
DD17 949 locomotive built in Ipswich between 1948 and 1952

A few nice image library images I found:

DD17 949 locomotive built in Ipswich between 1948 and 1952
image library
Image by State Library of Queensland, Australia
Photographer: Unidentified

Date: Undated

Location: Queensland, Australia

Description: The steam DD17 949 locomotive was one of twelve of this type built in Ipswich.

View this image at the State Library of Queensland: hdl.handle.net/10462/deriv/88161
Information about State Library of Queensland’s collection: www.pictureqld.slq.qld.gov.au/

Harry Furniss, (who worked in Australia as Paul Furniss), actor, director, author, singer and dancer, ca. 1927-1939 / photographer unknown
image library
Image by State Library of New South Wales collection
Danced as Paul d'Este or Paul d'Esti, in the Imperial Russian Ballet (which starred Anna Pavlova) in Britain in the 1920's

Also in British silent films of the early 1920's

Format: Negative

Notes: Find more detailed information about this photograph: acms.sl.nsw.gov.au/item/itemDetailPaged.aspx?itemID=449191

Search for more great images in the State Library's collections: acms.sl.nsw.gov.au/search/SimpleSearch.aspx

From the collection of the State Library of New South Wales www.sl.nsw.gov.au

Shop front of the New York Marble Bar and Ice Cream Parlor, Queen Street, Brisbane, ca. 1912
image library
Image by State Library of Queensland, Australia
Photographer: Unidentified

Location: Queen Street, Brisbane, Queensland, Australia; -27.46888,153.022827

Description: Decorative window display of T. H. Thomas' ice cream parlor, situated on Queen Street, Brisbane. The American eagle and flag insignia was displayed on the front windows.

View this image at the State Library of Queensland: hdl.handle.net/10462/deriv/26745
Information about State Library of Queensland’s collection: pictureqld.slq.qld.gov.au/

Fractalist Project Internal

Some cool bing image images:

Fractalist Project Internal
bing image
Image by DeeAshley

This song of mine will wind its music around you, my child, like the fond arms of love. This song of mine will touch your forehead like a kiss of blessing. When you are alone it will sit by your side and whisper in your ear... When you are in the crowd, it will fence you about with aloofness. My song will be like a pair of wings to your dreams, it will transport your heart to the verge of the unknown. It will be like the faithful star overhead when dark night is over your road. My song will sit in the pupils of your eyes, and will carry your sight into the heart of things. And when my voice is silenced in death, my song will speak in your living heart.

- Reconnections (~Rabindranath Tagore)

Someone's home
bing image
Image by Neil Kremer
Carson, CA
Under a bridge next to someones traveling home. The people that live here are chased out every morning and have to sneak back in at night.

Sky up and down
bing image
Image by Neil Kremer
Carson, CA
Rain overflow accumulates and is guided away from the city surface roads. This is usually empty as LA doesn't get much rain. This amount of water is from less than 1" of rain over 10 hours ago. Imagine if we had 1 foot in a day.....bubble, bubble, gulp, gulp..

Cool Photo Collages images

Some cool photo collages images:

Collage Elements
photo collages
Image by rubyblossom.
Not for Sale on a Collage Sheet or a CD

****Please feel free to use this Stock in your Artwork, if you do use it i would love it if you would please post your work in my group

See all my Collage Elements~
Thank you ***

Collage Elements
photo collages
Image by rubyblossom.
Not for Sale on a Collage Sheet or a CD

****Please feel free to use this Stock in your Artwork, if you do use it i would love it if you would please post your work in my group

See all my Collage Elements~
Thank you ***

Family Craft
photo collages
Image by sarahgb(theoriginal)
One of my Mum's pieces she put together when she was a teacher in Primary School. Number of pieces in embroidery, collage, and artwork.

Crafts 3 of 3

Cool Host Image images

Check out these host image images:

The Royal Yacht Britannia 25-05-2006
host image
Image by Karen Roe
This magnificent ship has played host to some of the most famous people in the world. But, above all, she was home to Her Majesty The Queen and the Royal Family. Now in Edinburgh you are welcome on board to discover the heart and soul of this most special of royal residences.

The Royal Yacht Britannia is one of the world's most famous ships. Launched at John Brown's Shipyard in Clydebank in 1953, the Royal Yacht proudly served Queen and country for 44 years. During that time Britannia carried The Queen and the Royal Family on 968 official voyages, from the remotest regions of the South Seas to the deepest divides of Antarctica.

Britannia is now permanently moored in Edinburgh's historic port of Leith and visitors can discover what life was like on board the ship for the Royal Family and crew.

On 11 December 1997 Britannia was decommissioned and became a 5-star visitor attraction in Edinburgh after the city bid to become her new home and one of the UK's most prestigious hospitality venues.

The Royal Yacht Britannia 25-05-2006
host image
Image by Karen Roe
This magnificent ship has played host to some of the most famous people in the world. But, above all, she was home to Her Majesty The Queen and the Royal Family. Now in Edinburgh you are welcome on board to discover the heart and soul of this most special of royal residences.

The Royal Yacht Britannia is one of the world's most famous ships. Launched at John Brown's Shipyard in Clydebank in 1953, the Royal Yacht proudly served Queen and country for 44 years. During that time Britannia carried The Queen and the Royal Family on 968 official voyages, from the remotest regions of the South Seas to the deepest divides of Antarctica.

Britannia is now permanently moored in Edinburgh's historic port of Leith and visitors can discover what life was like on board the ship for the Royal Family and crew.

On 11 December 1997 Britannia was decommissioned and became a 5-star visitor attraction in Edinburgh after the city bid to become her new home and one of the UK's most prestigious hospitality venues.

Cool Image Post images

Some cool image post images:

Bradley Manning Protest 2011 Shankbone
image post
Image by david_shankbone
The first day of Occupy Wall Street, September 17, 2011. Wall Street barricaded and Zuccotti Park taken.

David Shankbone
Good Magazine: The (Un)Official Occupy Wall Street Photographer's 15 Favorite Frames

The Occupy Wall Street Creative Commons Project

Day 1 September 17 Photos - Preoccupation and Occupation Begins
Day 2 September 18 Photos - People settle in; cardboard sign menage begins
Day 3 September 19 Photos - Community forms; protest signs
Day 7 September 23 Photos - First rain, protest signs, life
Day 8 September 24 Photos - Pepper spray day, Zuni Tikka, people
Day 9 September 25 Photos
Day 12 September 28 Photos
Day 14 September 30 Photos
Day 16 October 2 Photos
Day 17 October 3 Photos
Day 20 October 5 Photos
Day 21 October 6 Photos - Naomi Klein
Day 23 October 8 - Faces of OWS
Day 28 October 13 - Tom Morello of RATM
Day 31 - protesting Chihuahua and The Daily Show
Day 36 - Parents and Kids Day and quite a crowd
Day 40 - protesting hotties, Reverend Billy and tents
Day 43 Photos - Snow storm at OWS of the first NYC winter snowfall
Day 47 - Solidarity with Occupy Oakland
Day 50 November 5
Day 52 November 7 - Jonathan Lethem, Lynn Nottage and Jennifer Egan
Day 53 November 8 - David Crosby and Graham Nash play OWS
Day 57 November 12 - Former NJ Gov. Jim McGreevey
Day 60 November 15 - Police evict protesters from Zuccotti

Occupy Colorado Springs Colorado on November 20

Do you want to see the Occupy Wall Street series laid out thematically? Click here

Castle Hoensbroek, the Netherlands
image post
Image by Yndra
This image is FREE to use in your personal or commercial work, but you may NOT reshare, distribute, or claim/imply it to be your own. Credits where credits are due.

