLOAD COPIES of the entire Champioship
Click here


Portraits of the 8th Annual Western Canadian Hatha Yoga Championship Presented by The Canadian Yoga Federation photos by Ron Sombilon Gallery and PacBlue Printing-154.jpg
print photo
The 8th Annual Western Canadian Hatha Yoga Championship Presented by The Canadian Yoga Federation

Photos by Ron Sombilon Gallery and PacBlue Printing


DOWNLOAD COPIES of the entire Champioship
Click here


Cool Photo Development images

A few nice photo development images I found:

photo development
Image by joncandy
11/05/13 Cardiff City DVP v Charlton, U21, Cardiff City Stadium, Cardiff, Wales

photo development
Image by joncandy
11/05/13 Cardiff City DVP v Charlton, U21, Cardiff City Stadium, Cardiff, Wales

photo development
Image by joncandy
11/05/13 Cardiff City DVP v Charlton, U21, Cardiff City Stadium, Cardiff, Wales

Dragonfly page 852

Some cool dragon image images:

Dragonfly page 852
dragon image
Image by perpetualplum
This drawing is from the public domain book "The Home and School Reference Work",, Volume III by The Home and School Education Society, H. M. Dixon, President and Managing Editor. The book was published in 1917 by The Home and School Education Society.

This copyright free image of a "Dragon Fly" can be on page 852.

HMS REPULSE possibly near Sydney Heads
dragon image
Image by Australian National Maritime Museum on The Commons
From 27 November 1923 to 28 September 1924, the British Royal Navy’s Special Service Squadron cruised around the world visiting and thanking those countries and allies who had offered their support during World War I. It was an opportunity to show naval strength and renew alliances. Samuel J Hood and possibly a number of other photographers belonging to his studio, travelled to various vantage points and photographed the fleet's arrival in Sydney. The first ship in the line is HMS REPULSE with HMS DRAGON the fourth in line.

This photo is part of the Australian National Maritime Museum’s Samuel J. Hood Studio collection. Sam Hood (1872-1953) was a Sydney photographer with a passion for ships. His 60-year career spanned the romantic age of sail and two world wars. The photos in the collection were taken mainly in Sydney and Newcastle during the first half of the 20th century.

The ANMM undertakes research and accepts public comments that enhance the information we hold about images in our collection. This record has been updated accordingly.

Photographer: Samuel J. Hood Studio Collection

Object no. 00035274

Dragon Footprint
dragon image
Image by wolfnowl
Victoria, BC

Baby tiger

A few nice baby picture images I found:

Baby tiger
baby picture
Image by Missud
There is this thick, dirty, almost milky glass around the enclosure, a few small windows of it. Maybe it was especially dirty that day. Not happy at all with how the pictures turned out, that stupid fog is just everywhere.

Baby tiger
baby picture
Image by Missud
There is this thick, dirty, almost milky glass around the enclosure, a few small windows of it. Maybe it was especially dirty that day. Not happy at all with how the pictures turned out, that stupid fog is just everywhere.

Cool Photo Editing Online images

A few nice photo editing online images I found:

RAW: Milwaukee Presents Expressions 5/23/13
photo editing online
Image by rawartistsmedia
ALL photography captured & edited by Ryan Laessig / Milwaukee Alt.


Location: The Rave / Eagles Club Basement

Please Credit If photos used online

Cool Cat Image images

Some cool cat image images:

The cat =^..^=
cat image
Image by Viola & Cats / Sorry absent (broken pc)
Do not use my images without my permission .
Non utilizzare le mie immagini senza il mio consenso .
Questo gatto è uno dei nuovi amici della mia Micky ...
This cat is one new friends of my Micky ....

Cat in a tree
cat image
Image by rore
In a weeping willow.
I selected the "shadow" mode for the white balance on my camera, thinking it'll be the good mode for such a setting.
But this mode gives a yellowish tint to the image, to compensate for the blue tint that things in the shadow have. The problem is that here, it was'nt really in the shadow, the light was filtered thru the green-yellow leaves, giving a greenish-yellowish light.
So of course, that + the wrong mode = yellow-green cat :D
But well, that was easy to correct on the comp', so now he's rather white.

