
Nice Upload Photos photos

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Check out these upload photos images:

Cliffs at Druidston Haven, Pembrokeshire
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Image by Earthwatcher
Originally uploaded for the Guesswhere UK group.

Scanned from a Kodachrome transparency.

The cliffs here are comprised of dark grey - black Ordovician shales which display a Caledonian (end of Silurian) anticline-syncline fold pair which has subsequently been re-folded by the Variscan (end of Carboniferous) orogeny. In this photo the anticline, which was probably originally upright, can just be seen 'on its side' with its crest pointing to the south (left).

See where this picture was taken. [?]

GC4 double#1
upload photos
Image by slimmer_jimmer
I uploaded the left hand side frame of this one previously, but hadn't worked out that I'd got both halves of The Fan over consequetive frames (I only realised once I sorted them in reverse order in iPhoto)

Double exposure collaboration with The GC4

Here's my LCA shot of The Fan and the trees on the right

Vivitar Ultra Wide and Slims x 2 + Kodak Elitechrome + xpro
