
Hackers; Entre la realidad y la ficción...

Junto a los avances de la Informática y las comunicaciones en los últimos años, ha surgido una hueste de apasionados de estas tecnologías, que armados con sus ordenadores y conexiones a redes como internet, ha logrado humillar a instituciones tan potencialmente seguras como el Pentágono y la NASA.

La notoriedad de sus hazañas, su juventud y la capacidad de dejar en evidencia a instituciones muy poderosas, les hace aparecer ante la opinión pública rodeados de un halo de romanticismo.

Pero, ¿quiénes son? ¿son peligrosos para la sociedad? ¿deben ser perseguidos?

HACKER es una expresión idiomática inglesa cuya traducción literal al español tiene varios significados… aunque el más popular al que se refiere a “una persona contratada para un trabajo rutinario y que por la naturaleza de éste su trabajo es tedioso, entregado y hasta maniático”

El apelativo de hacker aparece por primera vez a finales del siglo XIX, momento en el que estados unidos comienza a recibir un masivo movimiento migratorio de personas venidas de todas los lugares del mundo q esperanab encontra en el pais de las oportunidadd el bienestar económico y el progreso que no tenían en el suyo.

Los hackers eran estibadores informales que se pasaban todo el día bajando las maletas y bultos de las personas y familias completas que llegaban en los barcos a los puertos de Nueva York , Boston, San Francisco, Etc.

Estos trabajadores eran infatigables, pues trabajaban muchas veces sin descansar y hasta dormían y comían entre los bultos de los muelles con el objeto de no perderse una oportunidad de ganar dinero.

La palabra “hack” en inglés tiene varios significados en español, entre ellos “hacha”.

Como si fuesen taladores de árboles que usan su hacha, en forma infatigable hasta llegar a tumbarlos, su tesón les mereció este apelativo.

La palabra hacker aplicada en la computación se refiere a las personas que se dedican a una tarea de investigación o desarrollo, para lo que realizan esfuerzos mnás allá de los normales y convencionales, anteponiendo un apasionamiento que supera su normal energía.

El hacker es alguien que se entusiasma con las computadoras y se dedica a ellas más allá de los límites.

Los hackers tienen un “saludable sentido de curiosidad: prueban todas las cerraduras de las puertas para averiguar si están cerradas. No sueltan un sistema que están investigando hasta que los problemas que se les presenten queden resueltos”.

Desde los inicios de la computación electromécanica realizada a base de relés, bobinas y tubos de vidrios al vacío, las tareas de programación eran muy tediosas y el lenguaje de esos años era el críptico de máquina y, posteriormente, se empleó el Assembler Pnemónico.

En la fase inicial de las computadoras, no como las concebimos ahora, hubo hombres, mujeres, jóvenes y adultos entregados por entero a diversificadas tareas de investigación y experimentación, considerándose su trabajo, rutinario, súmamente perseverante y cuyos resultados sólo se han podido reconocer a través de los años.

DESDE HACE algún tiempo, el FBI de los Estados Unidos emplea el software “carnivore” que espía a los usuarios de Internet y, recientemente, el senado norteamericano le concedió la facultad de utilizarlo sin autorización judicial.


Esta élite tecnológica ha sido, y sigue siendo, mal comprendida.

Los estereotipos cobran fuerza y las menciones erróneas en los medios de comunicación se suceden una tras otra sin descanso.
El desconocimiento, pero sobre todo el miedo a lo que no se comprende, está detrás de la mala utilización del término `hacker´

La ética hacker defiende la libertad absoluta de información: libre acceso y libre distribución, por lo que stá emparentada esctrechamente con la ética open source.

Para muchos, defender tanto la libertad es algo muy parecido a preservar la revelión contra el sistema, y es cierto que hay un buen número de hackers que utilizan sus conocimientos para agredir al poder establecido en forma de Instituciones o grandes corporativos.

Pero el sensacionalismo que ha despertado es absolutamente desmedido.

Cracker es un término acuñado por los hackers hacia 1985 para defenderse contra la mala utilizaciónque hacían los periodistas de la palabra hacker, y que se refiere al que rompe la seguridad de un sistema.
Los cracker forman pequeños grupos, secretos y privados (se adentran en el terreno de lo ilegal), que tiene muy poco qué ver con la cultura abierta que se describe en el mundo hacker.

Todos los hackers tienen habilidades de sobra para convertirse en crackers, pero han resistido la tentación y se mantienen dentro de la legalidad, incluso rechazan frontalmente a los caídos.
Cuando un hacker responde a la llamada del lado oscuro se convierte en cracker o en dark side hacker.
Pero también hay otros…

Warez d00dz: una parte de estos ángeles caídos se refiere asimismos de esta manera porque se dedican a obtener, desproteger y/o distribuir copias ilegales de software propietario (warez).
Phreackers: Aquéllos que “rompen” y hacen un uso ilegal de las redes telefónicas.
Durante un tiempo ha sido una actividad respetable entre los hackers, pero poco a poco este carácter aprobatorio se ha perdido.


