
Cool Photo Printing images

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Some cool photo printing images:

Feather Print from Fairie-ality
photo printing
Image by geishaboy500
From a fabulous book that I have bought many copies and you should too....just google it or see member www.flickr.com/people/ellwand/He is a really friendly chilled chap who is a damn fine artist and loves his work being promoted on fabulous artistic sites like this.
Thanks for reminding me of the exact source of this photo from my image archive of over 100000 images including a vast collection of talent.

Thanks Moranga have cut and pasted this info so as to give due credit to a wonderful project.



author: Eugenie Bird

illustrator: David Downton

artist and photographer : David Ellwand

www.candlewick.com/authill.asp ?b=Author&m=bio&id=...

"I've worked as a photographer for more than fifteen years and spent a lot of my time photographing flowers," David Ellwand recalls. "One day, after working with some calla lilies, I left them out without any water. They started to dry naturally, and I noticed how one of them resembled a small silk shirt. I then started to bend and shape the flowers and model them into items of clothing suggested by their organic shapes." The resulting "fairie clothes," fashioned as playthings for David Ellwand's then three-year-old daughter, caught the eye of a visiting editor from Candlewick Press. Before long an exquisitely designed, tongue-in-cheek catalog of fashions for fairies was in full flight.

photo printing
Image by mathias shoots analogue
[prints from www.flickr.com/photos/mathiasbarbagallo/tags/comacchio/ ]
