
Nice Magic Photo photos

A few nice magic photo images I found:

Canon IXY 410F Photos
magic photo
Image by digitalbear

Chasing the Winds
magic photo
Image by jumpinjimmyjava
Thank you pareeerica for the wonderful free texture

La Infidelidad "9 razones comunes"


La infidelidad es una de las razones principales por las que una pareja rompe su relación. Los "cuernos" destruyen la confianza de los enamorados y los pilares sobre los que se cimienta una relación. En la mayoría de los casos las personas son infieles cuando la relación no alcanza sus expectativas, están buscando algo en la pareja que ésta no es capaz de ofrecerles. La solución, en vez de basarse en el diálogo, es una salida aparentemente más fácil o cómoda: la infidelidad.

Los hombres también traicionan, para demostrar su masculinidad porque la sociedad espera que él actúe así. La pregunta que muchas personas se hacen es cómo descubrir y asegurarse de que la pareja les está siendo infiel. Si vives con tu novio, observa su comportamiento, si no vuelve a casa a la hora de costumbre, si ya no existe diálogo entre vosotros, si se irrita contigo por cualquier motivo. Estas actitudes NO son síntomas de una traición, pero sí indican que algo no funciona en vuestra relación y que por lo tanto existe peligro de infidelidad.

Para los hombres es más difícil saber si les están siendo infieles, puesto que ellos son menos observadores y se fijan menos en cambios sutiles que sin embargo las mujeres descubren a la primera. Los hombres en general temen o sospechan que su pareja les está siendo infiel, cuando ésta se niega a mantener relaciones sexuales como de costumbre. Existen mujeres que jamás perdonarían una infidelidad y otras que sin embargo deciden auto engañarse para no tener que enfrentarse a la realidad. Descubrir que hemos sido traicionados por la persona amada siempre es una experiencia dolorosa y hasta humillante, puesto que se ponen en juego los valores que fundamentan una relación de pareja, como son la confianza, la sinceridad y el respeto.

Perdonar o no una traición depende de la persona y del tipo de relación que existe, ya sea por motivos religiosos o porque no quieren hacer sufrir a sus hijos. En el caso de las mujeres que deciden perdonar (pero no olvidar), la infidelidad suele ser un arma arrojadiza muy frecuente en las discusiones, que puede desgastar más todavía la relación. No recuerdes constantemente la infidelidad de tu pareja, si no eres capaz de superar y olvidar, quizá sea necesario plantearse una solución tajante. Muchas mujeres que han sido infieles se torturan porque no saben si contárselo a su pareja, se sienten mal, pero lo primero y más importante es descubrir el porqué de la traición. Si has sentido esa necesidad es porque tu pareja no te da algo que tú necesitas y no tiene por qué estar relacionado con el sexo.

Debes evaluar los pros y los contras antes de decidirte a contárselo a tu pareja, puede que sólo fuera para ti una aventura que te haya hecho ver que no quieres abandonar a tu novio; en este caso puedes volver a reconstruir tu relación. Si decides ser sincera es posible que tu pareja no pueda perdonarte y eso dependerá de lo importante que seas para él. Muchas veces ellos deciden perdonar, pero la infidelidad estará presente durante mucho tiempo en su memoria y será difícil que vuelva a confiar en ti, por ello es aconsejable buscar ayuda profesional y no depender de los consejos bien intencionados de las amistades.

La infidelidad y sus motivos

Las 9 razones más comunes por las que ‘ponemos los cuernos’ son resultado de la búsqueda de la satisfacción de necesidades que no encontramos en nuestra pareja

Una de las peores traiciones hacia nuestra pareja o por parte de ella es la infidelidad. Generalmente pensamos que la persona infiel es la única culpable, sin embargo la infidelidad es el resultado de la crisis de una pareja, pues quien es infiel lo hace porque busca en otra persona cuestiones sexuales, emocionales o intelectuales que su pareja no le da.

La infidelidad no sucede espontáneamente, siempre hay motivos que la provocan. La lista de razones es interminable, pero los sexólogos especialistas en terapia de pareja coinciden en que en todas se intenta satisfacer las carencias del matrimonio:

Las 9 razones más comunes

1. Nos sentimos devaluados. Terminado el enamoramiento, enfrentamos a la pareja real y olvidamos a la idealizada, y sus conductas no siempre placenteras en la convivencia defraudan nuestras expectativas. Si la pareja nos abandona al centrarse sólo en sus objetivos personales y no en los de ambos, y al mismo tiempo nos relacionamos con una persona distinta que nos hace sentir más valorados, la elegimos inconscientemente como nueva compañera. Principalmente para las mujeres, es muy importante sentirnos bellas y deseadas por nuestro hombre. Si no se cumple nuestro objetivo, sentimos una gran frustración y se devalúa nuestra autoestima. Una forma de sentirnos de nuevo atractivas y deseadas, es siendo cortejadas en una relación extramarital.