En los primeros años, los ataques involucraban poca sofisticación técnica.
Los insiders (empleados disconformes o personas externas con acceso a sistemas dentro de la empresa) utilizaban sus permisos para alterar archivos o registros.
Los outsiders (personas que atacan desde el exterior de la ubicación física de la Organización) penetraban en la red simplemente averiguando una clave correcta.
Pasado los años se han desarrollado formas cada vez más sofisticadas de ataque para explotar agujeros de seguridad en el diseño, configuración y operación de los sistemas.
Esto permitió a los nuevos atacantes tomar control de sistemas completos, y provocaron verdaderos desastres que, en muchos casos, llevaron a la desaparición de aquellas organizaciones o empresas con altísimo grado de dependencia tecnológica (bancos, servicios automatizados, Etc.)
Estos nuevos métodos de ataques han sido automatizados por lo que en muchos casos sólo se necesita conocimiento técnico básico para realizarlos.

El aprendiz de intruso tiene ahora acceso a numerosos programas y scripts de muchos “hackers” bulletin boards y Websites, donde además encuentra todas las instrucciones para ejecutar ataques con las herramientas disponibles.


Expertos de Websens Incorporated, una empresa situada en San Diego, descubrieron la insólita amenaza cuando uno de sus clientes fue atacado por un nuevo sistema, que codificaba archivos con documentos, fotografías y detalles, e impedía que el usuario pudiera abrirlos.
Una nota de rescate recibida por el cliente incluyó una dirección electrónica y, más tarde, el pirata, utilizando esta dirección, pidió 200 dólares para devolver al usuario el aceso a los archivos.
“Esto sería el equivalente de que alguien entrase en su casa, pusiese sus artículos de valor en una caja de seguridad y no le diese a usted la combinación”, según afirmó Oliver Frierichs, director de seguridad de Symantec Corporation.

El FBI dijo que el caso,que parece aislado, no se parecía necesariamente a otros delitos de extorsión cometidos a través de Internet.
Importantes firmas de seguridad cibernética actualizaban esta semana sus programas de protección para impedir este tipo de ataques a sus clientes.

“Esto es algo que parece completamente mal intencionado”, dijo Joe Steward investigador de Lurhq Corporation de Chicago, que estudió el ataque cibernético.
Steward logró “liberar” los documentos secuestrados sin pagar el rescate exigido, pero le preocupa la posibilidad de que los piratas mejoren sus sistemas en le futuro.
En ese caso “usted tendrá que pagarle al secuestrador o las autoridades tendrán que obtener su llave electrónica para liberar sus archivos”, dijo Steward.

El secuestro de documentos es el peligro más reciente que amenaza a los usuarios de Internet, que deben enfrentar diariamente riesgos como los virus, el robo de identidad y programas para espiar sus operaciones computarizadas.
En el caso más reciente, los usuarios quedaban infectados al visitar una página electrónica especialmente preparada para atacar sistemas vulnerables de programación.
La infección secuestró al menos 15 tipos de archivos de datos y dejó instrucciones de que se enviasen correos a una dirección para adquirir las “llaves” que permitirían recuperar los archivos afectados.

Cuando el usuario envió un mensaje electrónico a esta dirección, el pirata exigió que se le enviasen 200 dólares a una cuenta bancaria en Internet.
“Yo le enviaré el programa (necesario para liberar los documentos) a su dirección electrónica”, añadió el pirata.


I. Nunca destroces nada intencionalmente en la computadora que estés hackeando.

II. Para formar parte de este gremio es importante que estés permanentemente conectado a la red y en constante comunicación con los hackers, ya sea por vía e-mail o a través de las convenciones.

III. Por nada del mundo dejes tu dirección real, tu nombre o tu teléfono en ningún sistema, ya que alguien puede aprovechar esa información y hacer mal uso de ella.

IV. Ten cuidado a quien le pasas información. De ser posible, mejor no lo hagas si no conoces a la persona o los fines a que tiene destinado ese archivo.

V. Un hacker debe proponer cambios tecnológicos, para que cada vez sean más los interesados en ellos, ya que su deber es ayudar a las empresas a verificar si los sistemas y las redes son efectivamente seguros.

VI. Respeta y protege la privacidad.

VII. Comparte los datos y el software, ya que un hacker es todo aquel que trabaja con gran pasión y entusiasmo por lo que hace.

VIII. Promueve el derecho a las comunicación de todas las personas y en todo el mundo.

IX. Pon a prueba la seguridad y la integridad de todos los sistemas informáticos a tu alcance.

X. Su misión: crea arte y belleza en una computadora. La idea es innovar nuevos programas que faciliten la vida de los usuarios

SI ALGUNO DE USTEDES necesita algún programa para decodificar passwords de Hotmail, Yahoo, Gmail o Skype, sólo debe dejar un mensaje y una dirección electrónica para el contacto.

Asimismo, les ofrezco mi colección de Xploids y Keylogers para conseguir de inmediato las contraseñas del Messenger y para conocer todos los password de cualquier usuario de internet.

Además de esto, puedo proporcionarte información confidencial de cualquier dirección IP y escaneo de puertos abiertos de sistemas remotos.

*Lo anterior conlleva un pago que deberá ser transferido a una cuenta en Internet y sólo se aceptan pagos realizados en Dólares Americanos.

That is it!