Cool Christmas Photo Card images

Some cool christmas photo card images:

16. desember - December 16
christmas photo card
Image by Riksarkivet (National Archives of Norway)
Glædelig jul!
Postkortet finnes i privatarkivet etter Oscar Andersen (1879-1953). Andersen var predikant tilknyttet Det norske Misjonsforbunds virksomhet i Finnmark. Arkivet består av korrespondanse fra ulike avsendere i tidsrommet 1911-26, attester og andre personlige papirer og dagbøker fra tiden 1912-1915. Arkivet inneholder også to prospektkortalbum og to album med visittkortfotografier.

Arkivreferanse: pa0569_u2_025

Happy Christmas!
The postcard is from the private archive of Oscar Andersen (1879-1953). Andersen was a preacher involved in the Mission Covenant Church of Norway’s work in Finnmark. The archive consists of correspondence from different senders in the period 1911-1926, certificates and other personal papers and diaries from 1912-1915. The archive also contains two postcard albums and two albums with business card photos.

Cool Photo To Poster images

Some cool photo to poster images:

A sexual assault awareness poster.
photo to poster
Image by Official U.S. Navy Imagery
WASHINGTON (March 30, 2012) An informational poster about sexual assault awareness month. Throughout the month of April, commands are encouraged to organize activities to raise awareness of sexual assault using the theme, "Hurts One, Affects All. Prevention of Sexual Assault is Everyone's Duty." Join the conversation on social media and help raise awareness using #SAAM. (U.S. Navy photo illustration by Mass Communication Specialist 2nd Class Nathan Lockwood/Released) 120403-N-AE328-001
Join the conversation

A sexual assault awareness poster.
photo to poster
Image by Official U.S. Navy Imagery
WASHINGTON (April 9, 2012) An informational poster about sexual assault awareness month. Throughout the month of April, commands are encouraged to organize activities to raise awareness of sexual assault using the theme, "Hurts One, Affects All. Prevention of Sexual Assault is Everyone's Duty." Join the conversation on social media and help raise awareness using #SAAM. (U.S. Navy photo illustration by Mass Communication Specialist 2nd Class David Danals/Released) 120409-N-QF368-001
Join the conversation

Fotoloco Inquirer's 15th Anniversary LAB Gastropub Oceana 095

Some cool photo lab images:

Fotoloco Inquirer's 15th Anniversary LAB Gastropub Oceana 095
photo lab
Image by FOTOLOCO!
Fotoloco photo booth pictures @ Inquirer's 15th Anniversary | LAB Gastropub Oceana, Pasay City | All-you-want photo prints and greenscreen from Fotoloco photo booth

Fotoloco Inquirer's 15th Anniversary LAB Gastropub Oceana 105
photo lab
Image by FOTOLOCO!
Fotoloco photo booth pictures @ Inquirer's 15th Anniversary | LAB Gastropub Oceana, Pasay City | All-you-want photo prints and greenscreen from Fotoloco photo booth

Boston - Back Bay: Boston Public Library McKim Building - Sargent Gallery - Frieze of the Prophets and the Israelites Oppressed

Some cool photo gallery images:

Boston - Back Bay: Boston Public Library McKim Building - Sargent Gallery - Frieze of the Prophets and the Israelites Oppressed
photo gallery
Image by wallyg
The Sargent Gallery, a long high gallery located on the third floor of the Boston Public Library McKim Building, is named for the American painter John Singer Sargent, who spent years decorating its walls with the mural sequence, Triumph of Religion. The hall is 84-feet long, 23-feet wide, and 26-feet high, with vaulted ceiling, lighted from above. The mural was originally commissioned in 1890, and represents thirty years of labor completed in four installments--the paintings at the north end of the hall were completed in 1895, the south end wall in 1903, the niches and vaulting at the south end and the lunettes along the side wall in 1916, and the two panels over the staircase in 1919.

