
Cool Online Photos images

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Check out these online photos images:

my alter egos
online photos
Image by eddiejdf
i saw someone else do this somewhere so i dug through my hard drive and found as many photos as i could.

From Left to Right

Novar [Lord of the Rings Online] 2007 - Present
He's kinda new and has no friends seeing as how I just picked up the game a few days ago.

Jumpp, Trevor, and Novar [World of Warcraft] 2004 - Present
Ah my WoW posse. The only level 70 out of the three of them is Trevor.

Eniac [EverQuest] 1999 - 2002
Just my enchanter alt.. found a picture of him so I decided to stick him in too. More on my EverQuest adventures below...

Jumpyn [Final Fantasy XI] 2003-2004
My Elvaan White Mage.. I had a great run with that game. Had a nice static group of Xen, Riley, Halanek, Doridorimonkey, and I can't remember who the last person of our static was. I've tried to pick up the game again a few times but it just doesn't hold my attention long enough.

Klimax [The Realm Online] 1996-1999
The very first somewhat MMORPG that I started playing with. KLouD was actually my main character but sadly, I don't have any screenshots of him.

Jump, Novar, then Sprynt [EverQuest] 1999-2002
First I started off with Jump on E'ci. But then I sold him not too long after the first expansion came out. Hey 0 was, and still is, a lot for a character! Long story short, I bought the game again, remade a druid as Novar on the Rathe server, but ended up moving him back to E'ci with a name change -- Sprynt.

Jump [EverQuest II] 2005
Sadly, I cancelled my account after a few weeks. I've tried but I couldn't get into EQII.