Boulder Colorado Boulder Canyon Dome Wildfire

Check out these stock image images:

Boulder Colorado Boulder Canyon Dome Wildfire
stock image
Image by Striking Photography by Bo Insogna
Several residential subdivisions on the west side of Boulder, Colorado, were being evacuated Friday as a wildfire spread in Boulder Canyon, authorities said.

This started as a ten acre grass fire. The Boulder Dome Fire had burned more than 134 acres and was moving north near Elephant Buttress above Dome Rock, said a spokesman with the Colorado Office of Emergency Management.

Authorities were evacuating the Canon Park, Seven Hills and Knollwood subdivisions. Evacuees were being advised to go to the Coors Events Center at the University of Colorado.

Pacifica Sunset
stock image
Image by Konvolinka Photography
The sky changes so quick here in Pacifica. Clear all day then bang, all cloudy. Before I knew it the sun was out for sunset. I was about 5 minutes too late though. I pretty much ran down the street to the beach to try and grab a shot before the sun disappeared. Obvious HDR shot, I try not to go over the top.

Red Flowers on a Cobble Stone Road
stock image
Image by Striking Photography by Bo Insogna
Cobble Stone road with red flowers.
Scanned from Film.

Cool Photo Galleries images

A few nice photo galleries images I found:

BFR Series: 1 of 20
photo galleries
Image by Jef Harris
I often take for granted the ease the working relationship is between Alexandra Rodionova and I. These pictures are a direct result of that comradery. If you where an onlooker on a shoot with Alex and I you would wonder why we hardly talk when we're right in the middle of taking pictures. Well, we don't need to communicate, "stand this way, look that way, etc". We know each others every move. Thus is the benefit of working with a muse.
Alas, these days must come to an end. After 5 years of working together Alex is going her own way. So all I have now are there archived photo shoots to share. I'm sure once in awhile we'll team up again...
...in the mean time I guess I'm in the market for a new muse!
You can contact me at muse@chaosacademy.net.
Please include head shots and full body shots. hehe
Photo by Jef Harris.

Art Gallery of Ontario
photo galleries
Image by Maia C
The stairs go up to a small mezzanine overlooking a gallery (see preceding photo) in the Art Gallery of Ontario.

photo galleries
Image by Jared Zimmerman

2008 Tree Farm Photo Contest

A few nice photo contests images I found:

2008 Tree Farm Photo Contest
photo contests
Image by Distant Hill Gardens
I submitted this photo to a Stihl chainsaw photo contest. I didn't win the contest, but the photo was used in the American Tree Farm System 2012 calendar. You can find out more about the American Tree Farm System at: www.treefarmsystem.org.

Note: This photo was used for the American Tree Farm System 2012 Calendar image for the month of June. It was also used in their marketing campaign for the 2012 Calendar.

Preparing medical response to disasters - Nairobi, Kenya - 05-2010

Some cool photo websites images:

Preparing medical response to disasters - Nairobi, Kenya - 05-2010
photo websites
Image by US Army Africa
Preparing for medical response to disasters, Nairobi, Kenya, May 2010

Photo by Rick Scavetta, U.S. Army Africa Public Affairs

To learn more about U.S. Army Africa visit our official website at www.usaraf.army.mil

Official Twitter Feed: www.twitter.com/usarmyafrica

Official Vimeo video channel: www.vimeo.com/usarmyafrica

Join the U.S. Army Africa conversation on Facebook: www.facebook.com/ArmyAfrica

NAIROBI, Kenya – Should disaster strike in East Africa, a growing partnership between U.S. Army Africa and Kenya’s military designed to improve medical preparedness could help avert crisis.

Lt. Col. John Casey, U.S. Army Africa’s deputy surgeon, recently held a familiarization event with Kenyan military medical officers to discuss techniques to plan for medical response to disasters.

“Developing a cooperative relationship with our African counterparts is an important step for us working together in the future. We are learning from each other,” Casey said. “This event brought together 17 Kenyan medical officers and enlisted soldiers from their army, navy and air force to Nairobi’s Armed Forces Memorial Hospital where we talked about plans to support stability should a disaster occur.”

During the four-day seminar, Casey, 41, of Florence, S.D., discussed the U.S. Army’s planning process for unforeseen disasters and how U.S. military medical staff undergo training to respond.

They discussed medical response to public health issues and looked at psychological aspects during disasters. They also examined the various stages of disasters, how to triage sick and injured people, plus the psychosocial needs of patients.

Kenya’s military has an established medical corps that maintains a significant capacity to support routine medical operations, said U.S. Navy Lt. Brett Hicks.

“Much of our talks focused on what is appropriate for medical personnel to do when working in a stressful environment, where the military is working civilian agencies to mitigate human suffering during both natural and man-made disasters,” said Hicks, 35, of Atlanta, Ga., a patient administration officer at the U.S. Naval Hospital in Pensacola, Fla., who last worked with Casey in 2007 on a medical mission in the Philippines.

Hicks’s lecture focused on public health issues during disasters, everything from environmental hazards to diseases people face when displaced from their homes.

“I was very impressed with Kenya’s military medical officers,” Hicks said. “They want a response framework and to better understand how the military can fit into a national or regional response.”

