
Boston Fire

Some cool photo galleries images:

Boston Fire
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Image by cliff1066™
1976 Pulitzer Prize, Spot News Photography, Stanley J. Forman, Boston Herald American

It's quitting time on a brutally hot day in July when Boston Herald American photographer Stanley Forman hears a report of a fire in Boston’s Back Bay. He follows screaming fire trucks to a six-story apartment house in flames.

Forman remembers "a roaring, roaring inferno... heavy smoke. Heavy fire. It was like a firestorm."

Forman runs to the back of the building. "Then I spotted them. A woman, a child and they re standing there on the fire escape, 10 feet from the fire itself. And they're looking for help." As Forman watches, a firefighter climbs down from the roof. He pulls them away from the flames, shielding them with his heavy rubber coat. Seeking a better vantage point, Forman climbs onto a ladder truck.

"Everything was fine," says Forman. "I was just shooting a routine rescue. Switching lenses, switching cameras." A ladder rises slowly toward the fire escape. The firefighter reaches out to grab the ladder....

"All of a sudden, boom! It just crashes." As Forman watches, the fire escape rips away from the building. The woman is falling, the child is falling, metal is flying...

"Everything is falling and I'm thinking. Just keep shooting.' And I'm shooting and shooting. Then a bell went off in my head. I didn’t want to see them hit." Forman turns away. When he turns back, he discovers the 19-year-old woman is dead. Her 3-year-old niece miraculous survives.

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Image by fabiogis50
#93 Dec 27 08

Rebutia muscula

Please no multiple invites in the same comment & NO BLUERIBBON invitation, NO Glitter graphics & NO FLICKRIVER!!!

Click here to see the awards count for this photo. (?)

The Kiss of Life
photo galleries
Image by cliff1066™
1968 Pulitzer Prize, Spot News Photography, Rocco Morabito, Jacksonville Journal

July 17, 1967: Air conditioners hum all over Horida. In Jacksonville, they overwhelm the electrical system and knock out the power. Jacksonville Journal photographer Rocco Morabito is on his way to photograph a railroad strike when he notices Jacksonville Electric Authority linemen high up on the poles. "I passed these men working and went on to my assignment," says Morabito. "I took eight pictures at the strike. I thought I'd go back and see if I could rind another picture."

But when Morabito gets back to the linemen, "I heard screaming. I looked up and I saw this man hanging down. Oh my God. I didn't know what to do." The linemen. Randall Champion, is dangling upside down in his safety belt — felled bv 4,160 volts of electricity.

"I took a picture right quick." says Morabito. "J.D. Thompson (another lineman) was running toward the pole. I went to my car and called an ambulance. I got back to the pole and J.D. was breathing into Champion." Cradling the stricken lineman in his arms, Thompson rhythmically pushes air into Champion's lungs. Below. Morabito makes pictures — and prays.

"I backed off. way off until I hit a house and I couldn't go any farther. I took another picture, it is a prize-winning photograph, but Morahito's real concern is the injured lineman. Thompson finally shouts down: "He's breathing." Champion survives.

Poison Ivy, Toxicodendron radicans....Ivy có độc....#5

A few nice photo effects online images I found:

Poison Ivy, Toxicodendron radicans....Ivy có độc....#5
photo effects online
Image by Vietnam Plants & The USA. plants
Taken on June 8, 2012 in Waco city, Texas state, Southern of America.

Nếu nhìn trên bản đồ của Bộ Nông Nghiêp Hoa Kỳ ( USDA ) bạn sẽ thấy sự hiện diện của loài cây này trên phân nửa nước Mỹ .
Khi bạn chạm phải hay đến rất gần loài cây này, bạn cũng có khả năng bị nổi lên những mụn đỏ trên da gây ngứa dữ dội, ngứa đến nổi bạn có thể gãi đến chảy màu, nếu không đi đến bác sĩ kịp thời . Tốt nhất là sau khi đã đi vào rừng hay đến những vùng có nhiều cây cỏ thiên nhiên, bạn nên tắm gội toàn thân để trút sạch những độc tính mà bạn có thể vướng vào da thịt, quần áo . Lần đầu tiên khi chụp hình loài cây và hoa này, tôi chưa đọc kỷ thông tin cho nên chưa biết, sau khi trở về nhà, tôi đã làm nhiều việc nhà , cho đến 10 giờ tối tôi mới đi tắm ,và tôi đã bị nổi mụn đỏ khắp mình. mụn nổi đến đâu thì cơn ngứa hoành hành đến đó tôi rất kềm chế nếu không có thể gãi đến chảy máu , nhưng may là không nổi trên hai tay và mặt, có lẽ vì khi trở về nhà tôi đã rửa mặt và tay liền . Hậu quả là tôi đã phải uống thuốc chống dị ứng một tuần lễ , và các mụn đỏ để lại dấu vết trên cơ thể rất ghê. Con trai nóng ruột quá đi mua cho tôi Johnson Baby Lotion loại có : Vanilla Oatmeal để sau khi tắm xong ,thoa lên những chỗ có vết mụn để lại thì những vết đỏ sẽ mau phai cách nhanh chóng . Nếu trong vườn bạn có mọc loài cây này, hãy đốn bỏ đi tận gốc rể để đề phòng bênh tật nhất là nếu bạn có trẻ nhỏ, tôi không biết nếu trẻ nhỏ chạm phải cây này thì sẽ như thế nào.

I was itched and had many acne redness ( look like Chicken-pox )on skin from the hip to the feet, after I touched the leaves, flowers for taking some images of these plants. I used allergy tablet for stop itchy in 7 days. After that I read some information of this plant, and I tried to come back to take some more photos for , but I had a shower right after I came back home, not wait until evening as before, and I didn't be itch again.
That's my experience .....Read the information below carefully, please.
The foliage of Poison Ivy can irritate the skin of most people, causing redness and blisters. This is caused by a reaction of the immune system to urushiol. People who are immune to Poison Ivy when they are young, can become sensitive to its irritating effects when they become older ( www.illinoiswildflowers.info ).

Vietnamese named : Thường Xuân độc, Sơn đôc, Ivy độc.
Common names : Poison Ivy, Eastern Poison Ivy.
Scientist name : Toxicodendron radicans (L.) Kuntze
Synonyms :
Familly : Anacardiaceae - Sumac family.
Group : Dicot
Duration : Perennial
Growth Habit : Shrub - Forb/herb - Subshrub - Vine
Kingdom : Plantae – Plants
Subkingdom : Tracheobionta – Vascular plants
Superdivision : Spermatophyta – Seed plants
Division : Magnoliophyta – Flowering plants
Class: Magnoliopsida – Dicotyledons
Subclass : Rosidae
Order : Sapindales
Genus : Toxicodendron Mill. – poison oak
Species : Toxicodendron radicans (L.) Kuntze – eastern poison ivy

