
Cool Image Library images

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Some cool image library images:

Portrait of Mr. E. G. Gilbert
image library
Image by State Library of Queensland, Australia
Photographer: Unidentified

Location: Queensland, Australia

Date: Undated

Description: Portrait of Mr. E. G. Gilbert dressed in evening attire: three piece suit with lapel flower, top hat, gloves (carried, not worn) and spectacles.

View this image at the State Library of Queensland: hdl.handle.net/10462/deriv/137332
Information about State Library of Queensland’s collection: pictureqld.slq.qld.gov.au/

Scrub School - Tenterfield area, NSW, 1923 / Billy Butter's Studio, Tenterfield
image library
Image by State Library of New South Wales collection
Format: Photograph

Notes: (12 miles south-west of Tenterfield). "It was school picnic day, that's why we were dressed up. Also it was the teacher's last day because she was joining the convent". (Spoken by Vera Rossington 15/12/88).

Find more detailed information about this photograph: acms.sl.nsw.gov.au/item/itemDetailPaged.aspx?itemID=394858

Search for more great images in the State Library's collection: acms.sl.nsw.gov.au/search/SimpleSearch.aspx

From the collection of the State Library of New South Wales www.sl.nsw.gov.au

Barrel organ man and his pet monkey, Brisbane, 1908
image library
Image by State Library of Queensland, Australia
Photographer: Unidentified

Location: Brisbane, Queensland, Australia; -27.46888,153.022827

Description: Anders Bernhardt Nielsen and his pet monkey performing in Brisbane. Anders owned several performing monkeys and travelled to mostly country shows with them, accompanied by his wife Mary Kate. In his younger days Anders and is brother had a trevelling boxing tent.

View this image at the State Library of Queensland: hdl.handle.net/10462/deriv/40505
Information about State Library of Queensland’s collection: pictureqld.slq.qld.gov.au/