On the north wall, above the doorway to the Charlotte Cushman Room is the Frieze of the Prophets. The central figure is Moses holding the tablets brought down from Sinai. The 83-inch wide mural spans onto the west and east wall. On the west wall are Zephaniah, Joel, Obadiah, and Hosea. The north wall features, to the left of Moses, Amos Nahum, Ezekiel, Daniel, and Elijah; and to the right, Joshua, Jeremiah, Jonah, Isaih, and Habakkuk. On the east wall are Micah, Haggai, Malacchi, and Zechariah.

Above the frieze is the lunette, The Israelites Oppressed, or the Children of Israel. The pagan series is done in a blend of Egyptian and Assyrian styles combined with gilded Byzantine casts applied in relief to the surface. The representation of Israel is depicted beneath the yoke of its oppressors, represented by the Pharaoh and the Assyrian monarch. Above it, in the vaulting, on the left side is Pagan Gods, with Moloch, the god of material things on the left and Astarte, the goddess of sensuality, and the head of Neith on the right.

The Boston Public Library McKim Building, located on Boylston Street between Dartmouth and Exeter Streets, was built in 1895 by Charles Follen McKim of McKim, Mead & White. Consisting of a three-story, monumental free-standing block in the style of an Italian Renaissance palace surrounding an open courtyard, McKim's design was one of the earliest successful examples of Renaissance Beaux-Arts Classicism in America, and set the precedent for grand scale urban libraries. In 1972, the Philip Johnson-designed late modernist wing was added to the Central Library location. The Boston Public Library system, established in 1848, was the country's first publicly supported municipal library, its first large library open to the public and its first to allow citizens to borrow books. There are currently twenty-six branches in the system.

In 2007, Boston Public Library was ranked #90 on the AIA 150 America's Favorite Architecture list.

Boston Public Library National Register #73000317 (1973)

Nice Photo Search photos

Some cool photo search images:

Day 124 - West Midlands Police - Operational Support Unit
photo search
Image by West Midlands Police
This photo shows an officer from our Operational Support Unit ( OSU ) performing a specialist vehicle search.

OSU officers are trained in wide variety of evidence gathering and search techniques. This includes possible vehicle, person and building searches.

The Operations Support Unit (OSU) is a uniformed department made up of officers with a wide range of specialist skills.

They are our strategic reserve for major and serious incidents.

The OSU has three core roles:

1. Public Order
2. Search
3. Method of Entry

Cool Photo Fun images

A few nice photo fun images I found:

Daily Disney - Daytime Fireworks at the Castle (Explored)
photo fun
Image by Express Monorail
This is one of those lucky shots where I just happened to be composing a sunset castle shot when the fireworks for the castle stage show - Dream Along With Mickey shot off. Did some creative dodging and burning in the edit, which accounts for the deep rich colors on the left and bright highlights on the right...

View On Black

Quick EXIF:
Exposure: 1/320
Aperture: f/9.0
Focal Length: 18mm
ISO: 200

Magic Kingdom
Walt Disney World Resort
Bay Lake, Florida
November, 2008

Quick Fact:
Dream Along With Mickey, the current stage show in front of Cinderella Castle opened October 1, 2006, as part of the Year of a Million Dreams.

This picture made it to Flickr Explore June 3, 2009 - #182 - thanks everyone!

Thanks for droppin' in!

Cool Photo Art images

Some cool photo art images:

art room
photo art
Image by zzellers
10am morning light shines through the classroom that i spend the majority of my school day in.

Disney - Cinderella Castle From the TTA

Some cool photo fun images:

Disney - Cinderella Castle From the TTA
photo fun
Image by Express Monorail
Looks better large on black

See where this picture was taken. [?]

This day in Disney history:

(1971) One of Walt Disney World's most popular attractions, the Electrical Water Pageant, debuted on the Seven Seas Lagoon. Originally known as the Electrical Pageant, it is a thousand-foot-long floating parade, two “trains” of seven barges each bearing 25-foot-tall screens covered in blinking lights. To the sounds of Disney movie music and classical themes, these silhouettes of sea creatures circle the water every night between 9 and 10. The parade is visible from the Polynesian, Grand Floridian, Wilderness Lodge, Fort Wilderness, and Contemporary hotels; guests often time their dinner reservations to coincide with the free show. The dry-land Main Street Electrical Parade debuted at Disneyland in 1972.