U.S. Army Africa, the Army service component for U.S. Africa Command, regularly deploys teams of mentors to countries in Africa to develop cooperative relationships with land forces in Africa. These teams focus on niche capabilities, such as military medicine, logistics, maintenance and security operations. U.S. Army Africa’s goal is to work with the land forces of partner nations in Africa to strengthen their capacity and increase overall security, stability and peace on the continent.

In the future, the U.S. military may work with African medical officers to focus closer on developing medical plans, to include organizing logistics required to support medical efforts during disasters, Hicks said.

While in Nairobi, Casey and Hicks also met with senior leaders at the U.S. Army Medical Research Unit – Kenya, Walter Reed Army Institute of Research unit with four decades of experience battling disease in East Africa.

“USAMRU-K offers several training and partnership opportunities that may be of interest to Kenyan military medical officers, especially in malaria diagnostics,” Casey said.

On the final day, Casey and Hicks joined their Kenyan counterparts during a visit the Regional Disaster Management Center of Excellence, where director Shem Amadi, a retired Kenyan air force colonel, shared information about ongoing preparedness training and discussed the response to Kenya’s 2007 post- election violence.

“During times of peace we prepare for uncertainties and build our capacity to meet challenges,” Amadi said. “We now look at each other as friends. Should we need to, we can put our assets together.”

The idea of a regional center came from the U.S. military and U.S. Embassy in Nairobi, Amadi said. On Aug. 15, 2005, U.S. Army Gen. John Abizaid, then-commander of U.S. Army Central Command, was on hand at the center’s opening. The tree he planted as part of the dedication is now more than 15 feet tall.

“This center is a symbol of friendship between us and the American people,” Amadi said. “We have an enduring partnership.

In September 2009, military and civilian emergency response planners from Burundi, Rwanda, Tanzania, Uganda and Kenya trained at the center on pandemic influenza intervention. Afterward, they took part in Natural Fire 10, a humanitarian and civil assistance exercise co-led by U.S. Army Africa and the Ugandan People’s Defense Force.

“This was the first example of disaster response planning at a regional level, which was then tested during Natural Fire in Kampala, Uganda. It was a great event to evaluate planning.

“Our current interactions are a step forward,” Amadi explains, as he shows Casey a photo of former U.S. President Bill Clinton shaking his hand during the disaster response effort for the 2005 Indian Ocean tsunami. “Plus, we have built a network of people and had the opportunity to share information and experiences.”

To learn more about U.S. Army Africa visit our official website at www.usaraf.army.mil

Official Twitter Feed: www.twitter.com/usarmyafrica

Official YouTube video channel: www.youtube.com/usarmyafrica

Nice Photo Magazine photos

Check out these photo magazine images:

Racing Minds Magazine Feature
photo magazine
BEYOURPET || Brittanie Pendleton


Looks best viewed large (View on Flickr River).

Racing Minds Magazine featured a couple of my photos in their October issue! It's a gorgeous mag with lots of great photographs and artists so check it out. :D (My photos are on page 16-17)
Thanks so much Sarah for the feature. ♥

You can view the full size digital copy here, or purchase it in print here.

1947 Bobbi-Kar
photo magazine
Image by aldenjewell
From July 1947 Popular Science

Nice Buy Photo photos

A few nice buy photo images I found:

Paperclip Numbers
buy photo
Image by Leo Reynolds
Bought in a pack from the Science Museum shop
London, England, UK

1 2 3
4 5 6
7 8 9

Created with fd's Flickr Toys

Most of my Polaroids
buy photo
Image by Hillary Stein
Since I was taking photos of my other Polaroid photo, it inspired me to get all the Polaroid buds together for a family photo. I have a couple more in the closet that didn't want to come out and play because it was too crowded for them, but this is the majority of my lovely Polaroid collection. I love them all.

sorry for the crappy lighting and my hot mess of a room, I'm in the middle of cleaning it.

oh and I have a tumblr now!

16 things.
buy photo
Image by leedav
1. I've had very few jobs that weren't related to food somehow. One of them was as a play therapist for autistic kids.
2. I've had several jobs as a driver including ice cream truck, cab and produce delivery driver. I still think about becoming a bus driver, ambulance driver and mailman. What can I say? I like driving!
3. I used to devour adventure travel books and believed that I would eventually race in the Iditarod or hike the Pacific Crest Trail or bike to the tip of South America. I did have one adventure and I hope there will be more.
4. I am friends with all my exes.
5. If I believed in reincarnation, I'd want to come back as an optimist.
6. I've never had a 9 to 5 job.
7. My favorite movie that doesn't include food is "All the Real Girls".
8. My favorite movie that does include food is a three way tie between "Tampopo", "Big Night" and "The Gleaners and I".

Whew! Half way done. This is harder than I thought.

