
Cool Print Photo images

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A few nice print photo images I found:

iPhone Wallpaper: Inuzaka Keno
print photo
Image by Minneapolis Institute of Arts
Title: Inuzaka Keno
Artist: Utagawa Kuniyoshi

Date: c. 1852
Medium: Color woodblock print
Currently on view in G239 (until March 7, 2010)

Kuniyoshi (1797–1861) is best known for his dramatic musha-e (pictures of warriors), but over the course of his career he depicted a wide range of subjects more . . .

HOW To Install Wallpaper on Your iPhone:
1. In Flickr, go to the screen that gives you the option for 'medium' or 'original image' sizes. Click 'Original Size'
2. Tap and hold your finger on the image. When you see a pop-up box, choose 'Save Image'
3. Go to your iPhone's Camera Roll, choose the photo, tap the Action icon, then tap 'Use As Wallpaper'