**** vst.vista.gov.vn/home/database/an_pham_dien_tu/MagazineNa...
Khí nhà kính sinh ra những cây leo độc

Cây thường xuân có độc (toxicodendron radicans) mọc như một loại cây bụi hoặc leo lên thân các cây khác là hiểm họa đối với những người làm vườn và những người dân quê ở Bắc Mỹ vì chúng có thể gây ra chứng phát ban rất đau trên da. Loại cây này tạo ra một loại chất độc gọi là urushiol nằm trong lá cây.
Trong nghiên cứu này, Mohan và các cộng sự của bà đã bơm thêm khí CO2 vào 3 khu đất lớn bao quanh ở rừng thông phía Bắc California. Trong sáu năm, cây cối trong rừng nhận một lượng CO2 là 580 phần triệu so với lượng CO2 trong bầu khí quyển hiện vào khoảng 380 phần triệu. Con số 580 phần triệu là là con số chúng ta dự đoán mức độ ô nhiễm vào giữa thế kỷ 21.
Nghiên cứu khác đã cho rằng các cây leo có xu hướng lớn nhanh đặc biệt khi lượng CO2 tăng cao hơn, và những cây leo đang tăng nhanh về số lượng trên khắp trái đất. Không giống như các loại cây thông thường hấp thụ lượng khí cacbonic tăng thêm để sản sinh thêm gỗ, những cây leo này hấp thụ lượng lượng khí cacbonic tăng thêm để sản sinh thêm lá. Lượng lá cây tăng thêm lại giúp cây leo hập thụ thêm khí CO2, vòng tuần hoàn này lặp đi lặp lại và những cây leo này ngày càng phát triển hơn.
Thí nghiệm của Mohan nhằm mục đích kiểm tra xem liệu kết quả trên cây leo có lớn vọt lên trong thiên nhiên như chúng đã thể hiện ở thí nghiệm trong nhà kính hay không. Và câu trả lời là “Có, chúng lớn rất nhanh”. Những cây thường xuân có độc lớn nhanh gấp hai lần so với những cây cùng loại được phát triển ở dưới mức CO2 bình thường, trong khi tỷ lệ này ở các loài cây thân gỗ là khoảng 31%. Nhóm nghiên cứu cho biết khí CO2 tăng lên cũng tạo ra một loại chất độc urushiol nguy hiểm hơn.
Chất béo gây đau rát
Urushiol được tạo ra từ nhiều loại chất béo khác nhau. Loại chất béo ít độc hơn là chất béo “bão hòa,” có nghĩa là các nguyên tử cacbon trong phân tử chỉ có liên kết đơn với các nguyên tử cacbon khác, và phần còn lại của các liên kết này bão hòa với hyđrô. Tuy nhiên hầu hết các chất béo trong urushiol đều không bão hòa. Chúng có hơn 1 liên kết hóa học giữa nguyên tử cacbon và có ít hyđrô hơn. Những chất béo không bão hoà này được cho là những chất làm da tấy rát nhất.
Bằng cách chiết xuất chất urushiol từ lá cây, các nhà nghiên cứu đã phát hiện ra rằng cây thường xuân có độc phát triển trong môi trường có hàm lượng khí CO2 cao sinh ra một dạng chất độc không bão hoà urushiol nhiều hơn 150% và chất urushiol bão hòa ít hơn 60%.
Các nhà nghiên cứu không chắc chắn tại sao sự biến đổi hóa học này lại xảy ra, nhưng có ý kiến cho rằng hàm lượng cacbon tăng lên bằng cách nào đó sẽ tạo điều kiện thuận lợi cho các phản ứng hóa học sản sinh ra dạng không bão hòa của chất urushiol.
Ước tính ở Mỹ mỗi năm cây thường xuân độc gây ra 350.000 trường hợp phát ban trên da. Khoảng 80% người dân có phản ứng với chất độc này và càng tiếp xúc nhiều hơn với chất độc, phản ứng của họ càng tệ hơn. Mohan nói rằng: “Tôi có những đồng nghiệp bị dị ứng mạnh đến nỗi các bác sĩ chuyên khoa da liễu của họ nói rằng họ phải chuyển nghề.”
Mohan cho rằng sự tăng lên của CO2 cũng làm tăng trưởng các cây leo độc khác trong họ Toxicodendron trên khắp thế giới. “Những loài cây phổ biến của rừng trong tương lai sẽ khác với những loài cây phổ biến trong rừng hiện nay.”
N.M.N (theo Nature online, 30/5/2006)


**** plants.usda.gov/java/profile?symbol=tora2
**** en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Toxicodendron_radicans
**** www.duke.edu/~cwcook/trees/tora.html
**** www.wildflower.org/plants/result.php?id_plant=TORA2
**** www.illinoiswildflowers.info/trees/plants/poison_ivy.htm

**** www.kingdomplantae.net/poisonIvy.php

A highly variable perennial woody vine or shrub, native to North America and Asia and introduced in Great Britain, Europe, and Australia.
There is considerable disagreement over whether poison ivy is one species with variations, or many separate species. It is also sometimes said that the poison oaks (Toxicodendron diversilobum and Toxicodendron quercifolium) are merely variations of the same species.

The photos on this page depict the common form in my locale (a trailing vine), but the text is more general.

Poison ivy prefers rich soil with good drainage and plenty of water. It is particularly common around lakes, swamps, and rivers. It will grow perfectly well, however, in a wide variety of other habitats. It's common along roadsides and trails, in areas of waste ground, in thickets, in open woods, and in old fields. It seems to do best in my area (Minnesota) in places that are just slightly shaded.

New poison ivy shoots sprout from existing roots, from rhizomes (underground stems), from climbing vines, and of course, from seed.

The stems are woody, brown, and smooth (though older stems of climbing plants develop a very hairy appearance). They may trail along (or just under) the ground, sending frequent branches both out and up. They may grow upright, in a shrub form, which can reach 7 feet in height under good conditions. Or they may grow as a vine, up to 5 inches in diameter, climbing trees and fences by means of dense, dark, fibrous, aerial roots (giving the vines that hairy look).

The alternate leaves have rather long stalks and are palmately compound (the leaflets radiate outward from a center point, like the fingers on your hand). The three leaflets, around 2" to 4" in length, may be shiny or not, are generally (but not always) wavy-edged or slightly toothed, and are sometimes slightly lobed. The young leaves are green, often with a reddish cast that they lose as they mature. In late spring to early summer, the flowers appear, in loose clusters from the leaf axils. The flowers have five petals, are about 1/8" diameter, are off-white with a yellowish or greenish tinge, and develop into small (about 1/4" diameter), round, dry, off-white fruits with a yellowish or greenish tinge. The fruit ripens in late summer through late fall, and at about the same time the leaves turn bright red, providing a cue to the many birds that feed on the fruits. The leaves fall once temperatures drop below freezing, while the fruits remain on the plants through the winter.

The thing that makes poison ivy so famous is the presence of a pale yellow oil called urushiol. This oil is present within all parts of the plant, but is not found on the surface unless the plant is damaged or bruised. The plant is somewhat fragile, however, and the majority of specimens are damaged in some way. Furthermore, urushiol can take many years to break down, particularly in cool and dry conditions, so it is also present in dead plants.

Urushiol is sticky, and is easily transferred to anything that touches it. And, as it is a stable compound, once it's on something (like your clothes, tools, or pets), at least some of it will stay there for quite a while unless it's washed off. When poison ivy is burned, the urushiol is carried on particles of soot and dust in the smoke.

Urushiol itself is not poisonous. However, urushiol which remains on your skin for more than five minutes or so will begin to be absorbed and metabolized.

The metabolites bind with skin proteins, forming new structures. In about 85% of the human population, the immune system sees these structures as foreign and attacks them. It is this immune response, or allergic reaction, which causes the itching, inflammation, and blistering of the skin. These symptoms generally appear after half a day to two days. After a few more days, when all of the alien structures have been destroyed (along with much of the surrounding tissue), the rash begins to heal...

The average person doesn't have a reaction the first time they're exposed, and if they do, it's usually delayed by seven to ten days. It takes some time for your body to produce the appropriate T-cells. Sensitivity also varies among individuals, and usually decreases with age. The palms of the hands and the soles of the feet, where the skin is thicker, are generally immune.

Severe cases, especially those involving mucous membranes (eyes, mouth, throat, lungs, etc.) require medical attention. Hydrocortisone preparations or, in really severe cases, steroids, are generally given to reduce the immune response. As with many allergens, a severe reaction can be fatal if left untreated.

The best way to avoid getting "poison ivy" is to not get urushiol on your skin. Know what the plant looks like and avoid it. If you can't avoid it, wear protective clothing. Wash anything that may have come in contact with the plant before it touches your skin, including your dog. Never ever ever burn poison ivy. Stay away from forest fires (unless you're a firefighter, then wear protective gear). There are also barrier creams that are commercially available.