Cinderella Castle
Magic Kingdom
Walt Disney World Resort
Lake Buena Vista, Florida
January, 2008

Thanks for visiting, Flickr friends!

Disney - Engine No. 4 - Roy O. Disney
photo fun
Image by Express Monorail
View Large On Black

See where this picture was taken. [?]

This day in Disney history:

(2003) Walt Disney World hosted a railway celebration in honor of Walt Disney's fascination with trains. The event also served as a reminder that the original Disneyland park was partly inspired by Walt's hobby. It was not simply that Walt was a train buff; trains became a major element in his conception of an amusement park. As early as 1948, he wrote a memo describing his idea for a park that featured a railroad station and was circumnavigated by the tracks. A railway is also a major feature of Disney World's Magic Kingdom, and miniature trains run through the Epcot World Showcase pavilion, Germany.

Engine No. 4 – Roy O. Disney - Walt Disney World Railroad
Mickey's Toontown Fair
Magic Kingdom
Walt Disney World Resort
Lake Buena Vista, Florida
June, 2008

Thanks for visiting, Flickr friends!

Daily Disney - Future World Monorail
photo fun
Image by Express Monorail
It's hard to get excited about posting a Disney picture in the wake of what happened early yesterday morning. My heart and thoughts go out to the 21 year old boy and his family. The monorail still is and always will be a beautiful thing to me - it's unfortunate when fantasy clashes with reality, especially when reality is ugly. Darn it, people aren't supposed to die at Disney. Hopefully they can understand by way of investigation exactly what happened so something like this will never happen again.

Quick Exif:
Exposure: 1/1000
Aperture: f/8
Focal Length: 50mm
ISO: 640

Monorail Red at Imagination Pavilion
Future World
Walt Disney World Resort
Bay Lake, Florida
June, 2009

Quick Fact:
One monorail crashed into another around 2 AM on July 5, 2009 resulting in the death of the monorail driver. This was the first such incident in the monorail system's near 38 years of service.

Thanks for droppin' by!

View On Black

See where this picture was taken. [?]

Early Morning On the Boardwalk

Check out these photo lighting images:

Early Morning On the Boardwalk
photo lighting
Image by Express Monorail
Although the light was wonderful on this morning, I've never been able to make morning light look quite right. With the help of 9X HDR, my intent is that it look pretty close to the way I saw it when I captured the image. To be honest, I'm not sure if it works or not...

Boardwalk, Epcot Resort Area, Walt Disney World Resort

Thanks for stopping by, and I hope you're having a great day!

LIGHTS - Montreal, Osheaga 2011
photo lighting
Image by TonyFelgueiras

Osheaga 2011 - Day 1
Montreal, QC
July 29, 2011
Shot for www.toromagazine.com
This image is copyright © 2011 Tony Felgueiras. All rights reserved.
This photo may not be used under ANY circumstances without written consent. Please contact tonyfelgueiras@yahoo.ca for usage rights.

1971 Mercedes R107 (13)

A few nice picture sizes images I found:

1971 Mercedes R107 (13)
picture sizes
Image by Georg Schwalbach (GS1311)
Der Mercedes R107 ist ein zweisitziger Roadster mit auf Wunsch lieferbaren hinteren Notsitzen. Das Schwestermodell Mercedes C107 verfügt gegenüber dem Roadster über einen verlängerten Radstand und ist ein fünfsitziges Coupé mit vollwertigen hinteren Sitzen. Die Wagen gehören zur SL-Baureihe von Mercedes-Benz.

