
Cool Family Photo images

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Some cool family photo images:

Video of the International Workers Day march in Minneapolis
family photo
Image by Fibonacci Blue
Minneapolis, Minnesota

May 1, 2010

Protesters marched for International Workers Day on May Day. They marched from Martin Luther King Park in south Minneapolis to the downtown Minneapolis Convention Center where the Minnesota Republican Party was holding their convention. The march was to protest issues such as immigration raids, deportations that divide families and the new Arizona law SB 1070 concerning immigrants.

My Generation
family photo
Image by Adventures of KM&G-Morris
Beginning with this photo, I'm going to be importing scans I've made of photos from the early twenties - NO THIS ISN"T FROM THAT ERA! I'm not that old. This had to be in the 50's because of the age of my nieces, I'd say '53 - '54. Anyway, there's no need to comment on any of these because they are for family to download so that we will all have a copy of these old photos. However, there are some real classics in some of the files. My bet is that you'd never figure out which of these is me. I'm not in the older cousins but I have nieces and a nephew in this photo too. This was made on the front porch of my grandparents in Honey Island, Texas. That was right in the heart of the Big Thicket.