If you think you've been exposed, wash the area as soon as possible, preferably within an hour after exposure, with lots of cool running water. A lake or a river works well. Don't use soap unless it contains no oils (oil will cause the urushiol to spread). In the woods, look for bouncing bet (Saponaria officinales). With its high saponin content, it makes a workable oil-free soap. You may also wash the area with alcohol or another solvent, rinsing with plenty of water, but keep in mind that this strips your skin of its protective oils, making it more vulnerable to urushiol.

The most well known herbal treatment for poison ivy is the juice of jewelweed (Impatiens spp.) There may be a compound in jewelweed which binds to the same sites as the urushiol metabolites, thereby blocking their access. If this is true, applying jewelweed to the skin just before or just after exposure should prevent the rash. There is quite a lot of anecdotal evidence that this works. Jewelweed also has anti-inflammatory properties and should be a soothing treatment for an already developed rash.

Plantain (Plantago spp.), applied as a poultice, may also prevent the rash and will also soothe an already developed rash. Other plants with astringent and/or soothing properties may also help.

There is anecdotal evidence of people desensitizing themselves to poison ivy by eating poison ivy leaves, first starting with a tiny amount and then gradually increasing the dosage until a maintenance level is reached. The most common side effect of this treatment, however, is getting the rash where the urushiol passes out of your body. It is also possible to have symptoms internally. Similar treatments in pill form can be obtained from a doctor or dermatologist, but have the same unpleasant side effects. No other immunization appears to be available at this time.

Medicinally, poison ivy has been used to treat paralysis, arthritis, and certain persistent skin disorders, and also as a sedative. It is still used in homeopathic medicine for arthritis and skin disorders.

Poison ivy fruits are an important food source for a wide variety of birds (who also spread the seeds), and also for other wildlife, including deer. Goats quite like poison ivy and can be an effective means of controlling it. I've heard that drinking the milk from such a goat might desensitize a person, though I haven't seen any evidence to back that up. Studies have been done showing that urushiol is not transferred to the milk, but whether its metabolites are present seems to be unknown.

Poison ivy has occasionally been planted in gardens for color. This is how it arrived in England and Australia.

The sap turns black, and dries hard (like lacquer), when exposed to air, and has been used as a permanent ink, as a dye, and as an ingredient in varnishes.

To control poison ivy, either pull or dig it out by hand, cover it with mulch so that no light reaches it, mow it close to the ground, spray it with herbicides, or use any combination of methods. If you pull it out by hand, the best time is probably late fall or very early spring, and protective clothing must be worn. Be sure to get every part of the plant or it will regenerate. Throw it all in the trash (double bag it for the trash collector). Do not attempt to compost it and never ever try to burn it. When you're finished, wash everything, including yourself, thoroughly (wash your clothes separately from your other laundry or have them dry-cleaned if necessary). Using mulch is simple, but the ivy may pop through again, so cover it well. Mowing will kill a portion of it, anyway, as will the exposure to full sun, but remember that you're getting the oil all over the place, so wear protective gear and clean your equipment afterward. If herbicides are used, use them carefully, following the directions, and no more than necessary. Probably the most effective and least harmful method is to cut it and then use a disposable foam brush to paint the stump with the herbicide. You'll probably also want to wash everything when you're done. Herbicides are poisons, after all.

One last way to control poison ivy is to make the site inhospitable for it. Pay attention to the local conditions that it likes to grow in, and those it doesn't grow in, and then add or remove other plants to make the poison ivy feel less at home. Planting aggressive plants or plants that inhibit the growth of other plants, like black walnut or mugwort might be worth a try.

A last thought - don't create a problem where none exists. Behind the building where I work, there's a granite outcropping covered in wild blackberries, wild roses, staghorn sumac, moss with tiny little flowers and poison ivy. Small animals and birds loved the place, as did I, often picking blackberries there (carefully) on my lunch break. The poison ivy never spread off the rock because the area around it was kept mowed. But some safety official from the big city decided it was dangerous and had to be eliminated, so our maintenance crew has been spraying Round-up all over it for months and months. They haven't killed the poison ivy - and probably won't, even if they try to dig it out, since the roots run through the rock, but they've killed almost everything else there - there are no more blackberries, no roses, no birds or rabbits or tiny little flowers - and as far as I know noone ever actually got poison ivy there because only a few of us ever went back there and we were all nature types who knew enough to avoid it. It's just a waste of time, energy, and much needed habitat to start a war against something that isn't hurting anyone.

Poison Ivy, Toxicodendron radicans....Ivy có độc....#8
photo effects online
Image by Vietnam Plants & The USA. plants
Taken on June 8, 2012 in Waco city, Texas state, Southern of America.

Nếu nhìn trên bản đồ của Bộ Nông Nghiêp Hoa Kỳ ( USDA ) bạn sẽ thấy sự hiện diện của loài cây này trên phân nửa nước Mỹ .
Khi bạn chạm phải hay đến rất gần loài cây này, bạn cũng có khả năng bị nổi lên những mụn đỏ trên da gây ngứa dữ dội, ngứa đến nổi bạn có thể gãi đến chảy màu, nếu không đi đến bác sĩ kịp thời . Tốt nhất là sau khi đã đi vào rừng hay đến những vùng có nhiều cây cỏ thiên nhiên, bạn nên tắm gội toàn thân để trút sạch những độc tính mà bạn có thể vướng vào da thịt, quần áo . Lần đầu tiên khi chụp hình loài cây và hoa này, tôi chưa đọc kỷ thông tin cho nên chưa biết, sau khi trở về nhà, tôi đã làm nhiều việc nhà , cho đến 10 giờ tối tôi mới đi tắm ,và tôi đã bị nổi mụn đỏ khắp mình. mụn nổi đến đâu thì cơn ngứa hoành hành đến đó tôi rất kềm chế nếu không có thể gãi đến chảy máu , nhưng may là không nổi trên hai tay và mặt, có lẽ vì khi trở về nhà tôi đã rửa mặt và tay liền . Hậu quả là tôi đã phải uống thuốc chống dị ứng một tuần lễ , và các mụn đỏ để lại dấu vết trên cơ thể rất ghê. Con trai nóng ruột quá đi mua cho tôi Johnson Baby Lotion loại có : Vanilla Oatmeal để sau khi tắm xong ,thoa lên những chỗ có vết mụn để lại thì những vết đỏ sẽ mau phai cách nhanh chóng . Nếu trong vườn bạn có mọc loài cây này, hãy đốn bỏ đi tận gốc rể để đề phòng bênh tật nhất là nếu bạn có trẻ nhỏ, tôi không biết nếu trẻ nhỏ chạm phải cây này thì sẽ như thế nào.

I was itched and had many acne redness ( look like Chicken-pox )on skin from the hip to the feet, after I touched the leaves, flowers for taking some images of these plants. I used allergy tablet for stop itchy in 7 days. After that I read some information of this plant, and I tried to come back to take some more photos for , but I had a shower right after I came back home, not wait until evening as before, and I didn't be itch again.
That's my experience .....Read the information below carefully, please.
The foliage of Poison Ivy can irritate the skin of most people, causing redness and blisters. This is caused by a reaction of the immune system to urushiol. People who are immune to Poison Ivy when they are young, can become sensitive to its irritating effects when they become older ( www.illinoiswildflowers.info ).