Die SL-Baureihe 107, die 1971 als Nachfolger der sogenannten Pagoden-SL (Baureihe W113) debütierte, begründete mit den Breitband H4-Scheinwerfern und den großen geriffelten Rückleuchten eine neue Designlinie bei Mercedes-Benz. Eine leichte Keilform deutete auf eine verbesserte Aerodynamik hin. Verantwortlicher Designer dieser Serie war erneut Friedrich Geiger, der bereits für die zeitlosen Schöpfungen des 300 SL (einschließlich Roadster) und des vom W111 abgeleiteten Coupés verantwortlich zeichnete. [1]

Mit den Typen 450 SLC und 450 SLC 5.0 bzw. 500 SLC nahm Daimler-Benz Ende der siebziger Jahre an großen Rallyes wie der 30.000 km langen Vuelta à la America del Sud (1977), der Safari-Rallye (1979) und der Bandama-Rallye (1979/1980) teil.

Mittlerweile befindet sich der älteste noch erhaltene R107, ein 350 SL mit der Chassis-Nummer 107043-12-000008 und der Motor-Nummer 116982-12-000001, in der Hand eines Arztes aus Erlangen. Der Wagen ist sandbeigemetallic und wurde am 21. April 1971 in Italien zum ersten Mal zugelassen.



The Mercedes-Benz R107 automobiles were produced from 1971 through 1989, being the longest single series ever produced by the firm, besides the G-Class. They were sold under the SL-Class and SLC-Class model names. The R107 replaced the W113 SL-Class in 1972 and was replaced by the R129 SL-Class in 1989.

The R107 took the chassis components of the mid size Mercedes-Benz W114 model and mated them to the larger engines from the S-Class. The W 107 chassis is also referred to as "R 107" for "Reihe" (series). The series comprised SL and SLC models.

The SL variant was a 2-seat convertible/roadster with standard soft top and hardtop. The SLC (technically C107) derivative was a 2 door hardtop coupe, with usable rear seats and in effect an SL stretched 10 inches (254 mm) with a fixed roof. Although some may air this car as an 'SL coupe'- though technically it might be, but in the real world it was an S-class coupe (modern day CL), replacing the former saloon-based 280/300SE coupé in Mercedes` lineup. The SLC was replaced earlier than the SL, in 1981, with a much larger model, the 380SEC. It was aimed at the same market as more exotic machines like the Jaguar E-Type and Citroën SM.

The 107 chassis had the longest run of any Mercedes chassis, 18 years from 1971 to 1989. Some 237,000 107 chassis SL's were built. About two thirds were sold in the US. These 107 cars are larger, heavier and more costly than the previous generation W113 SL cars.

Volume production of the first R107 car, the 350 SL, started in April, 1971 alongside the last of the W 113 cars; the 350 SLC followed in October. Early North American cars wore the name 350 SL, but had a larger 4.5L V8 (and were renamed 450 SL/SLC for model year 1973); the big V8 became available on other markets with the official introduction of the 450 SL/SLC on non-North American markets in March, 1973.

From July, 1974 both SL and SLC could also be ordered with a fuel-injected 2.8L straight-6 as 280 SL and SLC.

In September, 1977 the 450 SLC 5.0 joined the line. This was a special version of the big coupé featuring a bored five-liter version of the 4.5L V8, some light alloy body panels and a black plastic rear spoiler.

The 350, 450 and 450 SLC 5.0 models (like the 350 and 450 SL) were discontinued in 1980 with the introduction of the 380 and 500 SLC in March, 1980. At the same time, the cars received a very mild make-over; the 3-speed automatic was replaced by a four-speed unit, the 280 models came with a standard 5-speed (formerly a 4-speed) manual and all five-liter cars gained a black rear spoiler lip.

The 280, 380 and 500SLC were discontinued in 1981 with the introduction of the 126 series 380 and 500SEC coupes. A total of 62,888 SLCs had been manufactured over a ten year period of which just 1,636 were the 450SLC-5.0 and 1,133 were the 500SLC. Both these models are sought by collectors today. The SLC remains the only fixed roof Mercedes-Benz coupe based on a roadster rather than a sedan. Even today, an SLC in good mechanical condition still gives a mix of good performance, superb handling, comfort and safety, making it is easy to realise why they were a successful rally car.