I would love to see what you're doing with it. So you are welcome to post a small version or link to your creations in the comments .

Biografía de José Luis Ávila Herrera

Nació un día domingo 27 de julio de 1977 a medio camino entre las montañas y el mar, hermosa ciudad llamada México Distrito Federal.

En 1997 decidió cruzar el mar inmediato para vivir en un lugar
sin fronteras ni límites llamado Xalapa en el Estado de Veracruz Mexico y empezar una parte de su historia.

De noviembre 2006 hasta Diciembre de 2008, viajó a los Estados Unidos en busca del Sueño Americano y lo encontró. Hizo buenas obras con gente necesitada, Ayudó a su familia, construyó su casa, compró su auto, bienes raíces y hasta logró hacer un fondo bancario para su futuro.

Actualmente, viaja por Canadá 'En busca de nuevos horizontes', camina despacio a veces a favor y a veces en contra del viento, respira quedito, medita y acepta ilusiones, esperanzas y cualquier sufrimiento.

*(Noviembre, 2009) Montreal, Quebec, Canadá.

Había recibido la sabiduría anónima y el equilibrio ante la propia
debilidad que evita el deseo de ser un superhombre.

Entró en el torbellino de la fama llamada blogósfera, que exhibe y enmascara,
en la que la realidad se tramita en los momentos paralelos a los auditorios, viviendo de aplausos envueltos en sueños.

En silencios, deseados, examinó el esfuerzo que nunca sabe suficiente.
Lleva años examinándose.

Al borde del escenario intenta, sin prisa, reflexionar sobre los fragmentos
del tiempo que se han ido inevitablemente.
Hace tiempo que ha crecido.

A menudo viste con colores absolutos que transmiten la contundencia
de que lo único que concede, sin inmutarse, es su cotidianidad.

Ha venido desde allá donde la necesidad le endureció el corazón reclamando la razón
donde hay mentes que exterminan palabras que contaminan para siempre una ilusión

Preguntó un día al cielo cuántos caminos existen
para encontrar en los suyos un pedacito de suelo donde podiese llenarse de calor y de alegrías donde pudiese ser algo, algo más que fantasía.

Mas el cielo no está lejos como antes lo pensaba, lo descubrió en ese viento que adelante lo llevaba, pues si fue por mil caminos, y al no perder el aliento,
supo entre sus sentimientos que era Dios el que soplaba.

Sigue mirando al objetivo más allá de lo instintivo.

Escucha voces diferentes en su interior.

Es capaz de sobrevivir a las pérdidas insoportables.

Ha inventado vivencias para preservar su mundo básico, para conservar la memoria intransferible de la identidad.

Es posible que no sea imprescindible mantener impregnada la palabra
de ligereza y, ahora, aspiraciones, ilusiones y responsabilidad
exigen un lugar para salir de sí mismos.

Ha vuelto a él y, en este momento de privilegio, quiere seguir comunicando,
a través de su blog e imágenes, lo más placentero, lo más doloroso, lo más fascinante.

De repente asombra el espectáculo de luz que decide el vaiven secreto
de las gaviotas, casi en cada cambio de estación.

Estamos en la costa.
En un paisaje, como todos los paisajes, irrepetible y, como ellos, también
éste, lucha y se resiste a dejar la belleza en las fronteras.
Más al norte, no muy lejos de aquí, México D.F..

José Luis Ávila Herrera ha recorrido otras costas, ciudades, estados, países y otros paisajes.
Detrás de él, intuyo un mundo azul de tanto mirar al Mediterráneo.
Tal vez por eso, en los días decisivos, cruzando el umbral de las nieblas, permite que las olas se agiten a sus espaldas y recorre el camino conocido de lo inmediato.

Se alimenta de lo inacabable y decide inventar carabelas que resistan
la indispensable diferencia de los naufragios ajenos, tantas veces fugitivos.

En la presencia absoluta del paisaje, cuestiona incesantemente los compromisos
ocultos que albergan las deudas inevitables.

Con el tiempo que transcurre desde el amanecer al crepúsculo,
sus ojos son plurales. Escribe o imagina palabras y sonidos que, como el mar,
exploran las playas de sus más sublimes fantasías. Se mece en el paladeo incesante de las orillas y los peñascos
midiendo, con cierto azul, la realidad en otros mundos con nuevos preludios.

Mientras habla, las manos, como las mareas, se deslizan, se detienen, se agitan, se rebelan
... y se calman.

Vive rodeado de colores y olores sugerentes, en espacios donde pueda moverse sin impedimentos.

Prefiere sugerir que mostrar...
Evita transmitir lo concreto para evitar quedar encadenado a lo evidente.
Así, pues, nos recibe en un lugar que no debiera ser arrebatado al misterio.
Nos ofrece, sin embargo, el espacio sin límites; un lugar donde respirar profundamente y llenarse de azul celeste cual cielo efímero y transparente.
para seguir viviendo plenamente.

Ha trancurrido la vida y, ahora, después de tanto regresar, ha decidido
no solamente sentir el recuerdo de lo vivido, sino, también, construir con él un mapa
transferible de geografías escritas, donde reconocer y reconocerse.
Donde libremente se pueda sentir y explorar.
Un mapa que no puede ser deformado al expresar lo más íntimo,
todo aquello que no puede destruir el paso del tiempo.
Un mapa que establece, desde la raíz, el vínculo con la memoria
sin ornamento, trazado con claras ortografías que signifiquen lo mismo para él que para uno de nuestros nosotros.

Jose Luis, en el fondo, se imita a sí mismo, porque nada, casi, casi nada, desaparece.
Y él, que en raíz posee algo del duende del arte, aprende, artesanalmente, el oficio de sentimientos que viste.

Con cierto azul, José Luis, calzándose a menudo sandalias de arena, crece, vuela y desaparece…

-Autobiografía Octubre 2010

Nice Download Image photos

Check out these download image images:

tioga pass - desktop background wallpaper
download image
Image by (matt)
hope you enjoy this series of desktop background wallpapers.

these images are created for a 1.6:1 aspect ratio. the image resolution is 2560x1600, use a setting such as center or fit if you are using a different resolution.

iPhone Background - Mondrian
download image
Image by Patrick Hoesly
This iPhone Background (640x960 wallpaper) is released under a Creative Commons Attribution License.
If you like this image, please leave a comment. Thanks!

How do I get this onto my iPhone?
There are a number of ways to do this, however I think the easiest and fastest way is to download Flickr’s free app. Within the Flickr app you surf over to my photo feed to view the images (if you make me a contact then I’ll appear in the flickr contact list). When you find one you like, just click the download button and save the image directly to your phone. Quick & Simple!

I don’t have an iPhone. Can I still use it on my phone?
As of this writing this image (960 x 640) should be large enough to be used as wallpaper with the Droid / Android, BlackBerry, Windows 7, and iPhone.