Vietnamese named : Thường Xuân độc, Sơn đôc, Ivy độc.
Common names : Poison Ivy, Eastern Poison Ivy.
Scientist name : Toxicodendron radicans (L.) Kuntze
Synonyms :
Familly : Anacardiaceae - Sumac family.
Group : Dicot
Duration : Perennial
Growth Habit : Shrub - Forb/herb - Subshrub - Vine
Kingdom : Plantae – Plants
Subkingdom : Tracheobionta – Vascular plants
Superdivision : Spermatophyta – Seed plants
Division : Magnoliophyta – Flowering plants
Class: Magnoliopsida – Dicotyledons
Subclass : Rosidae
Order : Sapindales
Genus : Toxicodendron Mill. – poison oak
Species : Toxicodendron radicans (L.) Kuntze – eastern poison ivy

**** vst.vista.gov.vn/home/database/an_pham_dien_tu/MagazineNa...
Khí nhà kính sinh ra những cây leo độc

Cây thường xuân có độc (toxicodendron radicans) mọc như một loại cây bụi hoặc leo lên thân các cây khác là hiểm họa đối với những người làm vườn và những người dân quê ở Bắc Mỹ vì chúng có thể gây ra chứng phát ban rất đau trên da. Loại cây này tạo ra một loại chất độc gọi là urushiol nằm trong lá cây.
Trong nghiên cứu này, Mohan và các cộng sự của bà đã bơm thêm khí CO2 vào 3 khu đất lớn bao quanh ở rừng thông phía Bắc California. Trong sáu năm, cây cối trong rừng nhận một lượng CO2 là 580 phần triệu so với lượng CO2 trong bầu khí quyển hiện vào khoảng 380 phần triệu. Con số 580 phần triệu là là con số chúng ta dự đoán mức độ ô nhiễm vào giữa thế kỷ 21.
Nghiên cứu khác đã cho rằng các cây leo có xu hướng lớn nhanh đặc biệt khi lượng CO2 tăng cao hơn, và những cây leo đang tăng nhanh về số lượng trên khắp trái đất. Không giống như các loại cây thông thường hấp thụ lượng khí cacbonic tăng thêm để sản sinh thêm gỗ, những cây leo này hấp thụ lượng lượng khí cacbonic tăng thêm để sản sinh thêm lá. Lượng lá cây tăng thêm lại giúp cây leo hập thụ thêm khí CO2, vòng tuần hoàn này lặp đi lặp lại và những cây leo này ngày càng phát triển hơn.
Thí nghiệm của Mohan nhằm mục đích kiểm tra xem liệu kết quả trên cây leo có lớn vọt lên trong thiên nhiên như chúng đã thể hiện ở thí nghiệm trong nhà kính hay không. Và câu trả lời là “Có, chúng lớn rất nhanh”. Những cây thường xuân có độc lớn nhanh gấp hai lần so với những cây cùng loại được phát triển ở dưới mức CO2 bình thường, trong khi tỷ lệ này ở các loài cây thân gỗ là khoảng 31%. Nhóm nghiên cứu cho biết khí CO2 tăng lên cũng tạo ra một loại chất độc urushiol nguy hiểm hơn.
Chất béo gây đau rát
Urushiol được tạo ra từ nhiều loại chất béo khác nhau. Loại chất béo ít độc hơn là chất béo “bão hòa,” có nghĩa là các nguyên tử cacbon trong phân tử chỉ có liên kết đơn với các nguyên tử cacbon khác, và phần còn lại của các liên kết này bão hòa với hyđrô. Tuy nhiên hầu hết các chất béo trong urushiol đều không bão hòa. Chúng có hơn 1 liên kết hóa học giữa nguyên tử cacbon và có ít hyđrô hơn. Những chất béo không bão hoà này được cho là những chất làm da tấy rát nhất.
Bằng cách chiết xuất chất urushiol từ lá cây, các nhà nghiên cứu đã phát hiện ra rằng cây thường xuân có độc phát triển trong môi trường có hàm lượng khí CO2 cao sinh ra một dạng chất độc không bão hoà urushiol nhiều hơn 150% và chất urushiol bão hòa ít hơn 60%.
Các nhà nghiên cứu không chắc chắn tại sao sự biến đổi hóa học này lại xảy ra, nhưng có ý kiến cho rằng hàm lượng cacbon tăng lên bằng cách nào đó sẽ tạo điều kiện thuận lợi cho các phản ứng hóa học sản sinh ra dạng không bão hòa của chất urushiol.
Ước tính ở Mỹ mỗi năm cây thường xuân độc gây ra 350.000 trường hợp phát ban trên da. Khoảng 80% người dân có phản ứng với chất độc này và càng tiếp xúc nhiều hơn với chất độc, phản ứng của họ càng tệ hơn. Mohan nói rằng: “Tôi có những đồng nghiệp bị dị ứng mạnh đến nỗi các bác sĩ chuyên khoa da liễu của họ nói rằng họ phải chuyển nghề.”
Mohan cho rằng sự tăng lên của CO2 cũng làm tăng trưởng các cây leo độc khác trong họ Toxicodendron trên khắp thế giới. “Những loài cây phổ biến của rừng trong tương lai sẽ khác với những loài cây phổ biến trong rừng hiện nay.”
N.M.N (theo Nature online, 30/5/2006)


**** plants.usda.gov/java/profile?symbol=tora2
**** en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Toxicodendron_radicans
**** www.duke.edu/~cwcook/trees/tora.html
**** www.wildflower.org/plants/result.php?id_plant=TORA2
**** www.illinoiswildflowers.info/trees/plants/poison_ivy.htm

**** www.kingdomplantae.net/poisonIvy.php

A highly variable perennial woody vine or shrub, native to North America and Asia and introduced in Great Britain, Europe, and Australia.
There is considerable disagreement over whether poison ivy is one species with variations, or many separate species. It is also sometimes said that the poison oaks (Toxicodendron diversilobum and Toxicodendron quercifolium) are merely variations of the same species.

The photos on this page depict the common form in my locale (a trailing vine), but the text is more general.

Poison ivy prefers rich soil with good drainage and plenty of water. It is particularly common around lakes, swamps, and rivers. It will grow perfectly well, however, in a wide variety of other habitats. It's common along roadsides and trails, in areas of waste ground, in thickets, in open woods, and in old fields. It seems to do best in my area (Minnesota) in places that are just slightly shaded.

New poison ivy shoots sprout from existing roots, from rhizomes (underground stems), from climbing vines, and of course, from seed.

The stems are woody, brown, and smooth (though older stems of climbing plants develop a very hairy appearance). They may trail along (or just under) the ground, sending frequent branches both out and up. They may grow upright, in a shrub form, which can reach 7 feet in height under good conditions. Or they may grow as a vine, up to 5 inches in diameter, climbing trees and fences by means of dense, dark, fibrous, aerial roots (giving the vines that hairy look).

The alternate leaves have rather long stalks and are palmately compound (the leaflets radiate outward from a center point, like the fingers on your hand). The three leaflets, around 2" to 4" in length, may be shiny or not, are generally (but not always) wavy-edged or slightly toothed, and are sometimes slightly lobed. The young leaves are green, often with a reddish cast that they lose as they mature. In late spring to early summer, the flowers appear, in loose clusters from the leaf axils. The flowers have five petals, are about 1/8" diameter, are off-white with a yellowish or greenish tinge, and develop into small (about 1/4" diameter), round, dry, off-white fruits with a yellowish or greenish tinge. The fruit ripens in late summer through late fall, and at about the same time the leaves turn bright red, providing a cue to the many birds that feed on the fruits. The leaves fall once temperatures drop below freezing, while the fruits remain on the plants through the winter.

The thing that makes poison ivy so famous is the presence of a pale yellow oil called urushiol. This oil is present within all parts of the plant, but is not found on the surface unless the plant is damaged or bruised. The plant is somewhat fragile, however, and the majority of specimens are damaged in some way. Furthermore, urushiol can take many years to break down, particularly in cool and dry conditions, so it is also present in dead plants.

Urushiol is sticky, and is easily transferred to anything that touches it. And, as it is a stable compound, once it's on something (like your clothes, tools, or pets), at least some of it will stay there for quite a while unless it's washed off. When poison ivy is burned, the urushiol is carried on particles of soot and dust in the smoke.

Urushiol itself is not poisonous. However, urushiol which remains on your skin for more than five minutes or so will begin to be absorbed and metabolized.