2. La monotonía. Cuando nuestra pareja descuida el tiempo en común por sus actividades personales y deja de tener detalles cariñosos con nosotros, sentimos que el amor se acabó, se produce un distanciamiento y nos empezamos a sentir encadenados a pasar el resto de nuestros días en una relación que ha perdido su encanto. Un matrimonio sumido en la rutina y en el aburrimiento se puede venir abajo a causa de un encuentro con un intruso que lllegue y nos aborde con el misterio, encanto y riesgo de los que carece nuestra relación.

3. Una vida sexual deficiente. El sexo es un elemento esencial en la pareja y si éste es defectuoso, quien se siente insatisfecho tiende a buscar fuera de la relación la satisfacción sexual que no encuentra en su pareja. Si a pesar de sentir un gran amor por la pareja, en la cama no encontramos nada excitante, nos vengamos teniendo relaciones sexuales con otra persona, porque estamos enojados con nuestra pareja que no quiere hacer el amor o no quiere llevar a cabo nuestras fantasías sexuales.

4. Dependencia emocional de los padres. Si nuestra pareja no es emocionalmente independiente de sus padres y no establece límites respecto a ellos, esta conducta infantil nos hace sentir sin su apoyo, y nuestra necesidad insatisfecha de ser escuchados y atendidos nos impulsa a buscar una relación extramarital.

5. Buscamos nuevas sensaciones. Si se acaba la seducción del enamoramiento y se vive en el hastío de una relación, hay quienes necesitan seguir satisfaciendo su necesidad de seguir enamorados. La curiosidad de experimentar el sexo con otras personas y de vivir la aventura es un fuerte motor para buscar un affair.

6. Idealizamos a la pareja. Para continuar idealizando a nuestra pareja, muchas veces elegimos como amante a una persona totalmente opuesta. Hay quienes llevan a cabo todas sus fantasías sexuales con el amante y no con la pareja para sentir que la siguen manteniendo en el concepto de ‘decente’.

7. La pareja lo permite. Se dan casos en que la pareja está de acuerdo en que tengamos relaciones extramaritales, porque es consciente de que necesitamos satisfacer las deficiencias que existen en nuestra propia relación.

8. Sentimos amenazada nuestra libertad. Cuando la pareja es asfixiante o nos da pavor perder nuestra independencia y quedar atrapados en una relación, intentamos sentirnos libres cometiendo actos de infidelidad.

9. Alarde de poder. Por haber obtenido poder, dinero y una posición social, hay quienes sienten que se han ganado el derecho a tener un mayor potencial sexual con el sexo opuesto.

La infidelidad es un síntoma de la serie de crisis por las que atravesamos como pareja. Si buscamos en el fondo, descubriremos que somos infieles cuando no encontramos en nuestra pareja lo que buscamos y nuestra relación no satisface completamente nuestras necesidades. Sin embargo, superar la crisis dependerá de la forma en que podamos comunicarnos como pareja.

Bloggers en ESPAÑOL Sólo Aquí

Cool My Photos images

Some cool my photos images:

My Wish For You This Day
my photos
Image by drp
My wish for you this day would be...

The comfort of family and friends.
The laughter and innocence of children.
The warmth of belonging to something greater than your self.
The healing power of grace and forgiveness.
The peace of a mind freed from worrying thought.
The strength of a spirit emboldened by faith.
The passionate work to achieve all goals.
The confidence to conquer every doubt.
The happiness born of unconditional love.
The hope to see the world with new eyes.
The promise of a tomorrow better than today.
The wish that each dream forged in your heart comes true.

[ + ]

I'm reinstating a practice I feel is very important.
Those of you who have known me for a while will remember this:

As a way of returning the extraordinary generosity and support
you have all shown me in this great community, whenever I upload
a new pic or series of shots this year, I'll provide a link to another
flickr photographer whose work, personality, or spirit I feel you
should discover.

Visit and introduce yourself. Make a friend. Share the love.

Open your eyes to Karsenika today.

Budding Beauty (By My Lovely Wife) Explore #495 July 9, 2012
my photos
Image by Puzzler4879
My talented and beautiful wife was drawn to shoot this lovely Tropical Water Lily bud, seen at the New York Botanical Garden. She sure has a keen eye for beauty. Well, she married me, didn't she?

You can visit this world renowned horticultural and scientific institution at www.nybg.org.