9. I am a total voyeur. I have been known to read things I shouldn't. I loved reality tv as soon as it was 'invented'. Blogging seemed like a dream come true. And this is also a big reason why I am addicted to flickr. I love glimpses of other people's lives.
10. Even so, I find it hard to believe that people care about the stuff I put out here. I can't tell you how many long descriptions on pictures I've deleted before posting because I couldn't believe someone would want to read it.
11. I wish I'd appreciated being young and cute when I was young and cute.
(and don't tell me I'm still young and cute, PLEASE)
12. I love kids but I'm 98% glad that I'm not having any of my own.
13. I will never spend money to buy a tv. This seems pretty pointless now that you can do everything on your computer but still.
14. I am late fairly often and a terrible procrastinator but if there's one thing I am, it's reliable. If I say I am going to do something, I'll do it. Eventually.
15. I dream of living in the country but I am scared to leave the city (even if it's just a small city).
16. I have a terrible memory so I love holidays because they help me remember what I was doing on that day last year.

Happy New Year's Eve everybody!

Thanks for tagging me Susan! And thanks for reading everybody else. ;-) If you haven't already participated in this meme, consider yourself tagged!

135/365: Beauty of Arabian Horse

Check out these photo website images:

135/365: Beauty of Arabian Horse
photo website
Image by Najwa Marafie - Free Photographer
Location: Bayt Al.Arab Stud
City: Sabhan
Country: Kuwait

Check our NEW update on our website
N-Studio Official website
YouTube Channel
Mobile: +965 66 383 666
E-Mail: N_Studio@Live.Com

Gear: Nikon D3X

Rate my photo: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

119/365: Power Horses
photo website
Image by Najwa Marafie - Free Photographer
Location: Bayt Al.Arab Stud
City: Sabhan
Country: Kuwait

Check our NEW update on our website
N-Studio Official website
YouTube Channel
Mobile: +965 66 383 666
E-Mail: N_Studio@Live.Com

Gear: Nikon D3X

Rate my photo: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Brokeback Mountain
photo website
Image by Phil Gyford
Photo taken off the website as I forgot after the film, last night at Odeon Covent Garden.

Great stuff. Imagine how good it would have been if you didn't know anything about it before seeing it, assuming it was some normal cowboy film when it began.

Cool Family Photo images

Check out these family photo images:

The darling buds of May (undated)
family photo
Image by pellethepoet
Real photo postcard. Postally unused.

Bought from an eBay seller in Syston, United Kingdom.

Photo taken by ourself :)
family photo
Image by uffizi.chu
終於找到我們一起出現的方法 XD

family photo
Image by United Nations Photo
A village elder holds the hand of his granddaughter in Herat, Afghanistan.
Photo ID 519913. 05/07/2012. Herat, Afghanistan. UN Photo/Eric Kanalstein. www.unmultimedia.org/photo/

Tutoriales para PHOTOFILTRE, Photo Filtre Studio

Descargar Photo Filtre Studio¿Está usted buscando cómo descargar Photo Filtre? Si es así, le sugiero dar click aquí para obtener la versión más reciente de este interesante programa. De igual forma, usted deberá hacer click aquí para ver la lista completa de tutoriales sobre Photo Filtre. Si lo prefiere, puede usted ver una gran diversidad de imágenes realizadas con Photo Filtre. Photo Filtre, ha sido, es y seguirá siendo un excelente programa de Diseño Gráfico gratuito. Siéntase libre de crear sus propios horizontes.

Nice Photo Art photos

Check out these photo art images:

Eremo di S. Maria della provvidenza
photo art
Image by Andrea Costa Creative
If you like it, please:

My reference Blog: Andrea Costa
Facebook:Andrea Costa

Shoot with Canon EF-S 15-85mm + polarize filter.


During the trip in Noto Antica (Sicily, Italy), i saw The Monastery of St. Mary of Providence.
There I show the pictures because I think outside of the Church
are well known, what you see is what's inside.
You can not enter, but fortune has allowed me to find
an opening, chances are that someone has infiltrated into
and has left open the gate.....

Water (Explored)
photo art
Image by johanlundahl
My first play with art smoke. This is Water...

FED - World War II American Red Cross Jeep

Some cool american photo images:

FED - World War II American Red Cross Jeep
american photo
Image by Inventorchris
World War II american red cross jeep

ONLY Emergency Services Departments are allowed to use my photos. All others must ask permission.

Cool Upload Photo images

Check out these upload photo images:

Then no one would know the sound of a ghost (Spaceship Earth, EPCOT)
upload photo
Image by ohhector
It's very odd for me to upload something the same day I shot it...much less, two hours ago, and much much less without any real processing. At least, on a shot that I think needs it. But I'm using my work laptop, and I only have Picassa on here...and it hates my canon raw files, especially the high ISO ones.

ANYWAY...my new job has me traveling Florida, as I've mentioned a few times before. And one of the fringe benefits of this is being able to be in places I wouldn't normally be around on a frequent basis....included Orlando, and thus, Walt Disney World.

At first I intended to use this mostly as a chance to be able to get into some massive photo taking ventures, especially since I'd be alone...but the first thing I did when I got to EPCOT today was just walk around, and go on a few rides without my camera out. Of course, it eventually came out...but it was nice to just enjoy things for once. I ended up finding a huge prehistoric snail on the "Ellen's Energy Adventure" ride that I had never seen!

I captured this on my way out. I decided to leave early, stop by Mouse Gear, and do SSE as a parting ride...but it was closed! Boo. So I got this shot. I worked a similar one last week when I was shooting with Kristin W, but I haven't had a chance to edit those yet and i shot it as an HDR. but the blues were catching my attention here, so I had to!