The metabolites bind with skin proteins, forming new structures. In about 85% of the human population, the immune system sees these structures as foreign and attacks them. It is this immune response, or allergic reaction, which causes the itching, inflammation, and blistering of the skin. These symptoms generally appear after half a day to two days. After a few more days, when all of the alien structures have been destroyed (along with much of the surrounding tissue), the rash begins to heal...

The average person doesn't have a reaction the first time they're exposed, and if they do, it's usually delayed by seven to ten days. It takes some time for your body to produce the appropriate T-cells. Sensitivity also varies among individuals, and usually decreases with age. The palms of the hands and the soles of the feet, where the skin is thicker, are generally immune.

Severe cases, especially those involving mucous membranes (eyes, mouth, throat, lungs, etc.) require medical attention. Hydrocortisone preparations or, in really severe cases, steroids, are generally given to reduce the immune response. As with many allergens, a severe reaction can be fatal if left untreated.

The best way to avoid getting "poison ivy" is to not get urushiol on your skin. Know what the plant looks like and avoid it. If you can't avoid it, wear protective clothing. Wash anything that may have come in contact with the plant before it touches your skin, including your dog. Never ever ever burn poison ivy. Stay away from forest fires (unless you're a firefighter, then wear protective gear). There are also barrier creams that are commercially available.

If you think you've been exposed, wash the area as soon as possible, preferably within an hour after exposure, with lots of cool running water. A lake or a river works well. Don't use soap unless it contains no oils (oil will cause the urushiol to spread). In the woods, look for bouncing bet (Saponaria officinales). With its high saponin content, it makes a workable oil-free soap. You may also wash the area with alcohol or another solvent, rinsing with plenty of water, but keep in mind that this strips your skin of its protective oils, making it more vulnerable to urushiol.

The most well known herbal treatment for poison ivy is the juice of jewelweed (Impatiens spp.) There may be a compound in jewelweed which binds to the same sites as the urushiol metabolites, thereby blocking their access. If this is true, applying jewelweed to the skin just before or just after exposure should prevent the rash. There is quite a lot of anecdotal evidence that this works. Jewelweed also has anti-inflammatory properties and should be a soothing treatment for an already developed rash.

Plantain (Plantago spp.), applied as a poultice, may also prevent the rash and will also soothe an already developed rash. Other plants with astringent and/or soothing properties may also help.

There is anecdotal evidence of people desensitizing themselves to poison ivy by eating poison ivy leaves, first starting with a tiny amount and then gradually increasing the dosage until a maintenance level is reached. The most common side effect of this treatment, however, is getting the rash where the urushiol passes out of your body. It is also possible to have symptoms internally. Similar treatments in pill form can be obtained from a doctor or dermatologist, but have the same unpleasant side effects. No other immunization appears to be available at this time.

Medicinally, poison ivy has been used to treat paralysis, arthritis, and certain persistent skin disorders, and also as a sedative. It is still used in homeopathic medicine for arthritis and skin disorders.

Poison ivy fruits are an important food source for a wide variety of birds (who also spread the seeds), and also for other wildlife, including deer. Goats quite like poison ivy and can be an effective means of controlling it. I've heard that drinking the milk from such a goat might desensitize a person, though I haven't seen any evidence to back that up. Studies have been done showing that urushiol is not transferred to the milk, but whether its metabolites are present seems to be unknown.

Poison ivy has occasionally been planted in gardens for color. This is how it arrived in England and Australia.

The sap turns black, and dries hard (like lacquer), when exposed to air, and has been used as a permanent ink, as a dye, and as an ingredient in varnishes.

To control poison ivy, either pull or dig it out by hand, cover it with mulch so that no light reaches it, mow it close to the ground, spray it with herbicides, or use any combination of methods. If you pull it out by hand, the best time is probably late fall or very early spring, and protective clothing must be worn. Be sure to get every part of the plant or it will regenerate. Throw it all in the trash (double bag it for the trash collector). Do not attempt to compost it and never ever try to burn it. When you're finished, wash everything, including yourself, thoroughly (wash your clothes separately from your other laundry or have them dry-cleaned if necessary). Using mulch is simple, but the ivy may pop through again, so cover it well. Mowing will kill a portion of it, anyway, as will the exposure to full sun, but remember that you're getting the oil all over the place, so wear protective gear and clean your equipment afterward. If herbicides are used, use them carefully, following the directions, and no more than necessary. Probably the most effective and least harmful method is to cut it and then use a disposable foam brush to paint the stump with the herbicide. You'll probably also want to wash everything when you're done. Herbicides are poisons, after all.

One last way to control poison ivy is to make the site inhospitable for it. Pay attention to the local conditions that it likes to grow in, and those it doesn't grow in, and then add or remove other plants to make the poison ivy feel less at home. Planting aggressive plants or plants that inhibit the growth of other plants, like black walnut or mugwort might be worth a try.

A last thought - don't create a problem where none exists. Behind the building where I work, there's a granite outcropping covered in wild blackberries, wild roses, staghorn sumac, moss with tiny little flowers and poison ivy. Small animals and birds loved the place, as did I, often picking blackberries there (carefully) on my lunch break. The poison ivy never spread off the rock because the area around it was kept mowed. But some safety official from the big city decided it was dangerous and had to be eliminated, so our maintenance crew has been spraying Round-up all over it for months and months. They haven't killed the poison ivy - and probably won't, even if they try to dig it out, since the roots run through the rock, but they've killed almost everything else there - there are no more blackberries, no roses, no birds or rabbits or tiny little flowers - and as far as I know noone ever actually got poison ivy there because only a few of us ever went back there and we were all nature types who knew enough to avoid it. It's just a waste of time, energy, and much needed habitat to start a war against something that isn't hurting anyone.

Cool Photo Development images

Some cool photo development images:

photo development
Image by joncandy
11/05/13 Cardiff City DVP v Charlton, U21, Cardiff City Stadium, Cardiff, Wales

The Impressive Cup and Presentation Table
photo development
Image by joncandy
11/05/13 Cardiff City DVP v Charlton, U21, Cardiff City Stadium, Cardiff, Wales

photo development
Image by joncandy
11/05/13 Cardiff City DVP v Charlton, U21, Cardiff City Stadium, Cardiff, Wales

Cool Picture Collages images

Some cool picture collages images:

picture collages
Image by °vudu
Calculo que esta foto se hizo a finales del 2008, en Popayán, en un experimento de proyecciones con Luis Mondragón comandando el proyector de diapositivas, Guillermo Marín quien tomó la foto y yo proyectando en el videobeam.

Beckley Wedding - France - © Justin Beckley Photography (2012) - Collage 4
picture collages
Image by Justin Beckley Photography

picture collages
Image by Liamkat
pictures from my first three studio photoshoots mixed together : )

Nice Photo Stock photos

A few nice photo stock images I found:

Faye Dunaway by David Shankbone
photo stock
Image by david_shankbone
Faye Dunaway at the Tribeca Film Festival in 2008.

You can read about what drove my photography and interviews here.


A few nice photo magazine images I found:

photo magazine
Image by Dave Malkoff
We are in the current issue of New York Magazine (Page 56 Centerfold)

Polaroid - 1973
photo magazine
Image by rchappo2002
Scanned from the Sunday Times Magazine - 13th May 1973.

Nice Free Photo Edit photos

Check out these free photo edit images:

Church of the Light
free photo edit
Image by Rusty Russ
Beautiful wintery scene illuminated by the power of light and color which I am still trying to understand and control in Photoshop.

Late Fall in New England
free photo edit
Image by Rusty Russ
Late one November day I photographed this scene, but there was a lake and dark trees that distracted from the image here. I had to do a lot of cropping and processing to bring the colors back out.