Through the Lens
my photos
Image by davidz
When my brother visited last month he asked if he could borrow my old 20D and it looks like he's doing great already. I also told him not to get hooked on buying lenses. Well, if giving him advice on lens buying counts as that. Hmm :-)

Also, I'm safely back from NYC. It was a good trip although I must admit I didn't really do anything I couldn't have done at home. But still, all the little things like hanging out for a few hours in Central Park, ordering roomservice, going through lots of small and intersting stores made it worth it. Didn't take many photos and the ones I got are mediocre at best. They're in my stream just behind this one.

And I fought the desire to buy a new lens! Someone should buy me a lens just for that!

Cool I Stock Photo images

A few nice i stock photo images I found:

Door Stock
i stock photo
Image by rubyblossom.
***Please, feel free to use my Textures, Backgrounds, Stock, etc., in your Artwork.
If you do use them, I would love it if you would please post your work in my group, Ruby's Treasures.

...Please DO NOT redistribute as your own...

To see my full Photo Stock Set please visit Here

***If you are interested in purchasing my new and unseen Premade Backgrounds & PNG's , please visit my new Blog here~

Photoshop CS; Videos y Tutoriales

Imágenes de Photoshop¿Está usted buscando imágenes para Photoshop? Si es así, le invito a dar click aquí o sobre el logotipo de la izquierda para descubrir nuestra colección con más de 45.000 imágenes que han sido creadas con esta fabulosa herramienta de Diseño Gráfico. Si lo prefiere, puede usted descargar Photoshop en período de prueba por 30 días haciendo click aquí. Si usted llegó hasta aquí buscando tutoriales para photoshop, le recomiendo hacer click aquí para descubrir fascinantes trucos y tips que le harán enamorarse aún más de Photoshop CS4.

Los mejores 50 tutoriales de Photoshop 2009 (¡Nuevo!)

Idea, Redacción y Diseño de Información:
José Luis Ávila Herrera

fotoopa D24576

Some cool flash photo images:

fotoopa D24576
flash photo
Image by fotoopa
Test setup to measure and drive the Nikon flashes via the TTL flash mode. Purpose is to control fast and remote wireless all my flashes. I need to change very quick the powerlevel of all the flashes the same time from my central control unit just by rotation on a simple buttom. I've found that even the flashes can be driven lower then the 1/128 power settings if you use the TTL mode. Now i prepare all the timings.

Wireless will be driven by the RF12B chips. This chips works on 866Mhz (also other ranges for the states are possible). Minimum range is about 50m from the controller.

I will give all the timings, diagram from the logic analyser very soon. The homemade cost for all this is very low, only a few euros! Even the soket to interface on the flashes is homemade.

Here the FPGA controller is just used for the tests. Later the full function will be integrated into my normal controller or a few AVR controllers.

For the connection details see: www.flickr.com/photos/fotoopa_hs/3715377259/
for the timing values see:www.flickr.com/photos/fotoopa_hs/3709381751/in/photostream/

Holga 6x12cm 120WPC Bedroom Flash Photo
flash photo
Image by Jarvist Frost
Holga 120WPC, slightly modified to reduce vignetting, improve light tightness, not scratch film etc.

~50 full power flashes from Vivitar 283 (manually fired). Flash got very hot + started smelling a bit wrong after 40 flashes, so I swapped to a new one.
Big Self-portrait flash was approx 25cm away, I think it was literally on the other side of the camera (out of field of view), the angle is so wide.

Kodak TMax100 film, developed in TMax 1+4 8min @ 20C, agitate every 30s as instructions. Refixed after washing as didn't seem clear.

Incidentally, this seemed to use 480mAh of current from the eneloops rechargeables (based on how much it took to recharge them), suggesting that you'd get 200 full power flashes from a charged set.

Fotografía & Asesinato de John F. Kennedy en Texas

Fotografías de John F. KennedyATENCIÓN, si usted busca imágenes y fotografías de John F. Kennedy,
haga usted click sobre estas líneas ahora mismo.

Si prefiere ver la galería de imágenes correspondiente a esta fecha, click acá.

Secretos Revelados/Asesinato de John F. Kennedy

JOHN FITZGERALD KENNEDY (1917-1963). 35 Presidente de los Estados Unidos (1961-1963). Kennedy nació en Brookline (Massachusetts), el 29 de mayo de 1917, segundo hijo del financiero Joseph P. Kennedy, embajador en Gran Bretaña durante el gobierno de Franklin D. Roosevelt.