Following the discontinuation of the SLC in September, 1981, the 107 series continued initially as the 280, 380 and 500SL. At this time, the V8 engines were re-tuned for greater efficiency, lost a few hp and consumed less fuel, helped by substantially numerically shorter axle ratios (that went from 3.27:1 to 2.47:1 for the 380 SL and from 2.72:1 to 2.27:1 for the 500 SL). From September, 1985 the 280SL was replaced by a new 300 SL, and the 380 SL by a 420 SL; the 500 SL continued and a 560SL was introduced for certain extra-European markets, most notably the USA. The final R107 SL was built on August 4, 1989. This eighteen-year run makes the 107 series the longest running series produced by Daimler-Benz.

The last 107 made, a 1989 500SL painted Astral Silver, resides in the Mercedes-Benz museum in Stuttgart, Germany. The W107 series today is prized by classic car collectors; almost all usable examples are worth £5000+ apiece, with the highest-range models sometimes worth £10,000 or more.


1948 Talbot Lago T26 Record (01)
picture sizes
Image by Georg Schwalbach (GS1311)
The Anglo-French STD (Sunbeam-Talbot-Darracq) combine collapsed in 1935. The French Talbot company was reorganised by Anthony Lago (1893-1960) and after that, the Talbot-Lago name was used but on the home market the cars bore a Talbot badge.

After the World War II, for the model Grand Sport 26CV (1947-1954), a 4483 cc six cylinder engine was developed. Another model, named Lago Sport (1954-1957) used a Maserati engine.

One of the immediate post-war cars that received notoriety for its speed was the T26 Grand Sport (GS). It was built for either racing or luxury and benefited directly from Talbot's successful T26C Grand Prix car. As such it was expensive, rare and helped Louis Rosier win the LeMans 24 Hour race. The GS replaced the Lago-Record chassis which was named for its remarkable top speed. Having a 4.5 liter inline-6 aluminum cylinder head and triple carburetor fuel feed from the T26 the Grand Prix cars, the GS was one of the world's most powerful production cars. It produced 190 bhp (140 kW) which was good for around 125 mph (201 km/h) depending on the body that was fitted. Chassis details were similar to the Grand Prix cars, but it was longer and wider. It came it two wheelbase lengths -104 and 110 inches (2,800 mm). Later Lago America models (1957-1959) used 2.6 or 2,7 litre BMW engines or Simca engines.

Postwar government taxation policies savagely discouraged the sale in France of passenger cars with engine sizes above two litres: despite its high quality cars, Talbot-Lago struggled for survival along with other pre-war marques such as Hotchkiss and Delahaye, and production ceased when Simca took over during 1959. (Simca was subsequently taken over by Chrysler, who gained a controlling share in 1963, and rebranded the business as Chrysler France in 1970).

Talbot-Lagos have become a top-prized car at various auctions, fetching as much as .685 million at the 2005 Pebble Beach Auction for a 1938 T150-C Lago Speciale Teardrop Coupe. The same year, the top bidder at a Christie's auction was awarded a 1937 Talbot-Lago T150 C-SS Teardrop Coupe with coachwork by Figoni and Falaschi for his .535 million-dollar bid.


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Als 1935 die Sunbeam-Talbot-Darracq-Gruppe zahlungsunfähig wurde, übernahm der ehemalige Produktionsleiter Antonio Lago die französische Niederlassung in Suresnes. Den englischen Firmenteil übernahm die Rootes-Gruppe.

1935 leitete der Italiener Antonio Lago mit der Übernahme des Talbot-Werks in Suresnes eine neue Ära ein. Unter Lagos Leitung und dem neuen Firmennamen Talbot Lago wurden bis 1937 zwei völlig neue Automodelle mit Sechszylindermotoren (2,7 und 3 Liter Hubraum) entwickelt. In den folgenden Jahren entstanden in Kooperationen mit den namhaftesten Karosseuren Europas einige der aufregendsten Fahrzeuge der Vorkriegsgeschichte. Zu diesen Karosseriebauern gehörten: Figoni Falaschi (T 150 SS Coupé von 1937 und das weltberühmte Teardrop Coupé von 1939), Chausson, Saoutchik, Partout und Henri Chapron. Es wurde sogar ein Cabriolet von Graber und eines von Ghia gefertigt. (Im Januar 2006 wechselte bei Gooding & Company in den USA eines der spektakulären Teardrop-Coupés für 3.905.000 USD seinen Eigentümer.)