How did you make it?
This background was made using graphic design software such as Photoshop, Illustrator, Filter Forge, Genetica, Wacom, Alien Skin, Topaz Labs, as well as several other programs.

About Patrick Hoesly
I’m a graphic illustrator, specializing in architectural illustrations and graphic design. I work with Architects, Interior Designers, and Landscape Architects, to help them visualize and sell their designs ...Or in other words... I make the fun/cool images!
Check out my Blog at ZooBoingReview.blogspot.com
Also take a look at my website at www.ZooBoing.com

physical pushes, virtual welcomes

Some cool online photo images:

physical pushes, virtual welcomes
online photo
Image by Will Lion
As the physical world becomes less welcoming, online spaces become more vital and appealing.

Don Tapscott and Anthony D. Williams in Wikinomics (p.48)


Image courtesy of www.flickr.com/photos/girlfromauntie/87448424. This citation appears in the top right of the image.

Snapshots from Science Online 2011
online photo
Image by Lou FCD
Nothing fancy here, just science geeks getting their geek on at Science Online 2011. Follow the Twitter hashtag #scio11 for lots of fun.

(I'd also recommend #DSN and #DSNSUITE for those not too faint of heart.)

I did my best to eliminate unflattering and incriminating photos.

Cool Image Stock images

Check out these image stock images:

Free Brushed Metal Stock BackgroundsEtc Wallpaper - Sky Blue Indigo
image stock
Image by webtreats
Free tileable, high quality background images in size 512 x 1024px. Ideal for desktop wallpapers, graphic design, twitter, myspace and other purposes. If using for Twitter make sure you select the tile background checkbox when uploading.

To download click here :

Free Brushed Metal Stock BackgroundsEtc Wallpaper - Gradient Dark Blue
image stock
Image by webtreats
Free tileable, high quality background images in size 512 x 1024px. Ideal for desktop wallpapers, graphic design, twitter, myspace and other purposes. If using for Twitter make sure you select the tile background checkbox when uploading.

To download click here :

Cool Image Site images

Check out these image site images:

Day 7: Sunrise near Micron
image site
Image by The Knowles Gallery
A Photography Club that I belong to has a Photo assignment for this Month to shoot one picture a Day for 28 Days. It is a short month. I will be posting those Images here. They will all be added to a Set entitled 30 Day Project. This should be interesting.

Big Omaha 2011 Photo Booth

A few nice photo booth images I found:

Big Omaha 2011 Photo Booth
photo booth
Image by Silicon Prairie News

Big Omaha 2011 Photo Booth
photo booth
Image by Silicon Prairie News

Nice Photo photos

Some cool photo images:

Image by fusion-of-horizons
Stavropoleos Monastery, Bucharest, Romania




Image by fusion-of-horizons
Stavropoleos Monastery, Bucharest, Romania




Image by fusion-of-horizons
Stavropoleos Monastery, Bucharest, Romania




Cool Photo Effects images

Some cool photo effects images:

Old Pharmacy
photo effects
Image by fs999
Pentax K-5 • 80 ISO • Pentax DA 15mm F4 ED AL Limited

TopazLabs Adjust 5 & Detail 3 & B&W Fx 2 + Masked Transparency

On the road again near...
Wiltz • Luxembourg

photo effects
Image by fs999
Pentax K-5 • 80 ISO • Pentax DA 10-17mm F3.5-4.5 fisheye

Fx: TopazLabs B&W Fx

Borgward Isabella 1954-1962
Technik Museum • Speyer • Deutschland

Orange Sky
photo effects
Image by fs999
Pentax K-5 • 80 ISO • Pentax A 50mm F1.7

Vertical panorama 3 photos with Kolor AutoPano Giga 2.5

Fx: Toned in PSP X4 Ultimate.

Wasserbillig • Luxembourg

P.C. Knox & wife (LOC)

A few nice photo services images I found:

P.C. Knox & wife (LOC)
photo services
Image by The Library of Congress
Bain News Service,, publisher.

P.C. Knox & wife

[1913 Jan. 1]

1 negative : glass ; 5 x 7 in. or smaller.

Title from data provided by the Bain News Service on the negative.
Photo shows Secretary of State Philander Chase Knox (1853-1921) and his wife who hosted the Diplomatic Corps Reception at the Pan American Building, Washington D. C. on New Year's Day 1913. African-American man stands next to Mrs. Knox. (Source: Flickr Commons project, 2009)
Forms part of: George Grantham Bain Collection (Library of Congress).

Format: Glass negatives.

Rights Info: No known restrictions on publication.

Repository: Library of Congress, Prints and Photographs Division, Washington, D.C. 20540 USA, hdl.loc.gov/loc.pnp/pp.print

General information about the Bain Collection is available at hdl.loc.gov/loc.pnp/pp.ggbain

Higher resolution image is available (Persistent URL): hdl.loc.gov/loc.pnp/ggbain.12903

Call Number: LC-B2- 2682-8

Suffrage paraders: Mrs. McLennan, Mrs. Althea Taft, Mrs. Lew Bridges, Mrs. Burleson, Alberta Hill, Miss Ragsdale (LOC)
photo services
Image by The Library of Congress
Bain News Service,, publisher.

Suffrage paraders: Mrs. McLennan, Mrs. Althea Taft, Mrs. Lew Bridges, Mrs. Burleson, Alberta Hill, Miss Ragsdale

1913 March 3 (date created or published later by Bain)

1 negative : glass ; 5 x 7 in. or smaller.

Title from unverified data provided by the Bain News Service on the negative.
Photo taken at the National American Woman Suffrage Association parade held in Washington, D.C., March 3, 1913 showing (left to right) Mrs. Russell McLennan, Mrs. Althea Taft, Mrs. Lew Bridges, Mrs. Richard Coke Burleson, Alberta Hill and Miss F. Ragsdale. (Source: Flickr Commons project, 2008)
Forms part of: George Grantham Bain Collection (Library of Congress).

Format: Glass negatives.

Rights Info: No known restrictions on publication.

Repository: Library of Congress, Prints and Photographs Division, Washington, D.C. 20540 USA, hdl.loc.gov/loc.pnp/pp.print

General information about the Bain Collection is available at hdl.loc.gov/loc.pnp/pp.ggbain

Higher resolution image is available (Persistent URL): hdl.loc.gov/loc.pnp/ggbain.11407

Call Number: LC-B2- 2505-11

Columbia Alumni, 6/4/13, Dr. Carrel (LOC)
photo services
Image by The Library of Congress
Bain News Service,, publisher.

Columbia Alumni, 6/4/13, Dr. Carrel

1913 June 4.

1 negative : glass ; 5 x 7 in. or smaller.

Title and date from data provided by the Bain News Service on the negative.
Photo shows alumni at the June 4, 1913 Columbia University commencement including Dr. Alexis Carrel in center with his face towards the camera. Carrel received an honorary degree at the commencement. (Source: Flickr Commons project, 2009 and New York Times, June 4, 1913)
Forms part of: George Grantham Bain Collection (Library of Congress).

Format: Glass negatives.

Rights Info: No known restrictions on publication.