Se graduó por la Universidad de Harvard en 1940, se dio a conocer con la publicación de la ampliación de su tesis universitaria sobre la no preparación de Inglaterra para la II Guerra Mundial. Participó en esta contienda como oficial de Marina y fue héroe de la guerra del Pacífico.

De regreso a su Boston natal se afilió al Partido Demócrata y se presentó con éxito a las elecciones a Cámara de Representantes en 1946. Los votantes de Massachusetts le eligieron al Senado en 1952.

Los verdaderos Conspiradores...

El asesinato de John F. Kennedy en Dallas fue el primer golpe militar de la historia de los Estados Unidos. Entre los responsables figuraban jefes del Estado Mayor Conjunto.

Esta grave acusación fue formulada por el fiscal general de Nueva Orleans, Jim Garrison, durante la entrevista que éste concedió en exclusiva a ...[LEER MÁS]

Eso es todo por hoy, gracias y hasta pronto...
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Cool Photo Printing images

Some cool photo printing images:

Feather Print from Fairie-ality
photo printing
Image by geishaboy500
From a fabulous book that I have bought many copies and you should too....just google it or see member www.flickr.com/people/ellwand/He is a really friendly chilled chap who is a damn fine artist and loves his work being promoted on fabulous artistic sites like this.
Thanks for reminding me of the exact source of this photo from my image archive of over 100000 images including a vast collection of talent.

Thanks Moranga have cut and pasted this info so as to give due credit to a wonderful project.



author: Eugenie Bird

illustrator: David Downton

artist and photographer : David Ellwand

www.candlewick.com/authill.asp ?b=Author&m=bio&id=...

"I've worked as a photographer for more than fifteen years and spent a lot of my time photographing flowers," David Ellwand recalls. "One day, after working with some calla lilies, I left them out without any water. They started to dry naturally, and I noticed how one of them resembled a small silk shirt. I then started to bend and shape the flowers and model them into items of clothing suggested by their organic shapes." The resulting "fairie clothes," fashioned as playthings for David Ellwand's then three-year-old daughter, caught the eye of a visiting editor from Candlewick Press. Before long an exquisitely designed, tongue-in-cheek catalog of fashions for fairies was in full flight.

photo printing
Image by mathias shoots analogue
[prints from www.flickr.com/photos/mathiasbarbagallo/tags/comacchio/ ]

Cool Dragon Image images

A few nice dragon image images I found:

Las Ramblas: Dragon and Umbrella Photo
dragon image
Image by Carlos Lorenzo
Just in front of La Boqueria market and very close to the opera house El Liceu, on the façade of one of the art deco style buildings you find this magnificent dragon holding an enormous lamp in menacing attitude as if guarding the old umbrella shop shut down a long time ago. Besides the oversized fan on top, a curious umbrella keeps floating in the air as the reminder of old prosperous times for this trade.

dragon image
Image by wili_hybrid
Statue of a dragon guarding one of the beautiful bridges in downtown Ljubljana, Slovenia. June 2008.

Sauer Mellesch Fabrik 13

Check out these image websites images:

Sauer Mellesch Fabrik 13
image websites
Image by bestarns [www.spiritofdecay.com]
Urbex Session : Sauer Mellesch Fabrik (LUX) , 05.2013
Follow me on facebook now www.facebook.com/pages/Bestarns-Pics/218906584873421
Thanks ;)
My website : www.spiritofdecay.com

Princess-of-Shadows at DeviantArt


Alba alla Seggiola del Papa - Dawn at Pope's Chair Rock - Il Passetto - Ancona - Italy

Check out these photo website images:

Alba alla Seggiola del Papa - Dawn at Pope's Chair Rock - Il Passetto - Ancona - Italy
photo website
Image by castgen
© This picture is licensed for NON COMMERCIAL USE and may only be used in on-line websites, but never by any means printed,
“‘NonCommercial’ as defined in this license specifically excludes any sale of this work or any portion thereof for money, even if the sale does not result in a profit by the seller.
You may not alter or transform this work, or use it to create another.
This License is contingent upon Licensee’s placement of the photo credit: ‘Copyright www.flickr.com/photos/castgen/8029068122/ ” adjacent to the Photograph.