The BEAT CARES holiday food and toy drive at Brentwood Town Centre photos by Ron Sombilon Gallery (472)

A few nice image gallery images I found:

The BEAT CARES holiday food and toy drive at Brentwood Town Centre photos by Ron Sombilon Gallery (472)
image gallery

The BEAT CARES holiday food and toy drive at Brentwood Town Centre photos by Ron Sombilon Gallery (572)
image gallery

Nice Royalty Free Image photos

Some cool royalty free image images:

ASEAN Rickshaw Run Pioneers Edition - Launch Day
royalty free image
Image by The Adventurists
Download image for royalty free editorial use with image credit: 'The XCats".

Dr Surin Pitsuwan, Secretary General of ASEAN with teams at the launch of the new Rickshaw Run

For more information head to the official adventure website:


ASEAN Rickshaw Run Pioneers Edition - Launch Day
royalty free image
Image by The Adventurists
Download image for royalty free editorial use with image credit: 'The XCats".

ASEAN Rickshaw Run teams setting off on the Pioneers Edition of the new adventure...

For more information head to the official adventure website:


ASEAN Rickshaw Run Pioneers Edition - Launch Day
royalty free image
Image by The Adventurists
Download image for royalty free editorial use with image credit: 'The XCats".

Dr Surin Pitsuwan, Secretary General of ASEAN wishing the teams well for the adventure ahead

For more information head to the official adventure website:


Nice Image Galleries photos

Some cool image galleries images:

The BEAT CARES holiday food and toy drive at Brentwood Town Centre photos by Ron Sombilon Gallery (746)
image galleries

Nice Photo Fun photos

Check out these photo fun images:

Hello, Flickr!
photo fun
Image by pangalactic gargleblaster and the heart of gold
Hello, India! with Kanishka, Abhinay and Aditya (L to R)

Come Rain Or Come Shine
photo fun
Image by enggul
Probably my last meetup with the FTPS pals. *sigh*... (rain or shine)
Taken during the Awaodori Festival in Koenji.

Nice Photo Gift photos

Check out these photo gift images:

Holiday Wine Tag - Label - Gift Exchange Tag - Printable PDF DIY
photo gift
Image by blush printables
These custom wine-tags are a finished size of 4"x8.2" and are designed to fit around the neck of a wine bottle. Print from your home computer, then trim to size & slide over the neck of a wine bottle for a personalized Christmas or hostess gift.

----------------------------------------{ DETAILS, DETAILS }--------------------------------------
{design} I design, you print.
{print color} As shown, but custom colors available for a upgrade fee.
{delivered} via email, to the email address on file with Etsy.
{included} two printable wine tags, as shown.

----------------------------------------{ HOW IT WORKS }--------------------------------------

1. Proof it!
Within 3 business days, you can expect a proof sent to you via email.

2. Print it!
After you approve the design, I'll send you a high resolution PDF file to use however you'd like. Print yourself or stop at a print specialist to do the work for you.

----------------------------------------{ MATERIALS YOU WILL NEED }--------------------------------------
• Printer or printing service company
• Photo Paper or White card stock
• Scissors OR paper cutter
• 2.5" circle punch OR scissors

----------------------------------------{ ETC, ETC }--------------------------------------
By purchasing this listing, you are agreeing to my terms and conditions.

Santa's Dead. Til Next Xmas.
photo gift
Image by Keoni Cabral

Christmas HDR
photo gift
Image by K.G.Photos
AEB -2, 0, +2 jpeg

Photomatix (Merge & Tone Mapping)

Topaz Adjust

Noise Ninja

Best to view ALL Sizes or try Viewing with a Black background

Do you have a Twitter or a Tumblr? Follow me!

Cool Photo To Canvas images

Some cool photo to canvas images:

NYC - Metropolitan Museum of Art - Esther before Ahasuerus
photo to canvas
Image by wallyg
Esther before Ahasuerus
Artemisia Gentileschi (Italian, Roman, 15931651/53)
Oil on canvas; 82 x 107 3/4 in. (208.3 x 273.7 cm)

The most famous woman painter of the seventeenth century, Artemisia worked in Rome, Florence, Venice, and Naples. This painting, among her most ambitious, dates from about 1630. It recounts the story of the Jewish heroine Esther, who appeared before King Ahasuerus to plead for her people, thus breaking court etiquette and risking death. She fainted in his presence, but her request found favor. The story is conceived not as a historical recreation but as a contemporary event, with emphasis on elaborate costumes. The picture has been abraded, compromising the brilliant description of the luxurious fabrics. Initially Artemisia included the detail of a black boy restraining a dog--still partly visible beneath the marble pavement, to the left of Ahasuerus's knee.

Gift of Elinor Dorrance Ingersoll, 1969 (69.281)

The Metropolitan Museum of Art's permanent collection contains more than two million works of art from around the world. It opened its doors on February 20, 1872, housed in a building located at 681 Fifth Avenue in New York City. Under their guidance of John Taylor Johnston and George Palmer Putnam, the Met's holdings, initially consisting of a Roman stone sarcophagus and 174 mostly European paintings, quickly outgrew the available space. In 1873, occasioned by the Met's purchase of the Cesnola Collection of Cypriot antiquities, the museum decamped from Fifth Avenue and took up residence at the Douglas Mansion on West 14th Street. However, these new accommodations were temporary; after negotiations with the city of New York, the Met acquired land on the east side of Central Park, where it built its permanent home, a red-brick Gothic Revival stone "mausoleum" designed by American architects Calvert Vaux and Jacob Wrey Mold. As of 2006, the Met measures almost a quarter mile long and occupies more than two million square feet, more than 20 times the size of the original 1880 building.

In 2007, the Metropolitan Museum of Art was ranked #17 on the AIA 150 America's Favorite Architecture list.

The Metropolitan Museum of Art was designated a landmark by the New York City Landmarks Preservation Commission in 1967. The interior was designated in 1977.

National Historic Register #86003556

NYC - Metropolitan Museum of Art: John Singleton Copley's Mrs. Winthrop
photo to canvas
Image by wallyg
Mrs. John Winthrop
John Singleton Copley (1738-1815)
Oil on canvas; 35 1/2 x 28 3/4 in. (90.2 x 73 cm)

Hannah Fayerweather (1727-1790) was the daughter of Thomas and Hannah Waldo Fayerweather. She was baptized at the First Church in Boston in February 12, 1727. She was married twice, in 1745 to Parr Tolman and in 1756 to John Winthrop, a professor of mathematics and natural history at Harvard University and a noted astronomer. Although this portrait has traditionally been dated 1774, a receipt dated June 24, 1773, places its execution in the previous year. The portrait is one of a number in which Copley prominently featured a beautifully reflective tabletop. This was one of the last portraits Copley painted befrore he left for England in 1774.

Morris K. Jesup Fund, 1931 (31.109)

The Metropolitan Museum of Art's permanent collection contains more than two million works of art from around the world. It opened its doors on February 20, 1872, housed in a building located at 681 Fifth Avenue in New York City. Under their guidance of John Taylor Johnston and George Palmer Putnam, the Met's holdings, initially consisting of a Roman stone sarcophagus and 174 mostly European paintings, quickly outgrew the available space. In 1873, occasioned by the Met's purchase of the Cesnola Collection of Cypriot antiquities, the museum decamped from Fifth Avenue and took up residence at the Douglas Mansion on West 14th Street. However, these new accommodations were temporary; after negotiations with the city of New York, the Met acquired land on the east side of Central Park, where it built its permanent home, a red-brick Gothic Revival stone "mausoleum" designed by American architects Calvert Vaux and Jacob Wrey Mold. As of 2006, the Met measures almost a quarter mile long and occupies more than two million square feet, more than 20 times the size of the original 1880 building.

In 2007, the Metropolitan Museum of Art was ranked #17 on the AIA 150 America's Favorite Architecture list.

The Metropolitan Museum of Art was designated a landmark by the New York City Landmarks Preservation Commission in 1967. The interior was designated in 1977.