(I might go back and redit this later when I am on my nice home computer with photoshop....but maybe not. We shall see!)

Bay Bridge
upload photo
Image by 'SandFlash

Recent Uploads:
Alcatraz Photoset
BayBridge Photoset

High Street.
upload photo
Image by MDMA.
Re-upload of a photo taken last year, this time contrast adjusted in CS5.
Olympus OM-1n
Zuiko 50mm/f1.8
Zuiko Red Filter
Neopan Acros
Epson V300 (Negative)
Photoshop CS5

A Single Tree

Some cool edit image images:

A Single Tree
edit image
Image by Martin Gommel
Story Of The Image: This shot is from a phototour through the landscapes near my hometown. I remember already having in mind to crop it like this but never really thought it would make it through to my portfolio. So here we go ;)
I am very thankful for every one who leaves some words about my images. Really. But please: Don't leave any Banners & Group Awars without any words of your own. At least try. Thank you.

Hamburg - A Year of Edits
edit image
Image by Peter Ito
A year of edits in Hamburg. This image is available at a high resolution (4096 pixels across). Click on 'All Sizes'.

edit image
Image by elsamuko
Edited with Black Silk, our B/W tool kit:


Imágenes de Photoshop¿Está uste buscando imágenes para Photoshop? Si es así, le invito a dar click aquí o sobre el logotipo de la izquierda para descubrir nuestra colección con más de 45.000 imágenes que han sido creadas con esta fabulosa herramienta de Diseño Gráfico. Si lo prefiere, puede usted descargar Photoshop en período de prueba por 30 días haciendo click aquí. Si usted llegó hasta aquí buscando tutoriales para photoshop, le recomiendo hacer click aquí para descubrir fascinantes trucos y tips que le harán enamorarse aún más de Photoshop CS4.

Los mejores 50 tutoriales de Photoshop 2009 (¡Nuevo!)

Idea, Redacción y Diseño de Información:
José Luis Ávila Herrera

Cool Nature Image images

Some cool nature image images:

Wood Duck Shadows
nature image
Image by Nick Chill Photography
Great Large On Black!

A trio of Wood Ducks (Aix sponsa) hiding from the sun in the shadows of a small tree, at Lake Murray in La Mesa, CA.


Find me on facebook and twitter!

This image is free to use under a Creative-Commons Non-Commercial Share-alike license. Be sure to properly attribute the image, and please let me know if you use it.

Social Media Syndication Network Flowchart

Check out these search by image images:

Social Media Syndication Network Flowchart
search by image
Image by LocalGoogleGuru
Graphic Courtesy Daniel W Crompton of FriendFeed Fun

This flow chart of how to integrate your participation of social media to maximize your company or your brand image in the public eye.

Some small businesses even forgo conventional websites in favor of just a company twitter account.

It is possible for your company to get ranked very highly in Google search results by having nothing more than a company MySpace page or a Company Facebook Fan Page and no other company (or corporate) website what-so-ever.

Our marketing data suggests sales, conversions, actual real money flowing into your companies cash registers is Influenced MORE by what your potential customers or clients think of you by what they see represented on social media.

Credibility Sells
"Push Advertising" does not.

... all push advertising does is piss off the very people you're trying to sell to.

"don't shoot the messenger", Google has changed the way people purchase.


Don't want to be advertised to
Don't Need to be advertised to

When they're ready to buy... they open up a browser and type in http://www.google.com

If you can't do all of the above.. it IS impressive and TIME CONSUMING at a minimum hook up your delicious and stumbleupon to your ping.fm
... then sign up for all of the services available for internal sharing at your ping.fm

ditto with MyBlogLog on yahoo... do that before yahoo closes down MyBlogLog
get it while it lasts... you already missed out on Digg

Operation Enduring Freedom
search by image
Image by U.S. Army Korea (Historical Image Archive)
Soldiers from Alpha Company, 3rd Battalion (Rakkasans), 187th Infantry Regiment, 101st Airborne Division from Fort Campbell, KY, set up guard positions to control in and out flow of civilians to a village in Narizah, Afghanistan on July 23, 2002 during a search and attack mission. The soldiers are to conduct a search and attack mission for weapons and individuals connected to organizations that disrupt the progression of Afghanistan in targeted locations. (U.S. Army photo taken by Spc. Eric E. Hughes) (Released)


To learn more about living and serving in Korea with the US Army, visit our official website at: imcom.korea.army.mil

Whether you are fresh off of active-duty, a military spouse or a seasoned professional, you will find a career with U.S. Army in Korea both challenging and inspiring. If you ready to join an award winning team and embark on the adventure of a lifetime, you can learn more about living and working in Korea online: imcom.korea.army.mil

Photos from the US Army in Korea can be viewed online at www.flickr.com/imcomkorea

The Morning Calm Weekly command information newspaper is available online at imcom.korea.army.mil

Published for those serving in the Republic of Korea - an assignment of choice.

About this image: Operation Enduring Freedom. A Department of Defense Image Collection.

These images are generally cleared for release and are considered in the public domain. Request credit be given the Department of Defense and individual photographer.