© LICENZA: Questa foto può essere utilizzata per uso NON COMMERCIALE e utilizzata solo in siti web on-line, NON AUTORIZZO la stampa della foto,
Non puoi alterare o trasformare quest'opera, ne' usarla per crearne un'altra. "NON COMMERCIALE ' come definito nella presente licenza esclude tutte le vendite di questo lavoro o parte di esso a fine di lucro, anche se la vendita non comporta un profitto diretto al venditore. Questa licenza è subordinata al collocamento della seguente dicitura:
Photo Credit: ' Copyright www.flickr.com/photos/castgen/8029068122/ "adiacente alla fotografia”

Spiaggia del Passetto - Ancona
photo website
Image by castgen
© This picture is licensed for NON COMMERCIAL USE and may only be used in on-line websites, but never by any means printed,
“‘NonCommercial’ as defined in this license specifically excludes any sale of this work or any portion thereof for money, even if the sale does not result in a profit by the seller.
You may not alter or transform this work, or use it to create another.
This License is contingent upon Licensee’s placement of the photo credit: ‘Copyright www.flickr.com/photos/castgen/8842414597/ ” adjacent to the Photograph.

© LICENZA: Questa foto può essere utilizzata per uso NON COMMERCIALE e utilizzata solo in siti web on-line, NON AUTORIZZO la stampa della foto,
Non puoi alterare o trasformare quest'opera, ne' usarla per crearne un'altra. "NON COMMERCIALE ' come definito nella presente licenza esclude tutte le vendite di questo lavoro o parte di esso a fine di lucro, anche se la vendita non comporta un profitto diretto al venditore. Questa licenza è subordinata al collocamento della seguente dicitura:
Photo Credit: ' Copyright www.flickr.com/photos/castgen/8842414597/ "adiacente alla fotografia”

Lonely Man Walking on the edge - Santa Maria Al Bagno - Lecce - Puglia- Italy
photo website
Image by castgen
© This picture is licensed for NON COMMERCIAL USE and may only be used in on-line websites, but never by any means printed,
“‘NonCommercial’ as defined in this license specifically excludes any sale of this work or any portion thereof for money, even if the sale does not result in a profit by the seller.
You may not alter or transform this work, or use it to create another.
This License is contingent upon Licensee’s placement of the photo credit: ‘Copyright www.flickr.com/photos/castgen/8134458631/ ” adjacent to the Photograph.

© LICENZA: Questa foto può essere utilizzata per uso NON COMMERCIALE e utilizzata solo in siti web on-line, NON AUTORIZZO la stampa della foto,
Non puoi alterare o trasformare quest'opera, ne' usarla per crearne un'altra. "NON COMMERCIALE ' come definito nella presente licenza esclude tutte le vendite di questo lavoro o parte di esso a fine di lucro, anche se la vendita non comporta un profitto diretto al venditore. Questa licenza è subordinata al collocamento della seguente dicitura:
Photo Credit: ' Copyright www.flickr.com/photos/castgen/8134458631/ "adiacente alla fotografia”

Nice Print Photo photos

Some cool print photo images:

print photo
Image by Lucius Kwok
Adam Lisagor photo by Robert Andersen. Based on a print of Stanley Kubrick.


[click aquí o sobre la imagen para ver todas las fotografías]

Cars in front of Chinese businesses, Seattle, ca. 1920

A few nice photo creator images I found:

Cars in front of Chinese businesses, Seattle, ca. 1920
photo creator
Image by IMLS DCC
Creator: Richter Photography

Description: This section of King Street between 6th and 7th Avenues features the Milwaukee Hotel, established in 1913 by Chinese American businessman Goon Dip. It is a neighborhood landmark that still stands today.

View source image.

More information on the commercial rights for this photo.

Part of King County Snapshots
University of Washington Libraries.

Brought to you by IMLS Digital Collections and Content.

Unrestricted access; use with attribution.

Man with rooster (circa 1945-1965)
photo creator
Image by Penn State Special Collections Library
Creator: Carvell, John
Title: Juniata County (Pa.): Man with rooster
Subjects: Juniata County (Pa.)
Location: Juniata County (Pa.)
Date: circa 1945 - 1965
Measurements: 05.88 X 08.54 cm
Housed: Box 14: Folder 2
Preferred Citation: Juniata County History Project collection, M, Historical Collections and Labor Archives, Special Collections Library, University Libraries, Pennsylvania State University.

Repository: Penn State Special Collections, University Park, PA, USA.
Looking for this photo at the Penn State Special Collections? You’ll find it in the Juniata County History Project Collection in our Historical Collections and Labor Archives.

Maynard Hotel near Lake Sutherland, Clallam County, date unknown
photo creator
Image by IMLS DCC
Creator: Torka's Studio

Description: Handwritten and printed on image: No 448, Torka's Studio, Port Townsend, Wash. Maynard's Hotel, Lake Sutherland, Wash.

View source image or order reproductions.

More information on the commercial rights for this photo.

Part of Olympic Peninsula Community Museum
University of Washington Libraries.

Brought to you by IMLS Digital Collections and Content.

Unrestricted access; use with attribution.

