
Cool Photo Books images

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Check out these photo books images:

Old books
photo books
Image by 24oranges.nl
A stack of old books to illustrate a blog posting about copyright. These are the spines of "Gedachten van Blaise Pascal" (Dutch), Jacob van Lennep's De pleegzoon (Dutch), George Gibbs' The Vagrant Duke and Pears' Cyclopædia.

Photo by Branko Collin.


Ort Book (several views)
photo books
Image by Unhindered by Talent
This is another of WeatherGrrrl's art books that she's submitting to the annual juried student art exhibit here at UMM. (See A generous gift for another.)

I've already posted two of the photos in this collage: Trapped in the folds and Pattern and fold; line and curve. The center shot was taken at the same time as those, but the other three (two on the left and the middle right) were taken last week.

Unlike the previous book, this one was not a gift to me (or anyone else). WeatherGrrrl did, however, make a very similar book for my mother. This was really cool because my mom is a major source of orts for WeatherGrrrl, and also a conduit to a gazillion serious needle artists that save their orts and pass them to use through my mother.

13/365: My favorites since 1982
photo books
Image by SarahSphar
I'm re-reading these right now for the millionth time.