National Historic Register #86003556

NYC - Metropolitan Museum of Art: The Dance Class
photo to canvas
Image by wallyg
The Dance Class
Edgar Degas (French, 1834-1917)
Oil on canvas

When this work and its variant in the Musée d'Orsay, Paris, were painted in the mid-1870s, they constituted Degas's most ambitious figural compositions except for history paintings. Some twenty-four women, ballerinas and their mothers, wait while a dancer executes an "attitude" for her examination. Jules Perrot, one of the best-known dancers and ballet masters in Europe, conducts the class. The imaginary scene is set in a rehearsal room in the old Paris Opéra—a poster for Rossini's "Guillaume Tell" is on the wall beside the mirror—even though the building had just burned to the ground.

The painting was commissioned in 1872 as part of an arrangement between Degas and the singer and collector Jean-Baptiste Faure. It was one of only a few commissions that the artist ever accepted, and the painting was delivered in November 1874 after two years of intermittent work.

Bequest of Mrs. Harry Payne Bingham, 1986

"The Metropolitan Museum of Art's permanent collection contains more than two million works of art from around the world. It opened its doors on February 20, 1872, housed in a building located at 681 Fifth Avenue in New York City. Under their guidance of John Taylor Johnston and George Palmer Putnam, the Met's holdings, initially consisting of a Roman stone sarcophagus and 174 mostly European paintings, quickly outgrew the available space. In 1873, occasioned by the Met's purchase of the Cesnola Collection of Cypriot antiquities, the museum decamped from Fifth Avenue and took up residence at the Douglas Mansion on West 14th Street. However, these new accommodations were temporary; after negotiations with the city of New York, the Met acquired land on the east side of Central Park, where it built its permanent home, a red-brick Gothic Revival stone "mausoleum" designed by American architects Calvert Vaux and Jacob Wrey Mold. As of 2006, the Met measures almost a quarter mile long and occupies more than two million square feet, more than 20 times the size of the original 1880 building."

Cool Photo Services images

A few nice photo services images I found:

Dr. Anna Shaw [and] Miss Anthony [i.e. Daisy Harriman] (LOC)
photo services
Image by The Library of Congress
Bain News Service,, publisher.

Dr. Anna Shaw [and] Miss Anthony [i.e. Daisy Harriman]

[between ca. 1910 and ca. 1915]

1 negative : glass ; 5 x 7 in. or smaller.

Title from data provided by the Bain News Service on the negative.
Photo shows suffragists Anna Howard Shaw (1847-1919) and Florence Jaffray "Daisy" Harriman (1870-1967), with banner labeled "Anthony." (Source: Flickr Commons project, 2009)
Forms part of: George Grantham Bain Collection (Library of Congress).

Format: Glass negatives.

Rights Info: No known restrictions on publication.

Repository: Library of Congress, Prints and Photographs Division, Washington, D.C. 20540 USA, hdl.loc.gov/loc.pnp/pp.print

General information about the Bain Collection is available at hdl.loc.gov/loc.pnp/pp.ggbain

Higher resolution image is available (Persistent URL): hdl.loc.gov/loc.pnp/ggbain.12787

Call Number: LC-B2- 2667-15

Mme. Lydia Yavorska (LOC)
photo services
Image by The Library of Congress
Bain News Service,, publisher.

Mme. Lydia Yavorska

1913 April 10

1 negative : glass ; 5 x 7 in. or smaller.

Title and date from data provided by the Bain News Service on the negative.
Photo shows Madame Lydia Yavorska (1869?-1921), a Russian actress and theatrical manager. (Source: Flickr Commons project, 2009)
Forms part of: George Grantham Bain Collection (Library of Congress).

Format: Glass negatives.

Rights Info: No known restrictions on publication.

Repository: Library of Congress, Prints and Photographs Division, Washington, D.C. 20540 USA, hdl.loc.gov/loc.pnp/pp.print

General information about the Bain Collection is available at hdl.loc.gov/loc.pnp/pp.ggbain

Higher resolution image is available (Persistent URL): hdl.loc.gov/loc.pnp/ggbain.12685

Call Number: LC-B2- 2654-4

Fun with a fisheye lens

A few nice photo fun images I found:

Fun with a fisheye lens
photo fun
Image by gwilmore (I HATE THE NEW LAYOUT!)
My friend John Power isn't a member of Flickr, but he should be. Until today, he was the High Priests group leader in our LDS ward. However, he has been released, and Yours Truly was called to be one of the two assistants to the new group leader, but that's another story for another day. John works on the side as a photographer, mostly of weddings and the like, and does quite well with it. He recently purchased a Nikon D200, along with some lenses and other accessories; and after church today, he invited me over to examine his new toy and play around with it a little bit myself.

For this picture, I used my own Nikon D50, to which I attached John's 10.5mm f/2.8 fisheye lens. I had never used a fisheye lens before, but was amazed how much fun I had with his. This picture is one of three that I took with it, and I chose to post the photo because it is the only one of the three in which I appear. (Or part of me, at least. I don't like to do self-portraits, but in this case I felt my presence would add something to the photo.) The appearance of my foot in this image was intentional, and the setting, of course, is the den at John's house.

My EXIF data will probably show that this image went through Photoshop Elements, but all I did there was look at it. This photo was not edited or retouched in any way before I posted it. No flash was used, either; with a 2.8 lens, I was able to capture this image using nothing but ambient lighting.

For sheer fun, this one has to be included among my own favorite pictures, although I don't imagine it will be noticed all that much on Flickr. But I'm posting it anyway, in the hope that whoever does see it enjoys it.

One Strange Duck
photo fun
Image by jah~
Rubber Sphinxy lit up from the inside below against cc licensed photo from swamibu on laptop LCD: www.flickr.com/photos/swamibu/2223726960/. Not on vacation yet, but getting close! Maybe sphinxy will join us.

wagon wheel

A few nice image uploader images I found:

wagon wheel
image uploader
Image by postbear
at riverdale farm bigger and blacker here.

i keep trying to add a smaller version of this to the earth day project over at earthmosaic.org but keep getting this error message:

Fatal error: Allowed memory size of 8388608 bytes exhausted (tried to allocate 2560 bytes) in /home/earthmos/public_html/process.php on line 134.


edit: success uploading after resizing to 640 pixels wide myself before uploading to the earthmosaic site. i suspected their uploader was having trouble with images that were too big, despite being smaller than 500kb. if you're having trouble, resize, and if you need an editing program to do it, i suggest pixlr (i use pixlr when not at home: www.pixlr.com/)).

Ididwork joins twitter
image uploader
Image by Lisa Brewster
Love the default icon and how they're addressing users like email messages.

(I know I tumbled this image, too...just wanted to test a new flickr uploader and this was all I had handy)

Nice Print Photo photos

Check out these print photo images:

Kalmar Cathedral, Småland, Sweden
print photo
Image by Swedish National Heritage Board
Kalmar Cathedral at the Main Square. The cathedral, created by Nicodemus Tessin the Elder, was inaugurated in 1682. It is concidered to be the foremost Baroque church in Sweden.

Kalmar domkyrka vid Stora torget. Kyrkan, som ritades av Nicodemus Tessin den äldre, invigdes 1682. Den anses vara Sveriges främsta barockkyrka.

Parish (socken): Kalmar
Province (landskap): Småland
Municipality (kommun): Kalmar
County (län): Kalmar

Photograph by: Unknown
Date: c. 1900
Format: Albumen print

Persistent URL: www.kms.raa.se/cocoon/bild/show-image.html?id=16000200082914

Read more about the photo database (in english): www.kms.raa.se/cocoon/bild/about.html

A brief tour of the model (sorry for the crappy quality of the clip)
print photo
Image by post-apocalyptic research institute
Designed in Minecraft, exported with Mineways, and printed on a Zprinter 650.

This model has a block size of 3mm (edge length). We used a different texture set this time: DokuCraft - HIGH.

The castle is sliced into three parts to show the interior of the model. The game model can be downloaded here: dl.dropbox.com/u/28620795/village_model.zip.