Nice Edit Photos photos

A few nice edit photos images I found:

Hermosa Beach Waves at Night (Redux)
edit photos
Image by cobalt123
Beautiful ocean waves, seen at night and shot from the pier at Hermosa Beach with a point a shoot camera three years ago. Why have I uploaded this new version? For one, I have now learned more photo editing skills and it was great to re-visit this image and try it again. See the original from 2006 here. This redux version is higher res and uses a more blue cast, with levels, channels, curves and Gaussian blur to improve it.

Now, what called this to my attention? Well that would be a phone call from the New York Times asking if I could send along the image and original for a possible publication in a fashion article.

It took me hours to search through all the CD's I'd saved in back-ups to fine the original. This was before I had my external hard drives for back-ups. How did someone from the NYTimes find this image? The tags, and I am sort of a tag queen with flickr. The artist must have searched on "waves" and my image came up among thousands on flickr. Next, I had to wait weeks to learn whether the artist did decide on my image over other images to use in the layout.

For the rest of the story, see the next image...

Global Warming in Red Shoes
edit photos
Image by Lorenzo Pasqualis
Roslyn, WA.

View large on black please

A not-so-subtle edit of a picture of Roslyn I took a few weeks ago. I used this before, and this is a second take on the same theme.

Messing with pixels.

Credits for some of the elements:
Waterfall by derekp
Shoes by striatic

Imágenes dark, vampiros, brujas, castillos, mitos...

Está usted buscando imágenes dark, imágenes de vampiros, casas encantadas, mitos, leyendas, embrujos, castillos, brujas, dragones, hadas, elfos, duendes, pegasos, unicornios, y seres fantásticos? Si es así, haga usted click en los siguientes links según le convenga. Explore nuestras opciones con cuidado y seguro encontrará lo que usted está buscando.

Imágenes para Halloween 2011 (segunda parte)
Imágenes Dark e imágenes góticas
Castillos mágicos y castillos encantados
Imágenes de Brujas
Imágenes de vampiros
Imágenes de dragones, pegasos y unicornios
Imágenes de hadas, elfos y duendes
Regresar a la página principal
Ver nuestra colección de wallpapers
Foto reportajes de USA, México y Canadá
*Esta entrada fue actualizada el día 31 de octubre de 2011.

Wedding Portraits | Vincent & Pauline Couilleau | © Justin Beckley Photography

Some cool wedding photo images:

Wedding Portraits | Vincent & Pauline Couilleau | © Justin Beckley Photography
wedding photo
Image by Justin Beckley Photography
Wedding Portraits | Château de la Galissonnière | Vincent & Pauline Couilleau | © Justin Beckley Photography

Wedding Portraits | Vincent & Pauline Couilleau | © Justin Beckley Photography
wedding photo
Image by Justin Beckley Photography
Wedding Portraits | Château de la Galissonnière | Vincent & Pauline Couilleau | © Justin Beckley Photography

Pluggins y Acciones para Photoshop

Imágenes de Photoshop¿Está usted buscando imágenes para Photoshop? Si es así, le invito a dar click aquí o sobre el logotipo de la izquierda para descubrir nuestra colección con más de 45.000 imágenes que han sido creadas con esta fabulosa herramienta de Diseño Gráfico. Si lo prefiere, puede usted descargar Photoshop en período de prueba por 30 días haciendo click aquí. Si usted llegó hasta aquí buscando tutoriales para photoshop, le recomiendo hacer click aquí para descubrir fascinantes trucos y tips que le harán enamorarse aún más de Photoshop CS4.

Los mejores 50 tutoriales de Photoshop 2009 (¡Nuevo!)
Descargar el programa PHOTOSCAPE (¡Nuevo!)

Idea, Redacción y Diseño de Información:
José Luis Ávila Herrera

Cool Share Photos images

Check out these share photos images:

SteveNashFoundation_CoastCapitalSavings_BC HydroPowerSmart_RonSombilonGallery (64)
share photos
Steve Nash Foundation presents the SHOWDOWN in DOWNTOWN photos by RonSombilonGallery.com

Sponsored by Coast Capital Savings and BC Hydro PowerSmart


Showdown in Downtown is a collaboration of sponsors, local non-profits, sports superstars who educate and empower new energy for community action, the Street Festival brings together private and public resources to show off all we can do together.

About the Steve Nash Foundation

About the Foundation
Formed in 2001, given U.S. charitable status in 2004, and Canadian charitable status in 2007, the Steve Nash Foundation is a private foundation dedicated to assisting underserved children in their health, personal development, education and enjoyment of life. Like its NBA MVP founder, the Foundation is fast becoming a leader in assists . . . to a slightly shorter population.