Repository: Library of Congress, Prints and Photographs Division, Washington, D.C. 20540 USA, hdl.loc.gov/loc.pnp/pp.print

General information about the Bain Collection is available at hdl.loc.gov/loc.pnp/pp.ggbain

Higher resolution image is available (Persistent URL): hdl.loc.gov/loc.pnp/ggbain.13085

Call Number: LC-B2- 2699-12

Cool Change Background Image images

A few nice change background image images I found:

odard, Miéville & Lynne Sachs: Movie-making and the Stubborn, Unruly Galaxy of Childhood
change background image
Image by uniondocs
Leave it to Jean-Luc Godard and Anne Marie Miéville to figure out how to use television to reveal the latent brilliance of a child. Created for French television during the radical days of the late 1970s , “France/tour/detour/deux enfant” (1978) is an intimate, provocative and quotidian video essay that uses avant-garde cinema’s techniques in a visual experiment that will change anyone’s perception of the developing mind of a human being.
Tonight Lynne Sachs will discuss the way that “France/tour…” influenced her own work as she reflects on the presence of childhood in her twenty-year film career. Beginning in her early twenties when the ambiguity of femininity seemed daunting and problematic to more recent years when motherhood has given her quick access to the conundrums of youth, Sachs, like Godard and Melville, ponders her relationship as an artist to this unavoidable eighteen year odyssey. Sachs will screen Photograph of Wind (3 min., 2001), Atalanta: 32 Years Later (5 min. 2006), and The Last Happy Day (38 min.) in their entirety along with brief scenes from The House of Science (1991) and Wind in Our Hair (2010).
France/Tour/Detour/Deux Enfants by Jean Luc Godard and Ann Marie Miéville
(excerpt from 12 part TV series, 1977, France)

Godard and Miéville take a detour through the everyday lives of two children in contemporary France. Sachs will present excerpts from the series.

Photograph of Wind by Lynne Sachs
(4 min.,16mm, b&w and color, 2001)

“My daughter’s name is Maya. I’ve been told that the word maya means illusion in Hindu philosophy. As I watch her growing up, spinning like a top around me, I realize that her childhood is not something I can grasp but rather – like the wind – something I feel tenderly brushing across my cheek.” (Lynne Sachs)
“Sachs suspends in time a single moment of her daughter.” Fred Camper, Chicago Reader

Atalanta: 32 Years Later by Lynne Sachs
(5 min. color sound, 16mm to video, 2006)
A retelling of the age-old fairy tale of the beautiful princess in search of the perfect prince. In 1974, Marlo Thomas’ hip, liberal celebrity gang created a feminist version of the children’s parable for mainstream TV’s “Free To Be You and Me”. Now in 2006, Sachs dreamed up this new experimental film reworking, a homage to girl/girl romance.
“Very gentle and evocative of foreign feelings.” George Kuchar
The Last Happy Day by Lynne Sachs
( 38 min. 2009)

The Last Happy Day is an experimental documentary portrait of Sandor (Alexander) Lenard, a Hungarian medical doctor and a distant cousin of filmmaker Lynne Sachs. In 1938 Lenard, a writer with a Jewish background, fled the Nazis to a safe haven in Rome. Shortly thereafter, the U.S. Army Graves Registration Service hired Lenard to reconstruct the bones — small and large — of dead American soldiers. Eventually he found himself in remotest Brazil where he embarked on the translation of “Winnie the Pooh” into Latin, an eccentric task that catapulted him to brief world-wide fame. Sachs’ essay film uses personal letters, abstracted war imagery, home movies, interviews, and a children’s performance to create an intimate meditation on the destructive power of war.
“A fascinating, unconventional approach to a Holocaust-related story … a frequently charming work that makes no effort to disguise an underlying melancholy.” George Robinson, The Jewish Week
Excerpts from:
The House of Science: A Museum of False Facts
(30 min., 16mm,1991)

“Throughout The House of Science an image of a woman, her brain revealed, is a leitmotif. It suggests that the mind/body split so characteristic of Western thought is particularly troubling for women, who may feel themselves moving between the territories of the film’s title –house, science, and museum, or private, public and idealized space — without wholly inhabiting any of them. This film explores society’s representation and conceptualization of women through home movies, personal reminiscences, staged scenes, found footage and voice. Sachs’ personal memories recall the sense of her body being divided, whether into sexual and functional territories, or ‘the body of the body’ and ‘the body of the mind.’” (Kathy Geritz, Pacific Film Archive)

Wind in Our Hair/Con viento en el pelo
(16mm, Super 8 and digital on video, English and Spanish, 2010)

“Inspired by the writings of Julio Cortázar, whose work not only influenced a generation of Latin American writers but film directors such as Antonioni and Godard, Lynne Sachs’ Wind in Our Hair/Con viento en el pelo is an experimental narrative that explores the interior and exterior worlds of four early-teens, and how through play they come to discover themselves and their world. “Freedom takes us by the hand–it seizes the whole of our bodies,” a young narrator describes as they head towards the tracks. This is their kingdom, a place where–dawning fanciful masks, feather boas, and colorful scarves — the girls pose as statues and perform for each other and for passengers speeding by.”
- Carolyn Tennant, Media Arts Director, Hallwalls Contemporary Arts Center, Buffalo, New York
“Wind in Our Hair moves from childhood’s earthbound, cloistered spaces, into the skittering beyond of adolescence, exploding with anticipation and possibility.” Todd Lillethun, Artistic Director, Chicago Filmmakers
Program Run Time: 119 minutes
Lynne Sachs makes films, videos, installations and web projects that explore the intricate relationship between personal observations and broader historical experiences by weaving together poetry, collage, painting, politics and layered sound design. Since 1994, her five essay films have taken her to Vietnam, Bosnia, Israel and Germany — sites affected by international war–where she tries to work in the space between a community’s collective memory and her own subjective perceptions. Strongly committed to a dialogue between cinematic theory and practice, Lynne searches for a rigorous play between image and sound, pushing the visual and aural textures in her work with each and every new project. Since 2006, she has collaborated with her partner Mark Street in a series of playful, mixed-media performance collaborations they call The XY Chromosome Project. In addition to her work with the moving image, Lynne co-edited the 2009 Millennium Film Journal issue on “Experiments in Documentary”. Supported by fellowships from the Rockefeller and Jerome Foundations and the New York State Council on the Arts, Lynne’s films have screened at the Museum of Modern Art, the New York Film Festival, the Sundance Film Festival and recently in a five film survey at the Buenos Aires Film Festival. In 2010, the San Francisco Cinematheque will present a full retrospective of her work. Lynne teaches experimental film and video at New York University and lives in Brooklyn.