In der Rennsaison 1939 wurden in Suresnes zwei Grand-Prix-Fahrzeuge für den GP 1939 entwickelt. Bedingt durch die politische Situation dieser Zeit kamen die Wagen jedoch nicht zum Einsatz. Nach dem Zweiten Weltkrieg stellte Lago den Talbot Lago Record und den Grand Sport mit einem 4,5-l-Motor und einem Wilson-Vorwählgetriebe vor und konnte damit sportliche Erfolge wie zum Beispiel den Le-Mans-Sieg 1950 mit Louis Rosier am Steuer erzielen. Ebenfalls 1950 erschien ein neues Modell namens Baby (Vierzylindermotor mit 2690 cm³ Hubraum). 400 Automobile wurden im Jahre 1950 produziert. Im darauf folgenden Jahr waren es weniger als 100 Automobile. Eine bedeutende Änderung in den Jahren ab 1953 bestand darin, dass anstelle des Wilson-Vorwählgetriebes ein konventionelles Getriebe mit 4-Gang-Schaltung von Pont-a-Mousson eingebaut wurde. Das Fahrgestell des Talbot Lago Babys konnte auch ohne Aufbau erworben werden. Diese Fahrgestelle kamen bis zum Produktionsende im Jahre 1955 bei den Grand-Sport-Coupés mit einem 4,5-Liter-Sechszylinder-Motor zum Einsatz.

Der letzte große Entwurf von Talbot Lago wurde 1955 vorgestellt. Es war der 2500 Sport. Antonio Lago entschied sich für einen Vierzylinder-Reihenmotor, der mit 2491 cm³ genau das Rennklassement der 2,5-Liter-Klasse ohne Kompressor erfüllte. Insgesamt wurden 54 Exemplare des 2500 Sport gefertigt. Zwei Fahrzeuge verließen das Werk ohne Aufbau, um später vermutlich als offene Sportwagen vollendet zu werden. Unter diesen 52 karossierten Exemplaren wird unterscheiden zwischen den Varianten für Europa und denen, die nach Amerika geliefert wurden. Die 2500-Amerika-Modelle wurden mit einem BMW-2,5-Liter-V8-Aggregat bestückt, bekannt aus dem BMW 502, und besitzen massivere Chromapplikationen als die Europamodelle. 15 der 52 Exemplare wurden als Amerika-Versionen gebaut. Aus den Werksproduktionslisten geht hervor, dass 1956 für das 24-Stunden-Rennen in Le Mans zwei Prototypen mit einem Sechszylinder-Maserati-Motor gebaut wurden. Der Verbleib ist heute unbekannt.

1959 waren die Absatzchancen für die wertvollen Talbot Lagos derart gesunken, dass Antonio Lago seine Firma an Simca verkaufen musste.


1974 Lincoln Continental Mark IV (02)
picture sizes
Image by Georg Schwalbach (GS1311)
The Lincoln Continental is an automobile which was produced by the Lincoln division of Ford Motor Company from 1939 to 1948 and again from 1956 to 2002. Despite often sharing underpinnings with less-expensive Fords in more recent years, the Lincoln Continental had usually been a distinctively platformed and styled, highly equipped luxury car in the course of its long history.

The flagship Lincoln model during most of its run, the Continental name conveyed special cachet in the product line. During the 1980s, the Continental was downsized from a full-size to a mid-size Ford Taurus platform; this introduced the Continental to a wider range of competition from Europe and Japan. After the Continental was discontinued in 2002, it was largely replaced by the Lincoln LS V8.