Through our own initiatives, and through grants to public service and nonprofit entities in British Columbia, the Foundation aims to grow health in kids by funding projects that provide direct services to children affected by poverty, illness, abuse, or neglect, and create opportunity for education, health, and empowerment. We love the opportunity to get involved in the good work being done by child-focused ngo’s in our home province.

The Foundation also seeks to afford thoughtful solutions to community needs through our own projects to address critical health and education needs. The Foundation focuses its resources on underserved populations of children in British Columbia, Arizona, and the country of Paraguay. Equipping a neonatal intensive care ward in Asuncion to provide basic necessities for infants and their families, developing an early childhood education center of excellence to bring best practices to young kids that don’t always enjoy that access in Arizona, and uniting civic outreach, corporate and social service organizations to show kids how to get involved in their communities are examples of the daily work of the Foundation’s small but dedicated staff. Stemming from our first ever Steve Nash Foundation Charity Classic, held in Toronto, Ontario, in 2005, the Foundation is also working closely with the City to establish an all-access, all-kids after-school center there to build hope through hoops for kids.

While our work focuses exclusively on child welfare, we believe that corporations must share responsibility for the well-being of our communities. The Foundation employs and encourages environmentally-friendly office practices, and offers grantees assistance in developing their own recycling and energy conservation programs (check out our Green Leaf here). We also like to highlight the important work of other individuals and organizations, using our website links to increase their exposure, and contribute to their efforts. Further, we are proud to be working with young people that excel in their chosen fields, from whom we welcome energetic leadership and fresh voices.

The Steve Nash Foundation. Growing health in kids.

For more info, visit



Imágenes selectas de 'Cypherx' en DeviantArt


Cool Photo On Canvas images

A few nice photo on canvas images I found:

Jasper Johns Flag
photo on canvas
Image by eschipul
Jasper Johns Flag 1954-55

"One night I dreamed that I painted a large American flag," Johns said, "and the next morning I got up and I went out and bought the materials to begin it." Those materials included three canvases that he mounted on plywood, strips of newspaper, and encaustic paint - a mixture of pigment and molten wax that has formed a quivering surface of lumps and smears. The legible newspaper scraps beneath the tactile surface - some dating from 1955 and 1956, when Johns repaired the painting - lend the timeless, public icon historical specificity. While this image is something "the mind already knows," Johns acknowledged, its execution complicates the representation and invites close inspection. A critic of the time encapsulated this painting's ambivalence by asking, "Is this a flag or a painting?"

Photo taken at MOMA March 2007.

City Boy and the 7ft tall man :D - wip
photo on canvas
Image by Ujwala Prabhu
hustle and the bustle on a disused section of the railway track

Three-wheeled Mail Collection Motorcycle

Some cool image post images:

Three-wheeled Mail Collection Motorcycle
image post
Image by Smithsonian Institution
Description: This is an image of a three-wheeled mail collection Indian motorcycle in Washington, D.C., on the corner of Pennsylvania Avenue and 12th Street. The motorcycle was used only on an experimental basis in DC.

Creator/Photographer: Unidentified photographer

Medium: Black and white photographic print

Geography: USA

Date: 1912

Collection: U.S. Mail Trucks

Repository: National Postal Museum

Accession number: A.2006-74

Persistent URL: arago.si.edu/index.asp?con=2&cmd=1&id=194326

View more collections from the Smithsonian Institution.

Cool Photo Archive images

Check out these photo archive images:

Montréal vers 1900.
photo archive
Image by DubyDub2009
Archives du Musée McCord / Studio Notman & Son.
Le funiculaire du mont Royal; pour les "émotions fortes" et surtout le panorama qu'offrait la montée. On y accédait par les avenues du Parc et Duluth www.flickr.com/photos/urbexplo/6160450246

Montréal 1839. Place d'Youville, depuis rue McGill.
photo archive
Image by DubyDub2009
Archives: Newton Bosworth, Hochelaga Depicta, 1839 / Gravure d'après un dessin de James Duncan.
Ancien Square Sainte-Anne et son marché.
Marché Sainte-Anne: conçu par George Browne et mis en chantier en 1832, il s'inscrit dans le courant néoclassique. L'édifice est construit au-dessus de la Petite Rivière canalisée. Inauguré en 1833, le marché Sainte-Anne est le plus ambitieux des édifices publics construits jusqu'alors à Montréal.
Source: l'Histoire du Vieux-Montréal à travers son patrimoine / Gilles Lauzon & Madeleine Forget. p. 117.
Voir aussi: www.flickr.com/photos/urbexplo/5575700483
En 1839, alors que Montréal vit sous contrôle militaire, l'éditeur Newton Bosworth lance Hochelaga Depicta, premier ouvrage illustré sur Montréal.
James Duncan en était le principal illustrateur.