Josetxo Cerdán Los Arcos is an assistant professor at the URV and the artistic director of Punto de Vista. He has edited the books ‘Mirada, Memoria y Fascinación’ (2001); ‘Documental y Vanguardia’ (2005); ‘Al Otro Lado de la Ficción’ (2007); and ‘Suevia Films-Caesáreo González’ (2005); ‘Signal Fires: The Cinema of Jem Cohen’ (2010). He is author of ‘Ricardo Urgoiti. Los trabajos y los días’ (2007). He has coordinated an M. A. in from 1998 to 2008. Principal interest areas are non-fiction film, Spanish cinema, and television.
Kelly Anderson is an award-winning independent producer and director of documentary and narrative films. Her most recent production is NEVER ENOUGH, a documentary about American’s relationship with their material possessions, which is premiering at the 2010 Big Sky Documentary Film Festival. Other recent directing work includes SOMEPLACE LIKE HOME, a documentary about the redevelopment of Fulton Mall in Downtown Brooklyn, which she made for FUREE (Families United for Racial and Economic Equality). In 2004 Kelly produced and directed (with Tami Gold) and edited EVERY MOTHER’S SON, a documentary for ITVS about mothers whose children have been killed by police officers and who have become national spokespeople on the issue of police brutality. EVERY MOTHER’S SON premiered at Tribeca Film Festival, where it won the Audience Award, and had its broadcast premiere on PBS’s P.O.V. series. Kelly produced, directed and edited OVERCOMING THE ODDS, a short documentary that was distributed to more than 2,500 people internationally as part of a successful campaign to pass the groundbreaking Framework Convention on Tobacco Control, which set global standards on the promotion and marketing of tobacco. This film was a follow-up to MAKING A KILLING, a half-hour documentary Kelly produced and directed (with Tami Gold) and edited that addresses the marketing practices of the tobacco industry in the developing world. MAKING A KILLING premiered at the Slamdance Film Festival, was screened for delegates at the World Health Organization and aired on television in Nigeria, Serbia, Lagos and Vietnam. In 2000 Kelly completed SHIFT, a one-hour drama for ITVS about the volatile relationship between a North Carolina waitress and a telemarketing prison inmate, which premiered at the Rotterdam International Film Festival and aired on many PBS stations. Kelly’s other documentaries include OUT AT WORK (with Tami Gold), which was screened at the 1997 Sundance Film Festival and was shown on HBO. She is an Associate Professor in the Department of Film and Media Studies at Hunter College in New York City.

odard, Miéville & Lynne Sachs: Movie-making and the Stubborn, Unruly Galaxy of Childhood
change background image
Image by uniondocs
Leave it to Jean-Luc Godard and Anne Marie Miéville to figure out how to use television to reveal the latent brilliance of a child. Created for French television during the radical days of the late 1970s , “France/tour/detour/deux enfant” (1978) is an intimate, provocative and quotidian video essay that uses avant-garde cinema’s techniques in a visual experiment that will change anyone’s perception of the developing mind of a human being.
Tonight Lynne Sachs will discuss the way that “France/tour…” influenced her own work as she reflects on the presence of childhood in her twenty-year film career. Beginning in her early twenties when the ambiguity of femininity seemed daunting and problematic to more recent years when motherhood has given her quick access to the conundrums of youth, Sachs, like Godard and Melville, ponders her relationship as an artist to this unavoidable eighteen year odyssey. Sachs will screen Photograph of Wind (3 min., 2001), Atalanta: 32 Years Later (5 min. 2006), and The Last Happy Day (38 min.) in their entirety along with brief scenes from The House of Science (1991) and Wind in Our Hair (2010).
France/Tour/Detour/Deux Enfants by Jean Luc Godard and Ann Marie Miéville
(excerpt from 12 part TV series, 1977, France)

Godard and Miéville take a detour through the everyday lives of two children in contemporary France. Sachs will present excerpts from the series.

Photograph of Wind by Lynne Sachs
(4 min.,16mm, b&w and color, 2001)

“My daughter’s name is Maya. I’ve been told that the word maya means illusion in Hindu philosophy. As I watch her growing up, spinning like a top around me, I realize that her childhood is not something I can grasp but rather – like the wind – something I feel tenderly brushing across my cheek.” (Lynne Sachs)
“Sachs suspends in time a single moment of her daughter.” Fred Camper, Chicago Reader

Atalanta: 32 Years Later by Lynne Sachs
(5 min. color sound, 16mm to video, 2006)
A retelling of the age-old fairy tale of the beautiful princess in search of the perfect prince. In 1974, Marlo Thomas’ hip, liberal celebrity gang created a feminist version of the children’s parable for mainstream TV’s “Free To Be You and Me”. Now in 2006, Sachs dreamed up this new experimental film reworking, a homage to girl/girl romance.
“Very gentle and evocative of foreign feelings.” George Kuchar
The Last Happy Day by Lynne Sachs
( 38 min. 2009)

The Last Happy Day is an experimental documentary portrait of Sandor (Alexander) Lenard, a Hungarian medical doctor and a distant cousin of filmmaker Lynne Sachs. In 1938 Lenard, a writer with a Jewish background, fled the Nazis to a safe haven in Rome. Shortly thereafter, the U.S. Army Graves Registration Service hired Lenard to reconstruct the bones — small and large — of dead American soldiers. Eventually he found himself in remotest Brazil where he embarked on the translation of “Winnie the Pooh” into Latin, an eccentric task that catapulted him to brief world-wide fame. Sachs’ essay film uses personal letters, abstracted war imagery, home movies, interviews, and a children’s performance to create an intimate meditation on the destructive power of war.
“A fascinating, unconventional approach to a Holocaust-related story … a frequently charming work that makes no effort to disguise an underlying melancholy.” George Robinson, The Jewish Week
Excerpts from:
The House of Science: A Museum of False Facts
(30 min., 16mm,1991)

“Throughout The House of Science an image of a woman, her brain revealed, is a leitmotif. It suggests that the mind/body split so characteristic of Western thought is particularly troubling for women, who may feel themselves moving between the territories of the film’s title –house, science, and museum, or private, public and idealized space — without wholly inhabiting any of them. This film explores society’s representation and conceptualization of women through home movies, personal reminiscences, staged scenes, found footage and voice. Sachs’ personal memories recall the sense of her body being divided, whether into sexual and functional territories, or ‘the body of the body’ and ‘the body of the mind.’” (Kathy Geritz, Pacific Film Archive)

Wind in Our Hair/Con viento en el pelo
(16mm, Super 8 and digital on video, English and Spanish, 2010)

“Inspired by the writings of Julio Cortázar, whose work not only influenced a generation of Latin American writers but film directors such as Antonioni and Godard, Lynne Sachs’ Wind in Our Hair/Con viento en el pelo is an experimental narrative that explores the interior and exterior worlds of four early-teens, and how through play they come to discover themselves and their world. “Freedom takes us by the hand–it seizes the whole of our bodies,” a young narrator describes as they head towards the tracks. This is their kingdom, a place where–dawning fanciful masks, feather boas, and colorful scarves — the girls pose as statues and perform for each other and for passengers speeding by.”
- Carolyn Tennant, Media Arts Director, Hallwalls Contemporary Arts Center, Buffalo, New York
“Wind in Our Hair moves from childhood’s earthbound, cloistered spaces, into the skittering beyond of adolescence, exploding with anticipation and possibility.” Todd Lillethun, Artistic Director, Chicago Filmmakers
Program Run Time: 119 minutes
Lynne Sachs makes films, videos, installations and web projects that explore the intricate relationship between personal observations and broader historical experiences by weaving together poetry, collage, painting, politics and layered sound design. Since 1994, her five essay films have taken her to Vietnam, Bosnia, Israel and Germany — sites affected by international war–where she tries to work in the space between a community’s collective memory and her own subjective perceptions. Strongly committed to a dialogue between cinematic theory and practice, Lynne searches for a rigorous play between image and sound, pushing the visual and aural textures in her work with each and every new project. Since 2006, she has collaborated with her partner Mark Street in a series of playful, mixed-media performance collaborations they call The XY Chromosome Project. In addition to her work with the moving image, Lynne co-edited the 2009 Millennium Film Journal issue on “Experiments in Documentary”. Supported by fellowships from the Rockefeller and Jerome Foundations and the New York State Council on the Arts, Lynne’s films have screened at the Museum of Modern Art, the New York Film Festival, the Sundance Film Festival and recently in a five film survey at the Buenos Aires Film Festival. In 2010, the San Francisco Cinematheque will present a full retrospective of her work. Lynne teaches experimental film and video at New York University and lives in Brooklyn.