To learn more about living and serving in Korea with the US Army, visit our official website at: imcom.korea.army.mil

Whether you are fresh off of active-duty, a military spouse or a seasoned professional, you will find a career with U.S. Army in Korea both challenging and inspiring. If you ready to join an award winning team and embark on the adventure of a lifetime, you can learn more about living and working in Korea online: imcom.korea.army.mil

Photos from the US Army in Korea can be viewed online at www.flickr.com/imcomkorea

The Morning Calm Weekly command information newspaper is available online at imcom.korea.army.mil

Published for those serving in the Republic of Korea - an assignment of choice.

About this image: Operation Enduring Freedom. A Department of Defense Image Collection.

These images are generally cleared for release and are considered in the public domain. Request credit be given the Department of Defense and individual photographer.


To learn more about living and serving in Korea with the US Army, visit our official website at: imcom.korea.army.mil

Whether you are fresh off of active-duty, a military spouse or a seasoned professional, you will find a career with U.S. Army in Korea both challenging and inspiring. If you ready to join an award winning team and embark on the adventure of a lifetime, you can learn more about living and working in Korea online: imcom.korea.army.mil

Photos from the US Army in Korea can be viewed online at www.flickr.com/imcomkorea

The Morning Calm Weekly command information newspaper is available online at imcom.korea.army.mil

Published for those serving in the Republic of Korea - an assignment of choice.

About this image: Operation Enduring Freedom. A Department of Defense Image Collection.

These images are generally cleared for release and are considered in the public domain. Request credit be given the Department of Defense and individual photographer.

[Explored] Nuvole, cielo, sole e terra - Clouds, sky, sun and earth

Check out these fun with photos images:

[Explored] Nuvole, cielo, sole e terra - Clouds, sky, sun and earth
fun with photos
Image by sBerna
Val Gardena 2009 with my great friends Erra, Leander and "Randa", an unforgettable week

EXPLORED: August 8th #439

You can browse my collections, my sets or my most interesting pictures .
my website, Bernardo Baluganti

Fruity Sugar
fun with photos
Image by jacki-dee
Having some fun with my friends. Inspired by waiting.

fun with photos
Image by Connor Tarter
Had some fun with duplicating layers and blending them in PS on these photos. Hope you guys like them. Enjoy

Old picture, but good times

Some cool baby picture images:

Old picture, but good times
baby picture
Image by Ninithedreamer
I was so excited when I had baby hamsters... took a photo of them around everywhere with me :-)

Baby Blues
baby picture
Image by drbertdelgado
Just look into these eyes, deeper, deeper, now tell me what you see and don't say Piece of Sh** either. I took this picture in Lakepark, FL on a couch.

Sleeping Baby
baby picture
Image by OhKyleL
365 Baby - 80

Whoops almost forgot to take a picture today!

Selección de buenas imágenes en 'Fishki.Net'

[click aquí o sobre la imagen para ver todas las fotografías]

Nice Baby Picture photos

Some cool baby picture images:

A Picture Share!
baby picture
Image by iwantamonkey
Baby Seal Loves Peep

Picture 19
baby picture
Image by johnsoax
One of our friends agreed to take pictures of Rachel. They turned out really great!!!

Picture 9
baby picture
Image by johnsoax
One of our friends agreed to take pictures of Rachel. They turned out really great!!!

Bennett sisters [boxing] (LOC)

A few nice image url images I found:

Bennett sisters [boxing] (LOC)
image url
Image by The Library of Congress
Bain News Service,, publisher.

Bennett sisters [boxing]

[between ca. 1910 and ca. 1915]

1 negative : glass ; 5 x 7 in. or smaller.

Title from unverified data provided by the Bain News Service on the negatives or caption cards.
Forms part of: George Grantham Bain Collection (Library of Congress).

Format: Glass negatives.

Rights Info: No known restrictions on publication.

Repository: Library of Congress, Prints and Photographs Division, Washington, D.C. 20540 USA, hdl.loc.gov/loc.pnp/pp.print

General information about the Bain Collection is available at hdl.loc.gov/loc.pnp/pp.ggbain

Higher resolution image is available (Persistent URL): hdl.loc.gov/loc.pnp/ggbain.11055

Call Number: LC-B2- 2469-7

Mrs. Henry Pierson (LOC)
image url
Image by The Library of Congress
Bain News Service,, publisher.

Mrs. Henry Pierson

[between ca. 1910 and ca. 1915]

1 negative : glass ; 5 x 7 in. or smaller.

Title from unverified data provided by the Bain News Service on the negatives or caption cards.
Forms part of: George Grantham Bain Collection (Library of Congress).

Format: Glass negatives.

Rights Info: No known restrictions on publication.

Repository: Library of Congress, Prints and Photographs Division, Washington, D.C. 20540 USA, hdl.loc.gov/loc.pnp/pp.print

General information about the Bain Collection is available at hdl.loc.gov/loc.pnp/pp.ggbain

Higher resolution image is available (Persistent URL): hdl.loc.gov/loc.pnp/ggbain.18182

Call Number: LC-B2- 3355-9

Vivienne Sonia Segal (LOC)
image url
Image by The Library of Congress
Bain News Service,, publisher.