Montréal 1950. Rue Dorchester >Ouest, depuis la rue St-Timothée.
photo archive
Image by DubyDub2009
Archives Ville de Montréal.
Rue Dorchester. Cette rue sera élargie plus que du double par la suite et prendra le nom de René Lévesque. Les escaliers présentent un design différent de nos jours. Allez au comparatif de 2010.

121211-A-DK015-133Helmand bucket truck training

A few nice photo bucket images I found:

121211-A-DK015-133Helmand bucket truck training
photo bucket
Image by USACE Afghanistan Engineer District-South
Da Afghanistan Breshna Sherkat (Afghanistan’s electric utility company) employee play volleyball as part of a team-building exercise. The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers provided training to the DABS employees in early Dec. 2012 that enabled them to learn how to use bucket trucks to repair and replace power lines. Regional Command-Southwest donated the trucks. (U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Photo by Karla Marshall)

rusty teeth
photo bucket
Image by rappensuncle

Cool Hp Photo images

Some cool hp photo images:

Portland Night Vista Bridge Crown Graphic
hp photo
Image by Doha Sam
Pacemaker Crown Graphic with Kodak Portra 160 negative film. Schneider Kreuznach 150mm f5.6 Symmar-S lens.

Date: 2011-08-19
Time: 9pm
Exposure: 240 seconds at f11

Large format week continues!

I think I really can't complain about this one. I was watching the cars to make sure I got complete trails from the headlights and taillights. I seem to recall I was hoping for a Max train as well...

As with all of these this is scanned using my incredibly crummy HP Scanjet 4010. This scanner only has a thin strip in the middle for 35mm. I made a moveable mask with a clear holder in it that lets me slide the 4x5 film past the narrow opening in steps. Four scans give me four overlapping strips which I combine with an ancient copy of Photoshop CS (the original CS) using the "Photomerge" feature. If you look too closely you can see a few artifacts. Given the ghetto equipment and techniques used I think it is a reasonable result. I'd love to see an actual good scan of this!

Upon reflection, I had another go at this one. The new version is here:

Nice Host Image photos

Some cool host image images:

The Royal Yacht Britannia 25-05-2006
host image
Image by Karen Roe
This magnificent ship has played host to some of the most famous people in the world. But, above all, she was home to Her Majesty The Queen and the Royal Family. Now in Edinburgh you are welcome on board to discover the heart and soul of this most special of royal residences.

The Royal Yacht Britannia is one of the world's most famous ships. Launched at John Brown's Shipyard in Clydebank in 1953, the Royal Yacht proudly served Queen and country for 44 years. During that time Britannia carried The Queen and the Royal Family on 968 official voyages, from the remotest regions of the South Seas to the deepest divides of Antarctica.

Britannia is now permanently moored in Edinburgh's historic port of Leith and visitors can discover what life was like on board the ship for the Royal Family and crew.

On 11 December 1997 Britannia was decommissioned and became a 5-star visitor attraction in Edinburgh after the city bid to become her new home and one of the UK's most prestigious hospitality venues.

Nice Picture Framing photos

A few nice picture framing images I found:

Missing You
picture framing
Image by Gryphes
My little dog Pumba, had to put him down on the 31st of December 2010 after he had a stroke. He was 14 and half years old.

We called him Pumba because when he was born he was the little piggy of the litter.

His favourite past time? Eating and sleeping!

Nice Edit Photos photos

A few nice edit photos images I found:

Edit-In-Place - Flickr
edit photos
Image by Janne L
source: www.flickr.com/photos/jannejanne/2146279760/in/set-721576...

More screenshots and UI design patterns at Patternry.com

* Pimp My Pixels Edit 2 *
edit photos
Image by pareeerica
This is not my photo

This edit is for "Pimp My Pixels" Discussion here:

Original image by "Wendy I Wareham" here:

Thank you very much to "Schmeigel" for the amazing Woods texture here:

Fotografías de Chicago

more images

Nice Photo Contest photos

Check out these photo contest images:

It's Such a Lonely Feeling (Hipstamatic Contest Entry)
photo contest
Image by DeeAshley

The Reason I Don't Sleep at Night (Hipstamatic Contest Entry)
photo contest
Image by DeeAshley

Ottawa Canada September 2010 — Canadian National Apprenticeship Contest 26
photo contest
Image by dugspr — Home for Good


Fotografías de niños en la Guerra de Irak

Si eso no fue suficiente, haz click aquí para ver más fotos de niños.