Josetxo Cerdán Los Arcos is an assistant professor at the URV and the artistic director of Punto de Vista. He has edited the books ‘Mirada, Memoria y Fascinación’ (2001); ‘Documental y Vanguardia’ (2005); ‘Al Otro Lado de la Ficción’ (2007); and ‘Suevia Films-Caesáreo González’ (2005); ‘Signal Fires: The Cinema of Jem Cohen’ (2010). He is author of ‘Ricardo Urgoiti. Los trabajos y los días’ (2007). He has coordinated an M. A. in from 1998 to 2008. Principal interest areas are non-fiction film, Spanish cinema, and television.
Kelly Anderson is an award-winning independent producer and director of documentary and narrative films. Her most recent production is NEVER ENOUGH, a documentary about American’s relationship with their material possessions, which is premiering at the 2010 Big Sky Documentary Film Festival. Other recent directing work includes SOMEPLACE LIKE HOME, a documentary about the redevelopment of Fulton Mall in Downtown Brooklyn, which she made for FUREE (Families United for Racial and Economic Equality). In 2004 Kelly produced and directed (with Tami Gold) and edited EVERY MOTHER’S SON, a documentary for ITVS about mothers whose children have been killed by police officers and who have become national spokespeople on the issue of police brutality. EVERY MOTHER’S SON premiered at Tribeca Film Festival, where it won the Audience Award, and had its broadcast premiere on PBS’s P.O.V. series. Kelly produced, directed and edited OVERCOMING THE ODDS, a short documentary that was distributed to more than 2,500 people internationally as part of a successful campaign to pass the groundbreaking Framework Convention on Tobacco Control, which set global standards on the promotion and marketing of tobacco. This film was a follow-up to MAKING A KILLING, a half-hour documentary Kelly produced and directed (with Tami Gold) and edited that addresses the marketing practices of the tobacco industry in the developing world. MAKING A KILLING premiered at the Slamdance Film Festival, was screened for delegates at the World Health Organization and aired on television in Nigeria, Serbia, Lagos and Vietnam. In 2000 Kelly completed SHIFT, a one-hour drama for ITVS about the volatile relationship between a North Carolina waitress and a telemarketing prison inmate, which premiered at the Rotterdam International Film Festival and aired on many PBS stations. Kelly’s other documentaries include OUT AT WORK (with Tami Gold), which was screened at the 1997 Sundance Film Festival and was shown on HBO. She is an Associate Professor in the Department of Film and Media Studies at Hunter College in New York City.

odard, Miéville & Lynne Sachs: Movie-making and the Stubborn, Unruly Galaxy of Childhood
change background image
Image by uniondocs
Leave it to Jean-Luc Godard and Anne Marie Miéville to figure out how to use television to reveal the latent brilliance of a child. Created for French television during the radical days of the late 1970s , “France/tour/detour/deux enfant” (1978) is an intimate, provocative and quotidian video essay that uses avant-garde cinema’s techniques in a visual experiment that will change anyone’s perception of the developing mind of a human being.
Tonight Lynne Sachs will discuss the way that “France/tour…” influenced her own work as she reflects on the presence of childhood in her twenty-year film career. Beginning in her early twenties when the ambiguity of femininity seemed daunting and problematic to more recent years when motherhood has given her quick access to the conundrums of youth, Sachs, like Godard and Melville, ponders her relationship as an artist to this unavoidable eighteen year odyssey. Sachs will screen Photograph of Wind (3 min., 2001), Atalanta: 32 Years Later (5 min. 2006), and The Last Happy Day (38 min.) in their entirety along with brief scenes from The House of Science (1991) and Wind in Our Hair (2010).
France/Tour/Detour/Deux Enfants by Jean Luc Godard and Ann Marie Miéville
(excerpt from 12 part TV series, 1977, France)

Godard and Miéville take a detour through the everyday lives of two children in contemporary France. Sachs will present excerpts from the series.

Photograph of Wind by Lynne Sachs
(4 min.,16mm, b&w and color, 2001)

“My daughter’s name is Maya. I’ve been told that the word maya means illusion in Hindu philosophy. As I watch her growing up, spinning like a top around me, I realize that her childhood is not something I can grasp but rather – like the wind – something I feel tenderly brushing across my cheek.” (Lynne Sachs)
“Sachs suspends in time a single moment of her daughter.” Fred Camper, Chicago Reader

Atalanta: 32 Years Later by Lynne Sachs
(5 min. color sound, 16mm to video, 2006)
A retelling of the age-old fairy tale of the beautiful princess in search of the perfect prince. In 1974, Marlo Thomas’ hip, liberal celebrity gang created a feminist version of the children’s parable for mainstream TV’s “Free To Be You and Me”. Now in 2006, Sachs dreamed up this new experimental film reworking, a homage to girl/girl romance.
“Very gentle and evocative of foreign feelings.” George Kuchar
The Last Happy Day by Lynne Sachs
( 38 min. 2009)

The Last Happy Day is an experimental documentary portrait of Sandor (Alexander) Lenard, a Hungarian medical doctor and a distant cousin of filmmaker Lynne Sachs. In 1938 Lenard, a writer with a Jewish background, fled the Nazis to a safe haven in Rome. Shortly thereafter, the U.S. Army Graves Registration Service hired Lenard to reconstruct the bones — small and large — of dead American soldiers. Eventually he found himself in remotest Brazil where he embarked on the translation of “Winnie the Pooh” into Latin, an eccentric task that catapulted him to brief world-wide fame. Sachs’ essay film uses personal letters, abstracted war imagery, home movies, interviews, and a children’s performance to create an intimate meditation on the destructive power of war.
“A fascinating, unconventional approach to a Holocaust-related story … a frequently charming work that makes no effort to disguise an underlying melancholy.” George Robinson, The Jewish Week
Excerpts from:
The House of Science: A Museum of False Facts
(30 min., 16mm,1991)

“Throughout The House of Science an image of a woman, her brain revealed, is a leitmotif. It suggests that the mind/body split so characteristic of Western thought is particularly troubling for women, who may feel themselves moving between the territories of the film’s title –house, science, and museum, or private, public and idealized space — without wholly inhabiting any of them. This film explores society’s representation and conceptualization of women through home movies, personal reminiscences, staged scenes, found footage and voice. Sachs’ personal memories recall the sense of her body being divided, whether into sexual and functional territories, or ‘the body of the body’ and ‘the body of the mind.’” (Kathy Geritz, Pacific Film Archive)