Vivienne Sonia Segal

[between ca. 1910 and ca. 1915]

1 negative : glass ; 5 x 7 in. or smaller.

Title from unverified data provided by the Bain News Service on the negatives or caption cards.
Forms part of: George Grantham Bain Collection (Library of Congress).

Format: Glass negatives.

Rights Info: No known restrictions on publication.

Repository: Library of Congress, Prints and Photographs Division, Washington, D.C. 20540 USA, hdl.loc.gov/loc.pnp/pp.print

General information about the Bain Collection is available at hdl.loc.gov/loc.pnp/pp.ggbain

Higher resolution image is available (Persistent URL): hdl.loc.gov/loc.pnp/ggbain.19683

Call Number: LC-B2- 3564-7

Imágenes, Alemania 2006, Fútbol Soccer

Imágenes de fútbol soccerEstá usted buscando imágenes de fútbol soccer? Si es así, haga usted click aquí o sobre la pequeña imagen de la izquierda y descubra nuestra colección de más de 2,400 imágenes relacionadas con este deporte universal. Si explora con cuidado, seguramente encontrará más de lo que usted está buscando. ¡Garantizado!

Imágenes de la FIFA World Cup 2006
Mundial de Fútbol México 1986 (imágenes)

Nice Photo Background photos

A few nice photo background images I found:

Painted Stairway - iPhone Background
photo background
Image by Patrick Hoesly
This iPhone Background (640x960 wallpaper) is released under a Creative Commons Attribution License.
If you like this image, please leave a comment. Thanks!

How do I get this onto my iPhone?
There are a number of ways to do this, however I think the easiest and fastest way is to download Flickr’s free app. Within the Flickr app you surf over to my photo feed to view the images (if you make me a contact then I’ll appear in the flickr contact list). When you find one you like, just click the download button and save the image directly to your phone. Quick & Simple!

I don’t have an iPhone. Can I still use it on my phone?
As of this writing this image (960 x 640) should be large enough to be used as wallpaper with the Droid / Android, BlackBerry, Windows 7, and iPhone.

How did you make it?
This background was made using graphic design software such as Photoshop, Illustrator, Filter Forge, Genetica, Wacom, Alien Skin, Topaz Labs, as well as several other programs.

About Patrick Hoesly
I’m a graphic illustrator, specializing in architectural illustrations and graphic design. I work with Architects, Interior Designers, and Landscape Architects, to help them visualize and sell their designs ...Or in other words... I make the fun/cool images!
Check out my Blog at ZooBoingReview.blogspot.com
Also take a look at my website at www.ZooBoing.com

iPhone Background - Hearts
photo background
Image by Patrick Hoesly
Happy Valentine’s Day Everyone!

This iPhone Background (640x960 wallpaper) is released under a Creative Commons Attribution License.
If you like this image, please leave a comment. Thanks!

How do I get this onto my iPhone?
There are a number of ways to do this, however I think the easiest and fastest way is to download Flickr’s free app. Within the Flickr app you surf over to my photo feed to view the images (if you make me a contact then I’ll appear in the flickr contact list). When you find one you like, just click the download button and save the image directly to your phone. Quick & Simple!

I don’t have an iPhone. Can I still use it on my phone?
As of this writing this image (960 x 640) should be large enough to be used as wallpaper with the Droid / Android, BlackBerry, Windows 7, and iPhone.

How did you make it?
This background was made using graphic design software such as Photoshop, Illustrator, Filter Forge, Genetica, Wacom, Alien Skin, Topaz Labs, as well as several other programs.

About Patrick Hoesly
I’m a graphic illustrator, specializing in architectural illustrations and graphic design. I work with Architects, Interior Designers, and Landscape Architects, to help them visualize and sell their designs ...Or in other words... I make the fun/cool images!
Check out my Blog at ZooBoingReview.blogspot.com
Also take a look at my website at www.ZooBoing.com

Easter iPhone Background
photo background
Image by Patrick Hoesly
The Easter bunny is coming!!!

This iPhone Background (640x960 wallpaper) is released under a Creative Commons Attribution License.
If you like this image, please leave a comment. Thanks!

How do I get this onto my iPhone?
There are a number of ways to do this, however I think the easiest and fastest way is to download Flickr’s free app. Within the Flickr app you surf over to my photo feed to view the images (if you make me a contact then I’ll appear in the flickr contact list). When you find one you like, just click the download button and save the image directly to your phone. Quick & Simple!

I don’t have an iPhone. Can I still use it on my phone?
As of this writing this image (960 x 640) should be large enough to be used as wallpaper with the Droid / Android, BlackBerry, Windows 7, and iPhone.

How did you make it?
This background was made using graphic design software such as Photoshop, Illustrator, Filter Forge, Genetica, Wacom, Alien Skin, Topaz Labs, as well as several other programs.

About Patrick Hoesly
I’m a graphic illustrator, specializing in architectural illustrations and graphic design. I work with Architects, Interior Designers, and Landscape Architects, to help them visualize and sell their designs ...Or in other words... I make the fun/cool images!
Check out my Blog at ZooBoingReview.blogspot.com
Also take a look at my website at www.ZooBoing.com