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Mit Continental oder Lincoln Continental bezeichnete die Ford Motor Company Fahrzeuge der Oberklasse, die zunächst als Modell resp. Modellreihe der Lincoln Motor Company, später als eigene Luxusmarke innerhalb des Ford-Konzerns und schliesslich wiederum als Modell der Marke Lincoln von der Lincoln-Mercury Division von Ford hergestellt wurden. Die Ursprünge des Continental reichen zurück in die Vorkriegszeit. Er wurde über die Jahre zum Inbegriff des amerikanischen Straßenkreuzers.[1] Besonders bekannt sind die Continentals der 60er Jahre mit selbsttragender Karosserie und ihren Portaltüren (so genannte Selbstmördertüren). In einer Sonderversion dieser dritten Generation wurde John F. Kennedy erschossen. Im Laufe der Jahre änderte sich die Positionierung des Continental. Bis 1981 war Continental die Bezeichnung für die größten Lincoln-Modelle. Danach erhielten diese Fahrzeuge die Bezeichnung Town Car, während der Name Continental ab 1982 auf kleinere, aber teurere Limousinen übertragen wurde, das mit dem Cadillac Seville konkurrieren sollten.


Nice Image Database photos

Check out these image database images:

Jes Borland
image database
Image by Michael Kappel
Jes Borland presenting "Make Your Voice Heard!" at SQL Saturday 2011 in Chicago

Jes Borland is a Database Administrator at Kimberly Clark, with over five years of experience in SQL Server. She is an active member of the Wisconsin SQL Server user group, PASS Women in Technology Virtual Chapter, blogger and tweeter.


SQL Saturday Chicago

SQLSaturday is a training event for SQL Server professionals and those wanting to learn about SQL Server. This event will was held Mar 26, 2011 at DeVry University Addison Campus1221 North Swift Road, Addison, IL 60101.

SQL Saturday #67

View the high resolution photo on my photography website

Jes Borland presenting at SQL Saturday
image database
Image by Michael Kappel
Jes Borland presenting "Make Your Voice Heard!" at SQL Saturday 2011 in Chicago

Jes Borland is a Database Administrator at Kimberly Clark, with over five years of experience in SQL Server. She is an active member of the Wisconsin SQL Server user group, PASS Women in Technology Virtual Chapter, blogger and tweeter.


SQL Saturday Chicago

SQLSaturday is a training event for SQL Server professionals and those wanting to learn about SQL Server. This event will was held Mar 26, 2011 at DeVry University Addison Campus1221 North Swift Road, Addison, IL 60101.

SQL Saturday #67

View the high resolution photo on my photography website

Kevin Kline at SQL Saturday 2010
image database
Image by Michael Kappel
Kevin Kline Presenting "SQL Server Internals and Architecture" at SQLSaturday #31 Chicago(http://kevinekline.com/)

Kevin Kline is the Technical Strategy Manager for SQL Server Solutions at Quest Software, a leading provider of award winning tools for database management and application monitoring. Kevin is a founding board member and former President of the international Professional Association for SQL Server (PASS) and frequently contributes to database technology magazines, web sites, and discussion forums. Kevin was the recipient of the PASS 2009 Lifetime Achievement award.

SQLSaturday is a training event for SQL Server professionals and those wanting to learn about SQL Server. This event was held April17, 2010 at Holidy Inn Elk Grove Village, 1000 Busse Rd, Elk Grove Village, IL.

Photograph taken by Michael Kappel

Cool Edit Image images

Check out these edit image images:

No Fair Peeking, Awareness Training
edit image
Image by cobalt123
Three images of a class I recently conducted in Tucson - I teach about disability awareness, advocacy and assistive technology. In this exercise people wear disability simulation devices and then try to do a common task and see the differences and challenges. These goggles simulate various vision impairments.

Cool Passport Photo images

A few nice passport photo images I found:

Lions Passport Photo
passport photo
Image by gasboyben

Betty Passport Photo
passport photo
Image by Ben Phillips

Expired Passport Photos
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Image by irishmexi