Wind in Our Hair/Con viento en el pelo
(16mm, Super 8 and digital on video, English and Spanish, 2010)

“Inspired by the writings of Julio Cortázar, whose work not only influenced a generation of Latin American writers but film directors such as Antonioni and Godard, Lynne Sachs’ Wind in Our Hair/Con viento en el pelo is an experimental narrative that explores the interior and exterior worlds of four early-teens, and how through play they come to discover themselves and their world. “Freedom takes us by the hand–it seizes the whole of our bodies,” a young narrator describes as they head towards the tracks. This is their kingdom, a place where–dawning fanciful masks, feather boas, and colorful scarves — the girls pose as statues and perform for each other and for passengers speeding by.”
- Carolyn Tennant, Media Arts Director, Hallwalls Contemporary Arts Center, Buffalo, New York
“Wind in Our Hair moves from childhood’s earthbound, cloistered spaces, into the skittering beyond of adolescence, exploding with anticipation and possibility.” Todd Lillethun, Artistic Director, Chicago Filmmakers
Program Run Time: 119 minutes
Lynne Sachs makes films, videos, installations and web projects that explore the intricate relationship between personal observations and broader historical experiences by weaving together poetry, collage, painting, politics and layered sound design. Since 1994, her five essay films have taken her to Vietnam, Bosnia, Israel and Germany — sites affected by international war–where she tries to work in the space between a community’s collective memory and her own subjective perceptions. Strongly committed to a dialogue between cinematic theory and practice, Lynne searches for a rigorous play between image and sound, pushing the visual and aural textures in her work with each and every new project. Since 2006, she has collaborated with her partner Mark Street in a series of playful, mixed-media performance collaborations they call The XY Chromosome Project. In addition to her work with the moving image, Lynne co-edited the 2009 Millennium Film Journal issue on “Experiments in Documentary”. Supported by fellowships from the Rockefeller and Jerome Foundations and the New York State Council on the Arts, Lynne’s films have screened at the Museum of Modern Art, the New York Film Festival, the Sundance Film Festival and recently in a five film survey at the Buenos Aires Film Festival. In 2010, the San Francisco Cinematheque will present a full retrospective of her work. Lynne teaches experimental film and video at New York University and lives in Brooklyn.

Josetxo Cerdán Los Arcos is an assistant professor at the URV and the artistic director of Punto de Vista. He has edited the books ‘Mirada, Memoria y Fascinación’ (2001); ‘Documental y Vanguardia’ (2005); ‘Al Otro Lado de la Ficción’ (2007); and ‘Suevia Films-Caesáreo González’ (2005); ‘Signal Fires: The Cinema of Jem Cohen’ (2010). He is author of ‘Ricardo Urgoiti. Los trabajos y los días’ (2007). He has coordinated an M. A. in from 1998 to 2008. Principal interest areas are non-fiction film, Spanish cinema, and television.
Kelly Anderson is an award-winning independent producer and director of documentary and narrative films. Her most recent production is NEVER ENOUGH, a documentary about American’s relationship with their material possessions, which is premiering at the 2010 Big Sky Documentary Film Festival. Other recent directing work includes SOMEPLACE LIKE HOME, a documentary about the redevelopment of Fulton Mall in Downtown Brooklyn, which she made for FUREE (Families United for Racial and Economic Equality). In 2004 Kelly produced and directed (with Tami Gold) and edited EVERY MOTHER’S SON, a documentary for ITVS about mothers whose children have been killed by police officers and who have become national spokespeople on the issue of police brutality. EVERY MOTHER’S SON premiered at Tribeca Film Festival, where it won the Audience Award, and had its broadcast premiere on PBS’s P.O.V. series. Kelly produced, directed and edited OVERCOMING THE ODDS, a short documentary that was distributed to more than 2,500 people internationally as part of a successful campaign to pass the groundbreaking Framework Convention on Tobacco Control, which set global standards on the promotion and marketing of tobacco. This film was a follow-up to MAKING A KILLING, a half-hour documentary Kelly produced and directed (with Tami Gold) and edited that addresses the marketing practices of the tobacco industry in the developing world. MAKING A KILLING premiered at the Slamdance Film Festival, was screened for delegates at the World Health Organization and aired on television in Nigeria, Serbia, Lagos and Vietnam. In 2000 Kelly completed SHIFT, a one-hour drama for ITVS about the volatile relationship between a North Carolina waitress and a telemarketing prison inmate, which premiered at the Rotterdam International Film Festival and aired on many PBS stations. Kelly’s other documentaries include OUT AT WORK (with Tami Gold), which was screened at the 1997 Sundance Film Festival and was shown on HBO. She is an Associate Professor in the Department of Film and Media Studies at Hunter College in New York City.

Cool Christmas Cards Photo images

Some cool christmas cards photo images:

Wishing you a peaceful and happy 2007!
christmas cards photo
Image by Unhindered by Talent
So, here's the finished card. It's a bit odd in that it has all three of us in it, which is a first since ever in his 13 years on our planet.

Many thanks to all our friends here on Flickr, who continue to provide such wonderful support, feedback, and comments. It is very much appreciated!

Top from left: WeatherGirl laughing at Christmas, Sub-Evil Boy being goofy in front of the computer, and me shooting my reflection on the train traveling south from Denali National Park (Alaska) last summer.

Middle from left: Sub-Evil boy huddling against the wind on an exposed hill top in Denali National Park last August, Sub-Evil at Pea Ridge National Military Park over Christmas, and WeatherGirl being silly in my office last April.

Bottom row from left: Sub-Evil crashing in the back of the bus from Anchorage up to Denali National Park last August, Sub-Evil and I performing his wondrous "Taco Man" at the Asian Student Association talent show in November, and Sub-Evil laughing while we were waiting for the Denali to Anchorage train to arrive.

Winter Song Birds - a Vintage Christmas Card Illustration
christmas cards photo
Image by IronRodArt - Royce Bair ("Star Shooter")
A 1913 Christmas card illustration of winter song birds surrounded by a frame of holly. This image was scanned from my personal collection and the color restored (digitally remastered). I also retouched it to remove scratches, cracks, smudges and age spots. This is typically about a 3 hour process.

FREE for Personal Use Downloads: This image is offered through a Creative Commons license. You can also obtain PRINTS or a commercial use license (and even larger downloads) at my SmugMug site. NOTE: Personal use requires attribution (credit ''Royce Bair'') and a link to my Web site: ''The Stock Solution'' -- where you can also find many more free downloads.

Keywords: achr1050, merry, winter, song, birds, icy, cold, freeze, freezing, outdoors, fence, frame, holly, green, red, berries, season, december, oldpixels, old, fashion, fashioned, antique, art, snow, snowy, nostalgia, nostalgic, sentimental, scene, scenic,

Santa Is So Scary
christmas cards photo
Image by Jason DeRusha
We were hoping to make this our Christmas card photo. It's funny, because that's me in the Santa get-up. But Seth was so scared, he wouldn't stop crying.

Rock on Top of Another Rock by Peter Fischli and David Weiss

A few nice image gallery images I found:

Rock on Top of Another Rock by Peter Fischli and David Weiss
image gallery
Image by Dominic's pics
Part of a short Set / Slideshow of images of Rock on Top of Another Rock by Peter Fischli and David Weiss at the Serpentine Gallery, London.

Noregians put rocks on top of other rocks to mark their way - a bit like leaving a breadcrumb trail.

"In Norway and here, to put one rock on top of another rock in the wilderness is the first thing you do if you want to make a mark. When you walk and you want to find your way back... you make this mark. It is a very archaic, simple thing, but it is referencing the [Robert] Venturi duck. We wanted to make something that forces you to stop your car and get out to take a photograph." - Peter Fischli

More detailed Artists' Statement / Description here...

There also is a companion piece in the Norwegian wilderness...

Fischli / Weiss Rock Images [flickr Image Search]
Fischli / Weiss Rock Images [Google Image Search]
Rock on Top of Another Rock [Serpentine Gallery]
Rock on Top of Another Rock [Serpentine Gallery press images and text]
Peter Fischli and David Weiss [Wikipedia]
David Weiss Obituary Died 27th April 2012 [The Guardian]

Rock on Top of Another Rock by Peter Fischli and David Weiss
image gallery
Image by Dominic's pics
Part of a short Set / Slideshow of images of Rock on Top of Another Rock by Peter Fischli and David Weiss at the Serpentine Gallery, London.

Noregians put rocks on top of other rocks to mark their way - a bit like leaving a breadcrumb trail.

"In Norway and here, to put one rock on top of another rock in the wilderness is the first thing you do if you want to make a mark. When you walk and you want to find your way back... you make this mark. It is a very archaic, simple thing, but it is referencing the [Robert] Venturi duck. We wanted to make something that forces you to stop your car and get out to take a photograph." - Peter Fischli

More detailed Artists' Statement / Description here...

There also is a companion piece in the Norwegian wilderness...

Fischli / Weiss Rock Images [flickr Image Search]
Fischli / Weiss Rock Images [Google Image Search]
Rock on Top of Another Rock [Serpentine Gallery]
Rock on Top of Another Rock [Serpentine Gallery press images and text]
Peter Fischli and David Weiss [Wikipedia]
David Weiss Obituary Died 27th April 2012 [The Guardian]

Nice Upload Image photos

Some cool upload image images:

Port Edward, Kwazulu Natal, South Africa Lots/Land For Sale - South African Bargain - Vacant Land
upload image
Image by International Real Estate Listings
This brand new Port Edward, Kwazulu Natal, South Africa Lots/Land For Sale - South African Bargain - Vacant Land image was just uploaded online at the World’s top international real estate site www.internationalrealestatelistings.com/

Check out the listing details here

Check out all of its pictures here

Do you know what your Klout score is?

My desktop with thurrockdave's metporn image
upload image
Image by Trojan631

Photobucket, Imágenes Gratis & Bellas Poesías

¿Está usted tratando de abrir una cuenta gratuita en Photobucket? Si su respuesta es afirmativa, haga usted click aquí o sobre el logotipo de la izquierda para colocar sus datos y empezar a utilizar los servicios gratuitos de Photobucket. Personalmente uso una cuenta PRO de Photobucket porque subo a la red cientos de fotos cada día, pero si usted sólo va a utilizarla para fines personales, la cuenta gratuita le será de mucha utilidad. Aprovechando que está usted aquí, le invito a disfrutar de TRES GALERÍAS de imágenes que seguramente le harán pasar buenos momentos. Galería Uno. Galería Dos. Galería Tres.

*Actualizado Diciembre 30, 2009. 7:10 AM.

Cool Photo Bucket images

A few nice photo bucket images I found:

photo bucket
Image by Linn County Fair
2012 4-H/FFA Bucket Bottle Kalf Show - Photos courtesy of Todd Hunt & Dae Ann Holub

photo bucket
Image by Linn County Fair
2012 4-H/FFA Bucket Bottle Kalf Show - Photos courtesy of Todd Hunt & Dae Ann Holub

photo bucket
Image by Linn County Fair
2012 4-H/FFA Bucket Bottle Kalf Show - Photos courtesy of Todd Hunt & Dae Ann Holub

Drama, Dawn's Light

A few nice upload image images I found:

Drama, Dawn's Light
upload image
Image by cobalt123
Seeing this image will have more meaning taken in context of the series I am uploading at this time. I often go out at dawn in Phoenix, for the light is incredible and magical. This composition shows the top of a walkway across Highway 51 in central Phoenix. That this morning showed an overcast sky with a few brilliant blue contrasts amid the clouds made the image more powerful for me. The contrast of this brilliant yellow structure with the blue of the sky made the image memorable. I treasure these forays into "Phoenix Other Worlds" as a way to view this urban area in a far different light than one thinks of when pondering "What is Phoenix?"

Thunderbird Coffee One
upload image
Image by Visualist Images
Last night after a long day of shooting I decided to stop at my local coffee shop and have a nice Americano to before heading to the office to upload my days work. As I enjoyed my coffee the light took on a wonderful rose cast as the sun started setting. I had to pull out my gear an take a couple of photos to try & capture the moment.
From my blog @: www.visualistImages.com

A note about my Creative Commons - Non Commercial Licensing.
If you derive any income from your website through sales of products or services or receive revenue from advertising placed on your site then you do not qualify to use my images under my creative commons license. If your are a not for profit corporation or political campaign, you also do not qualify under my Non Commercial license. I do license my images to commercial enterprises for a very reasonable fee. Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions.
If you are truly a non-commercial site and would like a copy of this image without my watermark, feel free to contact me with the details of your intended use.


A few nice photo show images I found:

photo show
Image by ash-s
Surfers Paradise's classic ride, the Vomatron

Foto Publicada | Cia dos Espetinhos | Guia Show
photo show
Image by Alexandre Chang
[ Cia dos Espetinhos | Guia Show ]

Fotos usadas no anúncio da Cia dos Espetinhos, na revista Guia Show (edição 18).

Matheus B. Martins e André Bombonatti (Estúdio de Design).

[ Melhor visualização ]

[ www.guiashowjundiai.com.br ]
[ www.ciadosespetinhos.com ]


Todas as minhas fotos estão à venda, reveladas em papel fotográfico.

Para mais informações sobre os tamanhos, preços, envie um e-mail:
[ vendas@alexandrechang.com.br ]

Caso queira usar alguma foto em sites, orkut, fotologs, blogs, etc, favor dar os créditos:

Foto por Alexandre Chang
[ www.flickr.com/alexandrechang ]

Thalie Astrée show (25) - Sexy International Paris Film Festival #2 - 24-27Jun10, Paris (France)
photo show
Image by philippe leroyer
[Taken in Paris (France) - 26Jun10]

Sexy International Paris Film Festival

From the 24th to the 27th of June, the Sexy International Paris Film Festival shows more than 90 sexy films at the cinema "Le Grand Action".
The selection is composed of heterosexual (mostly), gay and lesbian films.
During the 4 days of the festival, performances compagny and concerts take place.

See all the photos of this event, chronologically put, in this set : 24-27Jun10 - Sexy International Paris Film Festival #2 [Event]
See all the random portraits in this set : Portraits [Random]