Fun fact: this castle is the same as in this printout: www.flickr.com/photos/postapocalyptic/6606213211/in/set-7...

Nice Hp Photo photos

Some cool hp photo images:

HP Future Is (SG) - Group Photo 2
hp photo
Image by HP PSG APJ

HP Future Is (MY) - Group Photo 8
hp photo
Image by HP PSG APJ


Some cool photo collage maker images:

photo collage maker
Image by Pearl Mountain

photo collage maker
Image by Pearl Mountain

The Immortality Imperative

Check out these fun photos images:

The Immortality Imperative
fun photos
Image by jurvetson
When the Andregg brothers started Halcyon Molecular to lower the cost of gene sequencing, they had a bolder mission in mind – to solve the tricky problem of death.

Their foundational framework is framed in the company cafeteria for all to see. It serves perhaps as a focal point for Pollyannaish priorities.

Choose a Life:
• Life 1 – one item from the Fun Stuff to Do List, and then death.
• Life 2 - one item from the Immortality List, and then myriad fun projects, like a bouquet of creativity

(Click photo to enlarge, or mouse-over notes. Shared with permission)

"yeah yeah, we have..."
fun photos
Image by icedsoul photography .:teymur madjderey
"...heard all this before! and no, the redlight district will not be opened up again."
"bewbewbew booh booh boing!!!"
"frankly I don't really care how much money you've spent on rebuilding this old... shack!"
"bewbew bew booh booh boing bing wee weee weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee..."
"STOP IT!!! as fun as it all may seem sir, but ninetynine percent of your customers got stabbed or impaled in your establishment. you should really think about leaving back to our home system if you want to keep up this line of work."
"weee weeee boooh boooh zap zing weee!"
"yeah to you too sir!"

-day eightyfive-
of my one year photo project

Epic Cluster Launch
fun photos
Image by jurvetson
My son designed and built this 4-engine cluster rocket from scratch, with GLR nomex honeycomb fins, and an Aerotech Metalstorm engine on each fin edge, and a reduction coupler for the strap-on camera, and RF tracking inside.

And get a load of this – all three metalstorm motors at the ends of the fins are actually lit and coming up to pressure. In this frame, none look lit, but they all are. Below, you can see the sparkles from the titanium sponge mixed into those motors.

A whole series of events led to the loss of the upper half of the rocket. Will post analysis below, thanks to photo tracking into the sky

Here is the HD pad-cam video. Since it's a fixed videocamera at the pad, the visual action is brief, but the soundtrack is fun. The Cesaroni J355 Red Lightning central engine just roars off the pad.

Cool Online Photos images

Some cool online photos images:

FLOWERS !! ...item 2.. Private investigator solves riddle of couple's missing 0,000 engagement ring -- the Hill family called in top Florida private investigator John Milano, ABC News reports. (11th January 2012) ...
online photos
Image by marsmet552
Investigation revealed Lottie Cook had stolen more than ,000 dollars from her mother, 89 year-old Sarah Cook. Sarah Cook came to live with her daughter, in April 2011, after being injured and needing additional care.

Between April and June 2011, Lottie Cook wrote several checks from her mother’s checking account without her permission. Lottie Cook purchased a vehicle and paid several bills with the money she had taken from her mother’s account.

The vehicle Cook purchased was seized by the Tallahassee Police Department.

.......***** All images are copyrighted by their respective authors ......
.....item 1).... WCTV News ... www.wctv.tv ... Updated: 4:58 PM Oct 13, 2011

Tallahassee Police Arrest Woman on Fraud Charges

TPD arrests Lottie Cook, 51, for stealing more than ,000 from her 89-year old mother.

img code photo....Lottie Cook



Posted: 4:57 PM Oct 13, 2011
Reporter: TPD Press Release


Tallahassee, FL -- October 13, 2011 --

On Monday, October 10, 2011, the Tallahassee Police Department arrested 51 year-old Lottie Cook, for 19 outstanding felony warrants.

Investigation revealed Lottie Cook had stolen more than ,000 dollars from her mother, 89 year-old Sarah Cook. Sarah Cook came to live with her daughter, in April 2011, after being injured and needing additional care. Between April and June 2011, Lottie Cook wrote several checks from her mother’s checking account without her permission. Lottie Cook purchased a vehicle and paid several bills with the money she had taken from her mother’s account. The vehicle Cook purchased was seized by the Tallahassee Police Department.


Lottie Cook, white female, DOB:12/05/1960

11 counts of Forgery
6 counts of Uttering
1 count of Grand Theft ,000 victim 65 or older
1 count of Exploitation of the Elderly

Sarah Cook discovered the missing money when she returned to her home in South Florida, at which time she filed a police report.
.....item 2).... Mail Online ... Private investigator solves riddle of couple's missing 0,000 engagement ring ... as their cleaner is arrested for 'selling it to pawn shop for just ,500'

Last updated at 1:34 PM on 11th January 2012


A cleaner has arrested and charged with grand theft after a diamond ring valued at 0,000 went missing from a house she was working in.

Cody Mejias, 26, is accused of taking the ring from the home of Robert Hill in Stuart, Florida.

She allegedly sold the ring to a pawn shop for ,800 and told police she needed the money to feed her children.

img code photo ... Cody Mejias, 26


Cleaner Cody Mejias reportedly told police she took the ring to feed her children


But before the police got involved the Hill family called in top Florida private investigator John Milano, ABC News reports.

He carried out polygraphs tests which, he said, Mejias failed.

Mr Milano said that after the tests, Mejias was avoiding him.


Grandmother 'chained her mentally-ill grandson to bed for three years so he wouldn't steal food from other homes

He said: 'I hunted her down. She refused to come in so we had to get police involved.'

The ring was traced to Jensen Beach Jewelers which is owned by Charles Sarullo.

Mr Sarullo said Mejias had sold him the ring for ,800.

Mr Milano called Mr Sarullo and said that he returned the ring he would give him the ,000 reward the

Hills were offering, plus the ,800 he had paid for the ring.

img code photo ... The 0,000 diamond ring


Highly unusual: The 0,000 diamond ring that was stolen from a house in Florida


The Martin County arrest affidavit states: 'According to Sarullo, Mejias came in on 12/22/11 and stated she received a diamond ring as an inheritance from a recently deceased aunt.'

Police seized the ring and arrested Mejias who allegedly confessed that she stole it while cleaning the Hill residence.

The affidavit said: 'Mejias was apologetic and stated she needed the money to feed her children.'

'Mejias advised the money she retrieved from the transaction was used for food, gas, Christmas gifts and bills.'

Mejias, who is being held on a ,000 bond, also wrote the the Hills and apologized.

Milano said the ring is unusual. He said: 'The main stone is an oddity, a 10.38-carat emerald-cut diamond. The side diamonds are also one carat each and kite-shaped, which is an unusual cut.'

Cool Photo images

Check out these photo images:

Image by fusion-of-horizons
basement of Mogosoaia Palace
with fresco fragments salvaged from the former Vacaresti Monastery,
built in 1716, demolished in 1986 by N. Ceausescu

Pixfav-Images You Love to View

A few nice image database images I found:

Pixfav-Images You Love to View
image database
Image by PixFav.com
Great Collection of Pictures from allover the Internet.Our Database has Thousands of Inspiring Pictures...@ Pixfav.com

Pixfav-Images You Love to View
image database
Image by PixFav.com
Great Collection of Pictures from allover the Internet.Our Database has Thousands of Inspiring Pictures...@ Pixfav.com

Nice Free Image Download photos

Some cool free image download images:

valentine´s day free gift tag
free image download
Image by Pupa Art
Enjoy for personal use.
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Free Abstract Cloudy Sky Burgundy Background
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Image by webtreats
Free tileable, high quality background images in size 512 x 1024px. Ideal for desktop wallpapers, graphic design, twitter, myspace and other purposes. If using for Twitter make sure you select the "tile background" checkbox when uploading.

Here's the link to download this image:
